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View Poll Results: Should I release an early very Alpha 16 Quick Links for 2.5.1922?
No, I should wait until all issues are worked out completely? 46 34.07%
I should just give up on it completely! 5 3.70%
What am I waiting for? Release that thing! 69 51.11%
I don't Care! 15 11.11%
Voters: 135. You may not vote on this poll

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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 01-10-2010, 06:18 AM
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Re: {{POLL}}Santod Mods{{16 Quick Links 2.5.1922 Alpha{1}}}Updated pics 1-10-10

Ok, one more update for the night!
I've made a little more progress!

~I have now got them all sized down smaller.
~No more funky overlapping of the icons
the text below them!

Now to get it all moved over just a touch.
Then, to figure out why it's still reverting to a 3x3 grid in portrait, after returning from landscape.
Which then requires the "remove quick link", toggle I mentioned, to return it to 4x4.

I'm getting there! Thanks for your patience!

I am posting these updates, as it seemed everyone felt left in the dark about when and why it was taking so long. I don't mean to keep anyone checking in or waiting. I am truly putting much of my spare time into this and some of my other projects that are in the works.

I wish it were just simple graphic editing,
I'd be done already! But it's not graphics at all!
Just wanted to make that clear, so that people don't wonder why I'm spending days, just resizing and multiplying little boxes.
It's quite a bit more complex then that, as some of you may know.

YES, I am testing things on different various roms, to try and make this compatible with as many as I possibly can!

Around 200 views so far and only 7 votes!
Oh well! Poll=Fail

Screenshot of the latest results,
with the smaller Launcher Tabs!


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Last edited by santod; 01-10-2010 at 06:33 AM.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 01-10-2010, 07:37 AM
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Re: {{POLL}}Santod Mods{{16 Quick Links 2.5.1922 Alpha{1}}}New pics 1-10-10 (3:36am)

Ok couldn't sleep again!

But this is definitely the last progress report for the night!

The photos should speak for themselves!

I wanna say, Thanks to Mighty Mike, for being so darned compatible with my mods!

Latest progress!

Last edited by santod; 01-10-2010 at 07:59 AM.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 01-10-2010, 12:26 PM
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Re: {{POLL}}Santod Mods{{16 Quick Links 2.5.1922 Alpha{1}}}New pics 1-10-10 (3:36am)

Originally Posted by santod View Post
Ok couldn't sleep again!

But this is definitely the last progress report for the night!

The photos should speak for themselves!

I wanna say, Thanks to Mighty Mike, for being so darned compatible with my mods!

Latest progress!

LOOKING GOOD BROTHER!!! saw MM 2.8 is out but im waiting on this casue i don't like running a whole theme just for quicklinks lol,i already got the clocks thanks to you bud!!! lol i know what you mean bout the poll,i did it with a thread and after about 1000+ dl only 16 votes........... couldn't understand it,clearly ppl are intrested with that many views yet nobody will click the lil button!!
you got my support!!!

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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 01-10-2010, 04:01 PM
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Re: {{POLL}}Santod Mods{{16 Quick Links 2.5.1922 Alpha{1}}}New pics 1-10-10 (3:36am)

I'd try this One!.. Been playing with diff settings for mms so much im reseting all the time lol. (remeber the settings in head now) lol.

The screen also looks cleaner & sleeker with smaller links.

Originally Posted by santod View Post

Latest progress!


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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 01-10-2010, 06:18 PM
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Re: {{POLL}}Santod Mods{{16 Quick Links 2.5.1922 Alpha{2}{{NEW PICS 1-10-10 {{3:36am}

Looks like your getting SOOOOOOOOOOO close now, your hard work IS appreciated. I personally WOULD test early versions but I kinda think there are SOME out there who would give you grief about this or that not working even though they know it's Alpha. Good luck with this project, I think the ROMs should have 4x4 by default anyway, looks less bulky and gives more in return!!
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 01-10-2010, 06:46 PM
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Re: {{POLL}}Santod Mods{{16 Quick Links 2.5.1922 Alpha{2}{{NEW PICS 1-10-10 {{3:36am}

Originally Posted by adiereeves View Post
Looks like your getting SOOOOOOOOOOO close now, your hard work IS appreciated. I personally WOULD test early versions but I kinda think there are SOME out there who would give you grief about this or that not working even though they know it's Alpha. Good luck with this project, I think the ROMs should have 4x4 by default anyway, looks less bulky and gives more in return!!

I have to agree with you on most of that!
Having them modded and cooked in would be very nice!
It sure would be a lot easier then 1 or 2 people, trying to make a cab that will work on them all. Or having to make multiple cabs for different roms. Many developers only care to make a cab that works on the rom they are running and then they are done with it. Too much for one guy to have to do, I think. But somebody's gotta do it!

Anyhow, thanks! I appreciate your feedback and all those who have replied or voted so far!
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 01-10-2010, 08:18 PM
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Re: {{POLL}}Santod Mods{{16 Quick Links 2.5.1922 Alpha{2}{{NEW PICS 1-10-10 {{3:36am}

Gotta say (without dropping pressure on ya)... really looking forward to this mod. This is the only thing I'm missing since the new manila came out. If I knew how to code I'd be right there helping you out, but I don't. Just tried MaxManila 2.5 v2.8... a bit too heavy for my needs, all I want is the 4x4 grid, and would be more than happy to try out what you got right now

Last edited by adiereeves; 01-10-2010 at 08:21 PM.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 01-10-2010, 08:24 PM
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Re: {{POLL}}Santod Mods{{16 Quick Links 2.5.1922 Alpha{2}{{NEW PICS 1-10-10 {{3:36am}

Originally Posted by adiereeves View Post
Gotta say (without dropping pressure on ya)... really looking forward to this mod. This is the only thing I'm missing since the new manila came out. If I knew how to code I'd be right there helping you out, but I don't. Just tried MaxManila 2.5 v2.8... a bit too heavy for my needs, all I want is the 4x4 grid.
Exactly why I am doing this too!
I love all that Max has done with his Theme. However it is very heavy and has too much that I won't use, just to get the few features that I do want.
I am doing what I can to provide as many individual customizations as I can, so that we can choose only the features we want, with little or no impact on performance, with as wide a range of compatibility across roms as possible!
Anyway, thanks for the support and believe me, I'm workin' on it!
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 01-10-2010, 11:58 PM
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Thumbs up Re: {{POLL}}Santod Mods{{16 Quick Links 2.5.1922 Alpha{2}{{NEW PICS 1-10-10 {{3:36am}

Originally Posted by santod View Post
Exactly why I am doing this too!
I love all that Max has done with his Theme. However it is very heavy and has too much that I won't use, just to get the few features that I do want.
I am doing what I can to provide as many individual customizations as I can, so that we can choose only the features we want, with little or no impact on performance, with as wide a range of compatibility across roms as possible!
Anyway, thanks for the support and believe me, I'm workin' on it!
...and AWESOME for doing so.

Looking good man, VERY good.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 01-11-2010, 12:30 AM
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Re: {{POLL}}Santod Mods{{16 Quick Links 2.5.1922 Alpha{2}{{NEW PICS 1-10-10 {{3:36am}

Santos,I really appreciate you keep us posted frequent on your project,thank you so much.
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16 quick links 2.5.1922

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