Originally Posted by adiereeves
Gotta say (without dropping pressure on ya)... really looking forward to this mod. This is the only thing I'm missing since the new manila came out. If I knew how to code I'd be right there helping you out, but I don't. Just tried MaxManila 2.5 v2.8... a bit too heavy for my needs, all I want is the 4x4 grid.
Exactly why I am doing this too!
I love all that Max has done with his Theme. However it is very heavy and has too much that I won't use, just to get the few features that I do want.
I am doing what I can to provide as many individual customizations as I can, so that we can choose only the features we want, with little or no impact on performance, with as wide a range of compatibility across roms as possible!
Anyway, thanks for the support and believe me,
I'm workin' on it!