Originally Posted by orangesuburban
Originally Posted by signal34
Originally Posted by orangesuburban
well i may be having the problems with today agenda also, but i dont use it for anything but showing my next 3 days info on my today screen... to add anything or edit something i do it from poutlook... what kinda problems did yall have?
The space for the plugin is there on the desktop, but there's a bunch of gobbledy-goop for characters, all lined up vertically on the left side of the screen.
I only use the maximum compression setting as well. I've found that compressing icons results in many more failures.
ill be on the lookout but ive softreset about 15 times today since i compressed today agenda... working fine for me...
Can you tell me which version of TA you're using? Also, which files you UPX'd? I'd like to give it another go if you've got it working. I know it's a small program, but I'm hoping to regain as much space as possible.
Thanks much.