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View Poll Results: Should I release an early very Alpha 16 Quick Links for 2.5.1922?
No, I should wait until all issues are worked out completely? 46 34.07%
I should just give up on it completely! 5 3.70%
What am I waiting for? Release that thing! 69 51.11%
I don't Care! 15 11.11%
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  #91 (permalink)  
Old 01-20-2010, 03:40 PM
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Re: }}Santod Mods{{16 Quick Links 2.5.1922}}Landscape BG4all version added!!{1-17-10}

Originally Posted by Whotahn View Post
Nice work Santod! Thanks for the info num5kull! Nice to have great mods that we don't have to worry about workin ROM to ROM!

Heck consider the animation over the top of any wallpaper a feature! I've made some pretty sweet combos now.....lol!

Thanks for all your work!
Thanks! Much appreciated!
I will also be posting a regedit so you can get your weather animations back, instead of having to keep a different animation after selecting one.

~My Ultimate WVGA Wallpapers Collection~
Donations accepted not expected!

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  #92 (permalink)  
Old 01-20-2010, 03:41 PM
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Re: }}Santod Mods{{16 Quick Links 2.5.1922}}Landscape BG4all version back up!!{1-20-1

REPOSTED!!! (1-20-10)
UPDATE!!! (1-17-10)
16 Links w/Landscape BG4all
for Sense 2.5.1922
PLEASE READ before downloading and instaling!
This cab will install the Portrait and Landscape Bg4all as well as the 16 Quick Links. You can also install my Basic Clock Array on top of this.(NRGz rom ~ No B4all version). Should work on most roms. The right softkey menu will show an option to Set Landscape for all tabs wallpaper, but it will trigger the weather Demo instead. To access the Landscape wallpaper setting, access it through the TouchFlo Settings tab> Personalize > Landscape all Tabs. As some people wanted their weather demo back!
Still looking into the weather animation pausing when leaving home and resuming once you return. That is the only issue at this point.

If you are using the stand alone version and want to try this one, please uninstall the old one first, reset your device and then install this one.

This cab also makes it so that whatever animated wallpaper you choose will play the animation on top of your selected wallpaper. It's pretty cool, but if you want the one that came with the animated wallpaper, you will have to extract it from the cab and select it as you would any other wallpaper to use it. It's nice cause you can use any animation, with any background image.
Here is the regedit,to get your weather animations back after selecting an animated wallpaper.
You can delete the animated wallpaper info from the registry to get your weather animations back after selecting an animated wallpaper.
HKCU/Software/HTC/Manila -> look for AnimatedBackgroundPath and HomeBackgroundPath and just delete the data that is in them.

16 Links w/Landscape Mode Added!!!(1-17-10)

See first post for download!!

Last edited by santod; 01-20-2010 at 08:52 PM.
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  #93 (permalink)  
Old 01-20-2010, 05:03 PM
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Re: }}Santod Mods{{16 Quick Links 2.5.1922}}Landscape BG4all version back up!!{1-20-1

Santod, thanks for the update. I'm getting ready to install, I'll let you know how it works out. I have one question. I noticed your softkeys on the home page are different. I would love to change my left soft key. Also I noticed that your wallpaper covers the whole screeen including the taskbar and softkeys. Can I pull this off without using HD Walls? I'm using MM's Impact ROM. Thanks for your great mods!
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  #94 (permalink)  
Old 01-20-2010, 05:22 PM
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Re: }}Santod Mods{{16 Quick Links 2.5.1922}}Landscape BG4all version back up!!{1-20-1

Originally Posted by rlw View Post
Santod, thanks for the update. I'm getting ready to install, I'll let you know how it works out. I have one question. I noticed your softkeys on the home page are different. I would love to change my left soft key. Also I noticed that your wallpaper covers the whole screeen including the taskbar and softkeys. Can I pull this off without using HD Walls? I'm using MM's Impact ROM. Thanks for your great mods!
The softkeys can be changed by selecting a different theme in the Today Settings.
As far as the full wallpaper, it's tricky and not perfect on 2.5.1922 builds so far. I have had pretty good success, using a transparent softkey theme, along with MaxTTM to make the wallpaper full screen. It does not work on all roms and will not look right without having a trans softkey theme.
Having said all that, MaxTTM also will not work with the Landscape B4all mod that's available, same with this landscape B4all 16 links mod.

I have gotten MaxTTM to work with the B4all landscape, but not perfectly. As you will notice in the pictures, it's not real a clean transition from wallpaper to the bars. The only way this will work at all with the landscape mod, is to select the same wallpaper for both Portrait and Landscape 4 all tabs. Then do the MaxTTM convert process that I have explained in a couple of my other threads. If you don't know how, or can't find it and wanna try it out. Let me know. I'll point you to my small walkthrough to setting fullscreen with MaxTTM. You would still need the Trans Softkey.tsk that I am using.
If you are interested, let me know and I'll see if I can dig up the .tsk and guide for you.

It also leaves a black line with the B4all landscape mod, when using MaxTTM, as shown here:

Last edited by santod; 01-20-2010 at 05:26 PM.
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  #95 (permalink)  
Old 01-20-2010, 06:35 PM
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Re: }}Santod Mods{{16 Quick Links 2.5.1922}}Landscape BG4all version back up!!{1-20-1

Originally Posted by santod View Post
The softkeys can be changed by selecting a different theme in the Today Settings.
As far as the full wallpaper, it's tricky and not perfect on 2.5.1922 builds so far. I have had pretty good success, using a transparent softkey theme, along with MaxTTM to make the wallpaper full screen. It does not work on all roms and will not look right without having a trans softkey theme.
Having said all that, MaxTTM also will not work with the Landscape B4all mod that's available, same with this landscape B4all 16 links mod.

I have gotten MaxTTM to work with the B4all landscape, but not perfectly. As you will notice in the pictures, it's not real a clean transition from wallpaper to the bars. The only way this will work at all with the landscape mod, is to select the same wallpaper for both Portrait and Landscape 4 all tabs. Then do the MaxTTM convert process that I have explained in a couple of my other threads. If you don't know how, or can't find it and wanna try it out. Let me know. I'll point you to my small walkthrough to setting fullscreen with MaxTTM. You would still need the Trans Softkey.tsk that I am using.
If you are interested, let me know and I'll see if I can dig up the .tsk and guide for you.

It also leaves a black line with the B4all landscape mod, when using MaxTTM, as shown here:
Santod, thanks for your quick response. I installed the cab and everything seems to be working fine. Since I'm such a noob I think I'll pass on trying to pull off the fullscreen wallpaper. But thanks anyhow. I am however interested in the changing my soft key. I'm a little confused. What do you mean when you say change the theme in the today settings?
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  #96 (permalink)  
Old 01-20-2010, 07:06 PM
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Re: }}Santod Mods{{16 Quick Links 2.5.1922}}Landscape BG4all version back up!!{1-20-1

Originally Posted by rlw View Post
Santod, thanks for your quick response. I installed the cab and everything seems to be working fine. Since I'm such a noob I think I'll pass on trying to pull off the fullscreen wallpaper. But thanks anyhow. I am however interested in the changing my soft key. I'm a little confused. What do you mean when you say change the theme in the today settings?
Great! Glad it's working good for you.
Unfortunately, I don't think Mighty's roms have too many options for .tsk themes. But you can download and install other .tsk themes for your phone. They will usually change the soft keys and the taskbar color, not the icons, but the color of the bars.

Here is the page you should see if you go to:
Settings > Home >

__________________________________________________ ___________
If I get a minute, I'll dig up and post a few options for you.
Here's one for now.
If you wanna try it, just install the cab file and then select the new theme in the list pictured above. It also changes the selection highlight.
I'll see if I can post a screen of it shortly, if you'd like.
But you can always switch back to your old theme or any other, if you don't like this one.


This particular .tsk will give you:

~ dark grey bars
~ sleek looking buttons
~ a newer green color for selected highlighted items
~ black WM SMS background, with white text
~ black file explorer background, with white text
Attached Files
File Type: cab hollblack_theme(W)VGA.cab (810.5 KB, 2 views) Click for barcode!
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  #97 (permalink)  
Old 01-20-2010, 07:23 PM
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Re: }}Santod Mods{{16 Quick Links 2.5.1922}}Landscape BG4all version back up!!{1-20-1

Santod, thanks for the theme. I will give it a try. Im embarrassed to say but I think I sent you down the wrong path. What I should have said is how to change what the soft keys do. Currently my left soft key says "phone." I want to change it to something else. I tried HD Tweaks but it didn't allow me to change it to what I wanted. It did offer a few options only. Again I apologize for the confusion.
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  #98 (permalink)  
Old 01-20-2010, 07:28 PM
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Re: }}Santod Mods{{16 Quick Links 2.5.1922}}Landscape BG4all version back up!!{1-20-1

Originally Posted by rlw View Post
Santod, thanks for the theme. I will give it a try. Im embarrassed to say but I think I sent you down the wrong path. What I should have said is how to change what the soft keys do. Currently my left soft key says "phone." I want to change it to something else. I tried HD Tweaks but it didn't allow me to change it to what I wanted. It did offer a few options only. Again I apologize for the confusion.
My bad, guess my mind was stuck on something else.
This might be more what you are after then!

Download SoftKey Manager Setup (Windows Vista or XP):

Download! (Recommended)

This will install SoftKey Manager, from your computer onto your Windows Mobile device, when you connect your device to the computer.
(Size: ~246KB)

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  #99 (permalink)  
Old 01-21-2010, 12:00 AM
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Re: }}Santod Mods{{16 Quick Links 2.5.1922}}Landscape BG4all version back up!!{1-20-1

Originally Posted by santod View Post
My bad, guess my mind was stuck on something else.
This might be more what you are after then!

Download SoftKey Manager Setup (Windows Vista or XP):

Download! (Recommended)

This will install SoftKey Manager, from your computer onto your Windows Mobile device, when you connect your device to the computer.
(Size: ~246KB)


Santod, that was real close. The cab worked however it changes the softkeys from the windows home screen not the home screen on Sense 2.5. Thanks for trying, it was almost there. lol.
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  #100 (permalink)  
Old 01-21-2010, 12:20 AM
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Re: }}Santod Mods{{16 Quick Links 2.5.1922}}Landscape BG4all version back up!!{1-20-1

Originally Posted by rlw View Post
Santod, that was real close. The cab worked however it changes the softkeys from the windows home screen not the home screen on Sense 2.5. Thanks for trying, it was almost there. lol.
Ok, sorry, I know there is an easy way.LOL!
I have it baked in my current rom!
When I find a cab or link, I'll post it for you.
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16 quick links 2.5.1922

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