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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 10-13-2008, 11:41 PM
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Re: ****UPDATED**** C-ApiSRO - XM & Sirius Satellite Radio for PocketPC (PPC)

Thanks for updating! works on sprint mogul with wm 6.1 now...no more problems with loading/playing - thanks!
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 10-14-2008, 12:46 AM
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Re: ****UPDATED**** C-ApiSRO - XM & Sirius Satellite Radio for PocketPC (PPC)

Originally Posted by R-Capi View Post
I appreciate you cleaning up this post, however, I may need access to that archive. There are some suggestions/issues that I will need access to so I can fix them.

Is there a way to access this archive?
The archive is not available to public search...but I can easily reinstate posts if needed.

Let me know.

"I don't want to spend my life explaining myself. Either you get it or you don't." Frank Zappa
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 10-14-2008, 08:58 PM
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Re: ****UPDATED**** C-ApiSRO - XM & Sirius Satellite Radio for PocketPC (PPC)

I love this program!!! Only thing I have noticed (i cant remember if its been addressed) is when im streaming xm on my diamond and take a call, it attempts to reconnect to the stream and I get the recording of some dude saying "this channel isnt available please log in and try again"

Cant wait for the favorites to work where do I donate ??
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 10-15-2008, 10:44 PM
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Re: ****UPDATED**** C-ApiSRO - XM & Sirius Satellite Radio for PocketPC (PPC)

Originally Posted by nhstunner View Post
btw, this program takes SiriusWM5's lunch money, if you know what I mean!
What he said... sort of. I lost Sirius WM5 with my recent WM6 upgrade... this app has a much nicer look and feel. Now, if only I could get it to work

I can log in from my desktop and stream Sirius, but on my 700wx with WM6, it just sits at the "Retrieving song information. Please wait" I tried to stop and start it again, but got an error message (sorry, I didn't capture it) that told me to quit and restart. I did... same "Retrieving..." message. It loads the channel images fine. Just no audio (??)
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 10-16-2008, 01:32 AM
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Re: ****UPDATED**** C-ApiSRO - XM & Sirius Satellite Radio for PocketPC (PPC)

Originally Posted by labboypro View Post
What he said... sort of. I lost Sirius WM5 with my recent WM6 upgrade... this app has a much nicer look and feel. Now, if only I could get it to work

I can log in from my desktop and stream Sirius, but on my 700wx with WM6, it just sits at the "Retrieving song information. Please wait" I tried to stop and start it again, but got an error message (sorry, I didn't capture it) that told me to quit and restart. I did... same "Retrieving..." message. It loads the channel images fine. Just no audio (??)
Send me a log file so I can see what's going on. I spawn an HTTP proxy on a different thread to intercept the Sirius stream. This provides me the ability to pull song information from the stream. Maybe the Treo has problems with threading.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 10-16-2008, 07:50 AM
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Re: ****UPDATED**** C-ApiSRO - XM & Sirius Satellite Radio for PocketPC (PPC)

Hey R-Capi, I've noticed sometimes, when the app gets hung up buffering, it disappears from the "task manager" (in my case, x-button). If the app is focused, it is unresponsive, If it isn't, you can't get to it. If you try to end it while it's locked up, say with the X (x ends applications), it doesn't actually close. It will suddenly come back to life.

BTW it's pretty hard to log these incidents since I'd have to pick a point where the stream suddenly starts buffering.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 10-16-2008, 08:10 AM
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Re: ****UPDATED**** C-ApiSRO - XM & Sirius Satellite Radio for PocketPC (PPC)

First, thank you for your program! I'm aware there is a high speed option that can be checked; but if unchecked does that imply low bandwidth? If so, is it 32K and/or less? I have T-Mobile Web and as many who are aware of this, 3G has not rolled out to most of us including myself. We do have EDGE, but prior to upgrading to this software I created a playlist with my login information and bandwidth selection that could be accessed directly from Windows Media Player Mobile from my Axim x51v via XStreamXM web site. Prior to the Sirius and XM offering their respective Best of packages, I was able to access that website but as many including here have learned, the update has rendered many of us unable to access that website. We can however access the main XMRO link via XM Radio.com and logging in. I have had no problems accessing XMRO through C-ApiSRO via Wi-Fi at home, but all I receive via my cell phone tether to my Axim is a blank channel screen and no music. At this point I can only assume the EDGE connection is not fast enough, but I'd appreciate whether this is confirmed by other users, or is there a software glitch or a setting within the program that specifically locks in the lower bandwidth; thank you!
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 10-16-2008, 08:58 AM
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Re: ****UPDATED**** C-ApiSRO - XM & Sirius Satellite Radio for PocketPC (PPC)

Originally Posted by SnittyKitty View Post
First, thank you for your program! I'm aware there is a high speed option that can be checked; but if unchecked does that imply low bandwidth? If so, is it 32K and/or less? I have T-Mobile Web and as many who are aware of this, 3G has not rolled out to most of us including myself. We do have EDGE, but prior to upgrading to this software I created a playlist with my login information and bandwidth selection that could be accessed directly from Windows Media Player Mobile from my Axim x51v via XStreamXM web site. Prior to the Sirius and XM offering their respective Best of packages, I was able to access that website but as many including here have learned, the update has rendered many of us unable to access that website. We can however access the main XMRO link via XM Radio.com and logging in. I have had no problems accessing XMRO through C-ApiSRO via Wi-Fi at home, but all I receive via my cell phone tether to my Axim is a blank channel screen and no music. At this point I can only assume the EDGE connection is not fast enough, but I'd appreciate whether this is confirmed by other users, or is there a software glitch or a setting within the program that specifically locks in the lower bandwidth; thank you!
Yes, when "High Speed" is not checked the bandwith is low. I'm not 100% sure about the speeds, because that is defined by the provider. I merely enable the low/high speed option that XM or Sirius provides. However, even if your EDGE network can't handle the throughput of high speed, you should still hear sound. It would be choppy and break up alot, but still play.

It sounds like something other than stream size is your problem. My guess is that C-ApiSRO isn't finding your EDGE network when Wi-Fi is unavailable. It could simply be a configuration setting somewhere that we need to set. Please send me a log file so I can understand your problem further.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 10-16-2008, 09:21 AM
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Re: ****UPDATED**** C-ApiSRO - XM & Sirius Satellite Radio for PocketPC (PPC)

Originally Posted by 640k View Post
Hey R-Capi, I've noticed sometimes, when the app gets hung up buffering, it disappears from the "task manager" (in my case, x-button). If the app is focused, it is unresponsive, If it isn't, you can't get to it. If you try to end it while it's locked up, say with the X (x ends applications), it doesn't actually close. It will suddenly come back to life.

BTW it's pretty hard to log these incidents since I'd have to pick a point where the stream suddenly starts buffering.
Who wrote this piece of crap application? Sounds like a typical windows application doesn't it?

I don't remember if you were Sirius or XM, but that information actually matters to me. I handle the streams completely different based on the provider. I can't imagine XM is causing you these problems because the implementation is fairly simple, so I'm guessing you are using Sirius.

This is relevant because I intercept the stream from Sirius and pull song information from it. Maybe something is going awry with that and causing you these headaches. It's possible there is a special situation in the stream that occurs every once in a great while that I'm not handling correctly. I may provide a build that disables this feature to see if your problem disappears.

The reason why it disappears from your Task list is because the app is unresponsive to receive notification events from the system. The system is pinging all of the apps to display them in the task list and C-ApiSRO is not responding, so it doesn't show. I need to understand why it locks up in the first place and fix that problem. All of the others will disappear.

The best thing you can do for me is take notes about your environment when this happens. Tell me things such as:
  • Time of day
  • How long it's been streaming
  • Provider
  • Channel you're listening to
  • Network strength (EVDO, 1x, Edge, etc)
  • Other programs running
  • Available RAM memory
  • How long it goes out to lunch
  • Were you doing something else on the phone (Call, SMS, etc)
As much as you can tell me about what was going on when this happens the better chance I have of reproducing the problem.

You can also enable your log file, but you MUST make sure you delete it every so often. The log will grow every time you change a channel. If you are willing to maintain the file then enable logging and hopefully we'll get lucky catching this problem. YOU MUST DELETE THAT FILE every so often or it will eat your file storage up.

Before I go I have two questions for you: how often does this happen? Is it something that is making this app unusable for you?

Holy cow, I should get this published; it's freaking huge.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 10-16-2008, 09:31 AM
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Re: ****UPDATED**** C-ApiSRO - XM & Sirius Satellite Radio for PocketPC (PPC)

XM. It happens everyday. I stream the connection all day at work.

This "freezing/locking up" happens under two situations:

1. Random internet hiccup. Suddenly the app will need to buffer and I'll lose music. If I try to exit, disconnect or anything within the app, it's unresponsive.

2. When I try to change a channel. If the channel takes a long time to change, the app is basically frozen. Telling you this is the best way I can describe what is happening. If you change the channel after listening for an extended period of time and it seems to hang while "tuning" in to the next channel, that is the same behavior I face when it randomly hangs.

3. Related or not, yesterday I noticed that while it was trying to reconnect or buffer or something, the EXIT option was grayed out on the Menu.
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