FIXED! Check this out:
As it turns out, the WeatherPanel.dll has an internal text resource that contains the moon phase table. I reverse engineered the format:
- 1st number: the date - number of days since 1/1/1900
2nd number: the percent of illumination
3rd number: a combination of the phase (1,2,3,4) and the time of the phase (last four digits)
I generated a new table for 2007, using
this site to generate the data.
I then used a resource editor to update the
WeatherPanel.dll with the new table. This is
version 2.5.1. If you're running an older version of WeatherPanel, you'll need to upgrade first.
Installation instructions:- 1. On your device, go to Start -> Settings -> Personal -> Today. Open the Items tab and uncheck WeatherPanel.
2. Dock your device and browse to \Program Files\MarsWare\WeatherPanel.
3. Make a copy of WeatherPanel.dll (or rename it), then unzip and copy the new WeatherPanel.dll to the same location.
4. Go back to your Today settings (as in #1) and recheck WeatherPanel.
NOTE: You may get a message about running a program from an unknown source. Be sure to OK this (it's a one time deal).
The moon phases should be good for another year! Enjoy!
Go to the first post in this thread to download the fix!