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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 12-14-2009, 02:28 AM
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Cool Sense 2.5}}{{3-6-10 **Stealth Quick Links, Stealth Slider, No Curtains, BG4all +

All 2.5 Mods in this thread, are compatible with the new HTC Sense 2.5.1922, 2.5.2011 and 2.5.2012, except for the 16 Quick Links.
If you would like my 16 or 20 Quick Links for Sense 2.5.1922 2.5.2011, or 2.5.2012, get them HERE!
~ Released (1-16-10) ~

Added my No weather Background cab for 2011 and 2012

It removes the background shading in portrait and landscape.
It also removes the lines in landscape but not in portrait, as I think it looks worse without them in portrait.

I have also attached a No Calendar Background Cab
for 2011 and 2012.

This one will remove the black background from the calendar in portrait and landscape also.

Cabs and screenshots HERE.




New Cabs with timeouts ranging from 3 to 10 seconds.
Initial cab was 2 seconds.

I hope this meets everyone's preference!
It comes by default with my carbon skin.



~Remove Calendar Icon
~Remove Calendar Text
(yes,appointments still show!)
~Stealth Slider (hide slider tabs) Posted!! More tab options coming!
If you want to use my 16 links B4all Landscape and this slider mod, install the 16 links first!

SEE POST #5 for these new cabs!

More mods are coming !

HQ Portrait ~ Landscape B4All Tabs + more 4 Manila 2.5.1922

This cab contains the following:
1.- B4All Tabs
2.- Select any Animation with any Wallpaper
3.- Day of the week as in "Mon, Tue, etc.."on Calendar Icon
4.- Red color Sundays, Blue color Saturdays on Calendar
5.- Last but not least select a different Portrait and Landscape Wallpaper, if no Landscape Wallpaper is selected the Portrait Wallpaper will show in Landscape

Clear Calendar Page Background.cab added!
So you can see your wallpaper behind the calendar!
Clear Music Page Background added!

Added ~ Remove Contact Background.cab

Added ~ Remove Quick Link Background.cab

More cabs added to second post!

BG4all added for Sense 2.5.1922
__________________________________________________ ________________

I'm sure there are others who don't wanna look at any
program shortcuts on their WinMo 6.5 HTC Sense 2.5 roms Home Screen.

So, because I don't want to either,

I have made them all INVISIBLE!
Use My Stealth Launcher Links for this!

They are still there
,in case you really want them, but they are all blank until they are used. Cleans things up a little.

No top and Bottom curtain added!

16 Quick Links .cab added!
This will give you 4 Quick Link shortcuts per row, for your Home Page layout.
Works great with my stealth Launcher cab as well. So, this way you can make the top row invisible and not lose the total number of links available!
This cab is not compatible with 2.5.1922! All others are!

Transparent Background For Sense UI Transitions added.

Removes the dark background you see when you slide between tabs. Some may like it, some might not. Just thought I'd post the option!

Added ~ Remove Quick Link Background.cab

This will remove the box behind the Quick Links that appears when they are selected! As shown in this picture.
This is a nice addition to the Stealth Launcher Links!

Remove Quick Link Background:

Stealth Launcher Links and No Curtains:

Flipped up view:16 Quick Links (4 in a row)

Transparent Background For Sense UI Transitions.

More 2.5 mods coming!


~My Ultimate WVGA Wallpapers Collection~
Donations accepted not expected!

Last edited by santod; 04-09-2010 at 05:41 PM. Reason: {{New Stealth Sliders Added with different timeouts!}}
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 12-14-2009, 02:28 AM
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Re: Sense 2.5 Invisible Program Launcher Tabs

AM/PM repair .cab added.

If you lose your AM/PM on your clock, or need to make it white again, use this cab


I added in some more of my Slider Tabs

`Transparent Glass Bubble Slider Tab
as shown in my HTC Hero themed screenshot: Slider TAB only)

`Black Shiny Slider Tab

`Flat Black Slider Tab

`White Slider Tab

Ok this post has been updated with a few more cabs to clean up the home screen a little and modify it to your own preference. More Coming.

Cabs attached >> More Pictures Coming

Black Numbers no Tabs Clock (stock numbers with no flip tabs)

Inverted Flip Clock (black with white numbers as shown below)

No Clock Background(as shown below)
UPDATED 12-15-09 5:00 PM PST

No Calendar and Date Background (as shown below)

Last edited by santod; 03-01-2010 at 05:52 AM. Reason: More 2.5 Slider Tabs Added!
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 12-14-2009, 02:29 AM
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Re: Sense 2.5 Invisible Program Launcher Tabs

Ok, I have been getting some requests for more clock options, so I have started to cab up some of my past and current creations, that I never bothered to post. There are probably similar ones already floating around. But these are all ones I made. I hope you guys enjoy them and look for more here soon! I hadn't realized there was still a desire for new clock styles, so I will try to provide that.

Toggle between multiple clocks at the same time without the extra weight of MaxManila or Dusk.New 2.5.1922
Simple Roman Clock Array released!!
Get it HERE!

Look for more clock options to follow soon!
Some of you already have other flip clocks or analogs that you can use with this.

Concentrating mostly on the 16 or 20 Quick Links now!

Last edited by santod; 03-01-2010 at 05:53 AM. Reason: 1-7-10 { New 2.5 Clock Array Done - Link Added!}
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 01-03-2010, 11:12 PM
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Re: Sense 2.5 Invisible Program Launcher Tabs

Originally Posted by santod View Post
Ok, I have been getting some requests for more clock options, so I have started to cab up some of my past and current creations, that I never bothered to post. There are probably similar ones already floating around. But these are all ones I made. I hope you guys enjoy them and look for more here soon! I hadn't realized there was still a desire for new clock styles, so I will try to provide that.

Toggle between multiple clocks at the same time without the extra weight of MaxManila or Dusk.
Delayed, due to new 2.5.1922 Sense with Landscape. If anyone is interested in what I was previouly working on, send me a PM. It was simply a clock array that could be toggled, like in Dusk and MaxManila, without having to have either. It was made to work on 2.5, and will no longer work on the newest 2.5.1922 roms.

thanks man,gonna check'em all out now!!

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 01-04-2010, 12:38 AM
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Re: Sense 2.5}}{{12-31-09 **Stealth Launcher Links, No Curtains, 16 Quick Links, BG4a

Can anyone point me in the direction of where I can find reliable custom taskbars that won't wreak havok with my phones functionality? I am currenly using SsS ROM R2 for my TP2 (which is working great by the way).

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 01-04-2010, 12:50 AM
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Re: Sense 2.5}}{{12-31-09 **Stealth Launcher Links, No Curtains, 16 Quick Links, BG4a

Originally Posted by B5Z View Post
Can anyone point me in the direction of where I can find reliable custom taskbars that won't wreak havok with my phones functionality? I am currenly using SsS ROM R2 for my TP2 (which is working great by the way).

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
This one works great! It's the Black and White BilboBrian I posted before. The one attached here has all the notifications and everything working perfectly on all roms! I'll let you know if I come across, or make any others that play as nice.

Originally Posted by drizztzou View Post
Any news for 16 shortcuts and dual clock on 1922?
Yeah, still workin' on it! Got it working fine in Portrait so far, just trying to get it aligned properly in Landscape now. Sorry it's bein' such a PITA and taking so long.
Attached Files
File Type: cab CDMA_BilboBrian_TaskBar.cab (6.33 MB, 16 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by santod; 01-04-2010 at 12:52 AM.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 01-11-2010, 11:32 PM
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Re: Sense 2.5 Invisible Program Launcher Tabs

Originally Posted by santod View Post
Ok, I have been getting some requests for more clock options, so I have started to cab up some of my past and current creations, that I never bothered to post. There are probably similar ones already floating around. But these are all ones I made. I hope you guys enjoy them and look for more here soon! I hadn't realized there was still a desire for new clock styles, so I will try to provide that.

Toggle between multiple clocks at the same time without the extra weight of MaxManila or Dusk.New 2.5.1922
Simple Roman Clock Array released!!
Get it HERE!

Look for more clock options to follow soon!
Some of you already have other flip clocks or analogs that you can use with this.

Concentrating mostly on the 16 or 20 Quick Links now!

what do you use to remove the task bar curtain and the very bottom curtain.. thanks.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 01-11-2010, 11:48 PM
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Re: Sense 2.5 Invisible Program Launcher Tabs

Originally Posted by defiantone View Post
what do you use to remove the task bar curtain and the very bottom curtain.. thanks.
if running 2.5 roms with 1922 sense use this app at the top of this page where u posted on,post #171 then look at post #172, SANTOD explains how to implement the changes

on older 2.5 sense (1921 & 1920) you can use HDwalls or the same app as above

on 2.1 roms i don't know lol
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 01-12-2010, 12:22 AM
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Re: Sense 2.5 Invisible Program Launcher Tabs

Originally Posted by num5kull27 View Post
if running 2.5 roms with 1922 sense use this app at the top of this page where u posted on,post #171 then look at post #172, SANTOD explains how to implement the changes

on older 2.5 sense (1921 & 1920) you can use HDwalls or the same app as above

on 2.1 roms i don't know lol
Well put.
I will just add that HDwalls also works on 2.1 roms. Thanks!
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 01-07-2010, 12:23 PM
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Re: Sense 2.5 Invisible Program Launcher Tabs

Originally Posted by santod View Post
where can I find this clock for 1922?

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