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Old 08-16-2011, 10:09 AM
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Lightbulb Weatherpanel Radars Fix/Upgrade

This is an Upgrade/Fix for the "radars.txt" file found in your copy of WeatherPanel. (Some of you who live in the US may have noticed that, starting this past June, images for your state from the previous site are no longer updated)

The following are some of the improvements:

1. Radars Updated - The state radars have all been updated to grab gif's from Intellicast, these gif's are animated (Except for Alaska, and Hawaii), and display 2-hour blocks of time. (NOTE: the times are all in GMT)

2. Satellite Coverage - I have included images of overhead cloud cover, as seen from a satellite view, for all nine regions of the continental US

3. Watches/Warnings - I've also added maps displaying regional Watches and Warnings (Tornado, T-Storm, Flooding, etc.)

4. Storm Tracking - Finally, I've added images for storm tracks and Satellite Imaging off the east and west coasts of North America (Times are also in GMT)

Instructions: Just replace your existing "radars.txt" with this one, update your weather images, and you'll be good to go!

(EDIT 8-22-2011: Added coastal satellite coverage)

Download Below, Enjoy!
Attached Files
File Type: txt radars.txt (8.9 KB, 11 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by Unit ZER0; 08-22-2011 at 02:44 PM.
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  PPCGeeks > Windows Mobile > Windows Mobile Hacks/Tweaks > Pocket PC Themes > WeatherPanel Themes

2011, radars, update, weatherpanel

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