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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 12-14-2009, 03:06 PM
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Re: Sense 2.5 Invisible Program Launcher Tabs and No Top and Bottom Curtain

Originally Posted by bignadad View Post
can't believe the Transparent Background For Sense UI Transitions is a 2x2 image!!! i had looked for that a while back and never could find it....i wanted to make it smaller, but not transparent, but doesnt look like thats possible with a 2x2 image.....

Nice work....

LOL! Yeah, those images can be pretty misleading at times!


Originally Posted by purian23 View Post
Great Work Dude.. ! Will be following up on this.!

Thanks bud! The other thing we discussed, is almost done too. Talk to you later man.

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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 12-14-2009, 05:59 PM
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Re: Sense 2.5 Stealth Launcher Links, No Curtains, 16 Quick Links and more!

like always great work... but whats the point of flashing a 2.5 rom if you dont like the home links? i like them.. yeah it covers the background but they are usefull and i use them.

right now tho im using a 2.1 rom and it has it plus sides but i still like 2.5 for some other things.

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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 12-14-2009, 06:08 PM
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Re: Sense 2.5 Stealth Launcher Links, No Curtains, 16 Quick Links and more!

Originally Posted by Mayonesa View Post
like always great work... but whats the point of flashing a 2.5 rom if you dont like the home links? i like them.. yeah it covers the background but they are usefull and i use them.

right now tho im using a 2.1 rom and it has it plus sides but i still like 2.5 for some other things.

There are many other benefits to 2.5 and drawbacks. However, you still have the program links when you flip up the screen. So, they are not removed and can still be used on the home screen. There are people that wanna try 2.5, but didn't like the cluttered screen that came as a result. So, that's why I am making some of the mods that I'm making.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 12-14-2009, 06:11 PM
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Re: Sense 2.5 Stealth Launcher Links, No Curtains, 16 Quick Links and more!

thats cool... i like your work.. i use all the links when i use 2.5 but its all good..

keep up the good work.

you should make some themes for 2.5, not a lot of them around...
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 12-14-2009, 06:30 PM
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Re: Sense 2.5 Stealth Launcher Links, No Curtains, 16 Quick Links and more!

Originally Posted by Mayonesa View Post
thats cool... i like your work.. i use all the links when i use 2.5 but its all good..

keep up the good work.

Thanks. I did add in a .cab to add the 4 in a row to the launcher links also, so you don't really lose any, or you just have 4 more if you do use them!

you should make some themes for 2.5, not a lot of them around...
Workin' on some now. Already have one pretty much done. Running good enough for me when I load it. But it's not quite ready for primetime yet!

I will likely mostly just put up some clocks, sliders and other various tweaks and mods first. Full themes are very time consuming and there are elements I wanna tweak first and make sure they all play nice together!
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 12-14-2009, 06:37 PM
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Re: Sense 2.5 Stealth Launcher Links, No Curtains, 16 Quick Links and more!

awesome.. i can imagine how time consuming it must me... thanks
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 12-14-2009, 07:46 PM
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Re: Sense 2.5 Stealth Launcher Links, No Curtains, 16 Quick Links and more!

Thanks for your hard work! I used your 16 quick links and did a soft reset and I still have only 9 links, 3 across. I am on the impact rom if it makes a difference.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 12-14-2009, 07:49 PM
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Re: Sense 2.5 Stealth Launcher Links, No Curtains, 16 Quick Links and more!

Originally Posted by joeramirez View Post
Thanks for your hard work! I used your 16 quick links and did a soft reset and I still have only 9 links, 3 across. I am on the impact rom if it makes a difference.
I am also using this on Impact rom. Working right now just fine for me. Hmm? I will look into it.
For now, I suggest uninstall, reset, reinstall, reset and see if that makes things snap into shape.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 12-14-2009, 07:53 PM
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Re: Sense 2.5 Stealth Launcher Links, No Curtains, 16 Quick Links and more!

Looks great!! Nice work. I was feeling the same way about 2.5's screen. So just to make sure I'm understanding wut u posted a couple posts back, home screen is clear but when u slide up the icons are there? Once u set them of course...

Sorry but I'm partly reslowted...
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 12-14-2009, 07:55 PM
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Re: Sense 2.5 Stealth Launcher Links, No Curtains, 16 Quick Links and more!

It's working now, my phone did not install the cab completely the first time so I re-installed it and now it works! Thanks.
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