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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 01-07-2010, 04:43 AM
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Cool {{Basic Clock Array for Sense 2.5.xxxx}}{{with and without B4all}}

Ok, here is my version of a simple clock array for 2.5.xxxx.
As well as some stand alone flip clocks for 2.5.x
more coming!

For anyone looking for the clock array with 16 links and B4all, check HERE.

Clock Array Added without BG4all
It has now been tested to work fine on most all 2.5.xxxx roms. Will not conflict with Landscape B4all mod.

~Ths will not break the landscape BG4all mod or the one cooked into the latest NRGz roms.
~This will give you a toggling clock array that you can still change, even in landscape mode!

Your wallpaper may turn white, until you select a new wallpaper from the MENU tab.

I still plan to add a cab that has the BG4all landscape mod built in when I have more time, for those who are not using the latest NRGz rom with the Landscape BG4all for 2.5.xxxx cooked in!
This has only been tested to work on the roms mentioned above. If you wanna install this on any other rom, with any other BG4all or mod that effects the mode9 files(home layout), it's on you! It is completely uninstallable, but I make no guarantees if you install it on a rom other then the two mentioned above. If you decide you wanna try it on any other rom and it works for you, then that's great. Feel free to report what rom you are using that it worked on. However, if you install the BG4all with landscape on top of this, it will break it. If you installthe BG4all with landscape first and then the clock array, it may continue to work just fine. But like I said, that's not been tested yet.

Clock Array with BG4all
Right now, it consists of my Small Reflective Black Clock and My Roman Analog with HTC Logo.

You can install the clocks in the next post on top of my Clock Array cab to get the desired look that you want! You can also use any other 2.5 analog clock you may have, just install the analog clock on top of my Clock array cab to change it!

You also, can install any 2.5 flip clock on top of this until you have the overall desired look or combination, that you are after!

I have set this up, so that it uses the same manila files for the analog clock, as the old 2.5 analog clocks used. That way you can just apply the clock you want. I know there are plenty of great analog clocks out there already!

More options coming soon! Some of you already have components that you can swap out and recab, I'm sure. Enjoy!

It also has my working version of BG4all in it. I can remove it, but then you would need HDwalls. So if you are currently using BG4all, remove before installing this!

If you lose your AM/PM at some point after changing clocks or would like to need it to return to white again, please install the AM/PM Repair.cab below.

A BIG thanks
to grzegorz10 -DUSK, for the Concept!


~My Ultimate WVGA Wallpapers Collection~
Donations accepted not expected!

Last edited by santod; 03-16-2010 at 02:48 PM. Reason: {{{Landscape compatible clock array added!}}}1-15-01
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-07-2010, 04:51 AM
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Re: {{My Basic Clock Array for Sense 2.5.1922}} 1-7-10

Here you will start to see more analog clocks, flip clocks, and other clock mods added!

You can install these on top of my Clock Array cab to get the desired look that you want! Just install any 2.5 analog clock pack. To change to a different one, just uninstall your existing analog clock, reset and install the new one! Reset!

I have also included a cab to remove your clock flip tabs completely, so if you install one into the array that has tabs and you don't want any, you can remove them only. I will be adding different tab options, such as transparent,black, white, colored, and some custom ones. So that you can mix and match your current clock digits with any clock tabs, or backgrounds!
Screenshots and more options coming soon!

Added ~ Modified Android Analog Clock 2 originally made by,

Here are some screenshots of my included analog options. Again, you can use other 2.5 analog clocks too!

Cold Black Analog Clock:

Trippy Analog Clock:

Cab attached to remove the flip tabs completely, from any 2.5 flip clock! Yes it will still flip!

__________________________________________________ ___________________________________________
To Be Fixed:

After more testing, I have noticed I need to address a couple things. Nothing major.

>I need to fix the shading around the Celestial Analog Clock.Download it, if you want to see it, but a fixed one will be up soon!

>The No Analog Clock.cab, still leaves behind a small AM or PM where the clock was.
But you are able to toggle between a small flip clock, a large flip clock, or no clocks at all!
__________________________________________________ _________________________________

Last edited by santod; 01-11-2010 at 11:27 PM. Reason: {{New Clock Options added!}} {{1-8-10}}
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 01-07-2010, 04:51 AM
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Re: {{My Basic Clock Array for Sense 2.5.1922}} 1-7-10

~MightyROM Glossed Carbon Clock~
2.5 Edition
No weather background Included.
It will keep the one you have installed.
See below for Mighty Rom Carbon Clock with the Weather Bar included.

Also included a cab, WITH THE WEATHER BAR

Crystal Clock 2.5 ADDED!!!


Last edited by santod; 03-29-2010 at 04:47 PM.
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Old 01-07-2010, 04:53 AM
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Re: {{My Basic Clock Array for Sense 2.5.1922}} 1-7-10

Originally Posted by santod View Post
Ok, after many hours of comparing scripts and editing, with problem after problem, I have finally got a working version of a simple clock array for 2.5.1922.

Right now, it consists of my Small Reflective Black Clock and My Roman Analog with HTC Logo.

More options coming soon! Some of you already have components that you can swap out and recab, I'm sure. Enjoy!

It also has my working version of BG4all in it. I can remove it, but then you would need HDwalls, which isn't working on most 2.5.1922 roms yet anyway. So if you are currently using BG4all, remove before installing this!
Great work, thank you
HTC Touch Pro2 (Sprint)
ROM: |R|6.5|WWE|Silence HDFL|Sense 2.5.1922
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HTC Raphael + Energy Rom "Leo" / Toshiba G910 / Palm Treo 750 / Benq-Siemens P51

Last edited by drizztzou; 01-07-2010 at 06:12 AM.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 01-07-2010, 05:20 AM
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Re: {{My Basic Clock Array for Sense 2.5.1922}} 1-7-10

thanks can't wait to see more for 1922. have you found or made a working 16 or 20 shortcut mod for the new sense?

on a side note swype is awesome.it's so fun to use my sip again. got any skins for that?

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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 01-07-2010, 05:40 AM
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Re: {{My Basic Clock Array for Sense 2.5.1922}} 1-7-10

Originally Posted by t0mmyr View Post
thanks can't wait to see more for 1922. have you found or made a working 16 or 20 shortcut mod for the new sense?

on a side note swype is awesome.it's so fun to use my sip again. got any skins for that?
You're welcome. There will be plenty more coming for 1922, trust me!
Unless they change it up on us again real quick, sigh!

I've been working on a cab for Extra Quicklinks as well, getting closer.
As for some other mods that work on 2.5.1922, feel free to use any of mine in THIS thread.
As they are all compatible with 2.5.1922, except for the 16 Quick links.

I will see what I can come up with for Swype, for ya'.

Last edited by santod; 01-07-2010 at 06:05 AM.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 01-07-2010, 12:03 PM
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Re: {{My Basic Clock Array for Sense 2.5.1922}} 1-7-10

Santod, do you have a cab to make the clock transparent on the new sense 2.5.1922? Thanks!
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 01-07-2010, 12:05 PM
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Re: {{My Basic Clock Array for Sense 2.5.1922}} 1-7-10

Originally Posted by exhorn View Post
Santod, do you have a cab to make the clock transparent on the new sense 2.5.1922? Thanks!
Yes, which part? The tabs? The box behind?
Check my clocks HERE in this thread. They all work on 2.5.1922!
More coming!

Last edited by santod; 01-07-2010 at 12:12 PM.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 01-07-2010, 12:28 PM
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Re: {{My Basic Clock Array for Sense 2.5.1922}} 1-7-10

I am looking for one that will show glass flip tabs and white numbers. I am unable to post the picture because of my post count, but you have an example on the link you posted. Let me know if you have a clock in that style. Thanks!

Nevermind, found it. Thanks Santod.

Last edited by exhorn; 01-07-2010 at 12:38 PM.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 01-07-2010, 12:40 PM
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Re: {{My Basic Clock Array for Sense 2.5.1922}} 1-7-10

Originally Posted by exhorn View Post
I am looking for one that will show glass flip tabs and white numbers. I am unable to post the picture because of my post count, but you have an example on the link you posted. Let me know if you have a clock in that style. Thanks!

Nevermind, found it. Thanks Santod.
Ok, glad you found what you wanted!
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