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  #261 (permalink)  
Old 02-03-2010, 11:52 PM
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Re: Sense 2.5}}{{1-22-10 **Stealth Quick Links, Stealth Slider, No Curtains, BG4all +

Originally Posted by eman View Post
Just dropping in to say nice job! Your tweaks make me okay with not having Max Manila on Sense 2011....
Thank you very much!
I appreciate you doing so!
Glad I could ease your temporary loss.

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  #262 (permalink)  
Old 02-05-2010, 12:57 AM
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Re: Sense 2.5}}{{1-22-10 **Stealth Quick Links, Stealth Slider, No Curtains, BG4all +

Hmmm, somehow this posted in the wrong thread. Moved .

Last edited by santod; 02-05-2010 at 01:00 AM.
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  #263 (permalink)  
Old 02-05-2010, 10:55 AM
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Re: Sense 2.5}}{{1-22-10 **Stealth Quick Links, Stealth Slider, No Curtains, BG4all +

Santod Whats up Bud LOL
I know your real busy with so many projects but is there a way to remove the alarm text

thanks again i got so many SANTOD MODS on my phone i need an extra 10gb of ram HAHA
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  #264 (permalink)  
Old 02-05-2010, 02:14 PM
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Re: Sense 2.5}}{{1-8-10 **Stealth Launcher Links, No Curtains, 16 Quick Links, BG4all

Originally Posted by santod View Post
I can't get MaxTTM to work with EnergyROM 2/4. Couldn't manage to get the backgrounds to lineup with the task bars. After 5 hardresets I give up lol. Stealth launcher, 20 tabs, bg4all are working great though!
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  #265 (permalink)  
Old 02-05-2010, 05:50 PM
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Re: Sense 2.5}}{{1-8-10 **Stealth Launcher Links, No Curtains, 16 Quick Links, BG4all

Originally Posted by maxtcee View Post
Santod Whats up Bud LOL
I know your real busy with so many projects but is there a way to remove the alarm text

thanks again i got so many SANTOD MODS on my phone i need an extra 10gb of ram HAHA
Time for a bigger SD card from Santod, oops, I mean SanDisk! LOL!
I'll see what I can do about the alarm text, as I have removed it on previous builds, it shouldn't be toooo difficult. I'll let you know what I find bud!

Originally Posted by one80oneday View Post
I can't get MaxTTM to work with EnergyROM 2/4. Couldn't manage to get the backgrounds to lineup with the task bars. After 5 hardresets I give up lol. Stealth launcher, 20 tabs, bg4all are working great though!
Glad everything is working good for you. Thanks for the feedback.
As far as MaxTTM is concerned. The only way the bars will line up, is if you use the same picture stretched in landscape that you are using in portrait mode. Then the bars will line up pretty darn well. If you don't wanna mess with it anymore, I understand that as well. But it does work.
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  #266 (permalink)  
Old 02-05-2010, 09:47 PM
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Re: Sense 2.5}}{{1-22-10 **Stealth Quick Links, Stealth Slider, No Curtains, BG4all +

Hey Bud
can you tell me which manila file is the home screen i know in 2.0 i did it through mode 9 editor is it the same for 2.5 ?
i wana faux with it
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  #267 (permalink)  
Old 02-05-2010, 10:10 PM
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Re: Sense 2.5}}{{1-22-10 **Stealth Quick Links, Stealth Slider, No Curtains, BG4all +

Originally Posted by maxtcee View Post
Hey Bud
can you tell me which manila file is the home screen i know in 2.0 i did it through mode 9 editor is it the same for 2.5 ?
i wana faux with it
These are the main two to look at, if you really wanna break your isht!

3a8e04af_manila (main)
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  #268 (permalink)  
Old 02-05-2010, 10:51 PM
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Re: Sense 2.5}}{{1-8-10 **Stealth Launcher Links, No Curtains, 16 Quick Links, BG4all

Originally Posted by santod View Post
As far as MaxTTM is concerned. The only way the bars will line up, is if you use the same picture stretched in landscape that you are using in portrait mode. Then the bars will line up pretty darn well. If you don't wanna mess with it anymore, I understand that as well. But it does work.
Do you have or know where I can find a step by step on how to set the bars/wallpaper on 6.5.x? Where do you pick the wallpaper you want set? Thanks for the help.
Currently running 5/1 23566 w/ CHT and Mods by SantoD.

If I posted something thats helps don't forget to hit Thanks!
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  #269 (permalink)  
Old 02-05-2010, 11:42 PM
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Re: Sense 2.5}}{{1-8-10 **Stealth Launcher Links, No Curtains, 16 Quick Links, BG4all

Originally Posted by piedra92 View Post
Do you have or know where I can find a step by step on how to set the bars/wallpaper on 6.5.x? Where do you pick the wallpaper you want set? Thanks for the help.
Well, for me, I was using it along with my B4all landscape, 20 links mod.
Which has a landscape wallpaper setting. MaxTTM, would automatically use the top and bottom of the landscape wallpaper for the top and bottom bars. Which worked out fairly well. I will see what else I can do to help you, but I would now ask, what you would like to accomplish exactly and what mods you would like to use with it as well. Then I can better direct you to accomplish what you want. It really differs, based on what setup you would like to use.
So, just let me know that info and I'll be glad to try and help get you setup like you want bud.
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  #270 (permalink)  
Old 02-06-2010, 01:14 AM
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Re: Sense 2.5}}{{1-22-10 **Stealth Quick Links, Stealth Slider, No Curtains, BG4all +

tried maxttm again and still cant get it to lineup, tried setting landscape first then regular and convert, vice versa, shake... are you using it santod?
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Last edited by one80oneday; 02-06-2010 at 01:18 AM.
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