i used to have a 6700 and now have a 6800 and the folders r located/found the same way. If i may suggest, just go to start -> programs -> file explorer there u should b able to see the "widows" folder as well as ur "programs", "my documents" etc. folders. SO all u have to do is find where ever the weather icons r located, select all of them, hold the stylus down and the on the pop up menu select copy and then go back to the main area of the file explorer, then top the windows folder and then on the bottom bar (where the right soft key is) select menu -> edit -> paste and all that should load into ur "windows" folder and then wala, u should b set.
BTW... a little off topic but didn't knwo where to ask. Anyone know how to disable the s2u2 wallpaper from poping up when i get an incoming call when the s2u2 isn't running? Like, when i'm using the phone and going through w/e it is that i'm doing, when i get a call the S2U2 wallpaper comes up (as if the device is locked) and shows the person that's calling, the only way i can disable this is by going into setting and in the phones section, changing the display from "thumbnail" or "fullscreen" to "none" but if i set it to none then when i have the lock running and i get a call, it doesn't show the wallpaper... does that make senes?