Re: My today screen package
I like this theme a lot, but I didn't like the buggy prada plugin. So, in the interest in improving the usability of the very nice hitman theme, I figured out a way around the prada plugin.
I was able to use cLaunch with some custom bMPs to create an alternative. Check it out in the included image, that's not the prada plugin, it is cLaunch! I included a zip of the files needed to do it yourself. If you use ultimate launch, you can set UL to be a set height and push cLaunch all the way to the bottom. Otherwise, I am sure the spacer plugin will work in this case too, along with, of course, the no-bar exe. I included screenshots of the settings I used as well, for simplicity.
Re: My today screen package
what do you mean its not the LG plug in and the cLaunch? where you able to extract the icons and use them with cLaunch to launch different programs? Im not familiar with cLaunch but I would love to have those buttons on my phone but redirect them to different actions since I also think the LG plugin is buggy and pretty much USELESS for the functions it allows.
LG Prada theme for WAD
Not intending to hijack your thread, but since qwho has already jumped in, here's my $0.02.
I created a theme in Wisbar Advance Desktop that completley replicates the Prada menus, and then added more icons etc. I have posted the zip file in the PPC themes forum. |
Re: LG Prada theme for WAD
thats pretty cool but next time id ask u to post that in ur own thread, id like to keep this one on topic. thanks for the contribution though, dwizzy130 |