Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1
i have 0 problems with the app. now i did take me a while to figure out all the settings. when i woukd switch from tf3d to second today, the volume would change. im sure you need to play with the app. to get it to your liking. give it some time, the free trial is 15days. lol
oh.. well i bought it... the flight thing isnt a huge deal if it indeed doesnt work right... cause i don't use that very often, plus i could just use comm manager.
i've been playing with the settings all day and can't understand why changing to flight mode would change the vibrate alert settings for sms/voicemail in the home profile once i switch back.. the other alerts seem to work fine... it's just when i have vibrate selected. Very weird. If i want to use phonealarm flight profile, my only option is to have repeat alert turned on... not a huge fan of repeating alarms, but i guess an extra 20 seconds is alright. I'll keep looking though to see if there's another setting - still.. changing to a different profile should not affect another profile at all.. that would defeat the purpose of profile switching (thank god it's only for flight switching).