BEFORE USING v2.8, PLS SET ENSURE THE REGISTRY HKCU\Software\HTC\Manila\EnableLandscape = true
v2.7 - only for manila 1921xxx
v2.9 - only for manila 19222xxx (Landscape version)
There is a minor change to the previous versions (v2.6 and below). You can now access the Setting screen by swiping top to bottom. Horizontal swiping is removed and goes back to default where you can access other tabs with the exception when you select Panoramic wallpaper which will pan the wallpaper left/right instead.
Firstly, let me point out the functions of the corners of the screen for different modes.
Max Manila Setting Screen can be accessed by swiping from top to bottom
Menu/Skin Customization (v2.9) - this is the additional selection option appearing on the MENU (accessed from homepage right softkey). What it does is to allow you to skin your notification icons by selecting jpg/png files from your album. Here's how it works.
- v2.9 cab will come wt a folder called "MyFolder" in \windows. There are 8 icons 64x64 png files in there which basically is the previous and current version icons.
- You can move this folder later to storage card and rename the registry path \HKCU\Software\HTC\Manila\Max_Folder. You can leave this blank and the album will open to the default path. I find this much more user friendly especially when you have tons of folders to search.
- You can create your own icon in any square size; for eg, 128x128; 100x100 whatever. It should re-size back to 64x64. File can be jpg or png if you want to have transparency. Later, just dump it into the folder on #2.
Normal (Full) mode - this is your default screen with taskbar at the top and softkeys at the bottom.
- Top Left - Navigates to People screen
- Top Center - **REMOVED on v2.82** (previous version Cycles Clock Array)
- Top Right - Show Battery Info (v2.82 - you can now edit the registry to link to your app.
\HKCU\Software\HTC\Manila\Max_SKTPath = your app path
\HKCU\Software\HTC\Manila\Max_SKTArg = your app argument
- Bottom Left - Navigates to Home screen
- Bottom Right - Navigates to manila Settings tab ( not Max Manila settings )
FullScreen mode - this can be enabled through your Settings screen. Your taskbar and softkeys will disappear and a fullscreen is displayed.
The first time after you activated the screen. Press the HOME button to ensure that the screen fully covers up the task and softkey bars.- Top Left - activates StartMenu
- Top Center - **REMOVED on v2.82** (previous version Cycles Clock Array)
- Top Right - on v2.82 display taskbar information ( previously display battery info )
: Battery - Press to open up battery info
: Sound Profile - Press to navigate to sound profile setting
: Data connection/signal - Press to go to communication manager
- Bottom Right - Lock screen (v2.8 onwards). This can now be changed to link to your app. Tweak the registry below.
\HKCU\Software\HTC\Manila\Max_SKPath = your app path
\HKCU\Software\HTC\Manila\Max_SKArg = your app argument
- Bottom Left - Activates the softkeys panel ( when activated, your softkeys will appear for 2secs before it closes itself ) (v2.8 onwards)
Lite mode - removed on v2.81. You can anyway set your manila back to default by using the settings from the setting page below.
Here are the new screen for the Settings page. Most functions retain for now (I'll add more to it later) but I have shifted it around a bit. Arrows basically scroll more settings.
Wallpaper - there are 3 types of wallpaper here.
a. BG4all - this is the wallpaper which will automatically load up when you select through MENU/Home Wallpaper/Weather Wallpaper. Wallpaper will show on all tabs and is fullscreen on v2.8 onwards. If you leave it, it will not display anything. Setting is "
v2.9, there will be 2 seperate wallpapers. Portrait wallpaper and Landscape Wallpaper which you can select from MENU/Home Wallpaper. This will be HQ wallpaper. So, make sure you pre-format your wallpaper to 480x800 or it will not come out correct.
- Portrait Wallpaper - selects your portrait wallpaper.
- Landscape Wallpaper - selects your landscape wallpaper. The wallpaper will be rotated 90deg. So, make sure that you rotate your landscape wallpaper -90deg before loading.
- Animated Wallpaper - this has now been tweaked to activate the animated components on your Portrait wallpaper. It has been disabled for landscape.
- Remove Wallpaper - removes both portrait and landscape wallpapers.
b. Full - the file is a 1024x768 size jpg called "MaxBackground.jpg". This wallpaper will fill up fullscreen and all tabs. It is used in 3 different functions.
- "P" - stands for panoramic. When this is activated, you can swipe left/right to pan the wallpaper.
- "F" - stands for full. It will remain still at where you have previously panned.
- "H" - stands for home only. This wallpaper will only show in home and the other tabs will have the default wallpaper (read below)
c. Default - this is the manila wallpaper that requires app like HDWall to create. Rather than using the latest file of 512x1024, I have reworked a fullscreen default wallpaper using the old filenames. If you are using HDWall, go to config and select profile "TouchFLO v2.5 BETA - No Compression - All Tabs".
- 4bfcbbee_manila
- 54612042_manila
In landscape mode, this will be replaced wt another wallpaper. The construct of these files are as such
0509ab83_manila : Left
- 512x512 manila qtc
- actual wallpaper dimension 480x480 (from top left)
47fb5656_manila : Right
- 512x512 manila qtc
- actual wallpaper dimension 320x480 (from top left)
Assuming you have a landscape wallpaper of 800x480. Below are some instructions how you can make your own.
- for the RIGHT wallpaper, crop from the right to 512 and expand your bottom to 512
- for the LEFT wallpaper, crop from the left to 480 and expand right to 32 ( your total width should be 512 ). Do the same for the bottom.
*******on v2.9, this has been removed due to it's redundancy*******
Call History (Call H) - toggle the call history on/off. This will now reside on top of the calendar. Voicemail alert has been added for v2.8 onwards.
Calendar - you can now select option 0, 1, 2 or 3. 0 will not show the calendar bar on the screen. Pls make your own adjustment to avoid any overlaps as I have removed this feature due to the inclusion of VGA which complicates the matter.
Slider - for those who does not have this feature build into the ROM, you can toggle the icon off. What this does is that it removes the first layer of the tab icon which makes your transparent slider looks much nicer when sliding through all the tabs. "ON" means slider effect is switched on.
Mute - you can now activate a silent "S" or vibrate "V" mode when you put your phone face down ( that means front screen facing the floor )
AutoLock - when turn on, your phone will goes into LOCK mode when you turn your phone upside down ( that means rotating your front screen 180deg )
Alert - here you can select whether to display the shortcuts or notification icons on screen. Also note that on v2.8, the notification icons will only display in fullscreen landscape mode only with the exception in normal mode, when your tab icon is retracted.
- NS - both shortcuts and notification icons will display
- S - only shortcuts will display
- N - only notification icons will display
- OFF - both will not display
Hide Tab (previously called Tab Icons) - in v2.8, this has been renamed to Hide Tab to avoid confusion. This only works in normal screen mode. When "ON", it will activate the retractable tab icons. In fullscreen mode, this will disabled for the sake of accessing softkeys.
Weather - this is where you toggle your weather animation. It is best to toggle it off to gain speed especially when you are loading wallpaper for BG4all.
Shortcuts - you can select 12/16/20 shortcuts for WVGA and 9/12/15 for VGA.
If you have problem accessing your shortcuts, go to the registry HKLM/Software/HTC/Manila/Home and look at the numbered folders. Chk out the "IsSet" and set it back to 0. Remember to do a SOFTRESET afterwards.
In lanscape mode, shortcuts will change to 3 columns for WVGA and 2 columns for VGA. (not tested on VGA device yet bcos 1922xx not ready)
Fullscreen - this will activate the fullscreen mode. Fm v2.8 onwards, the fullscreen softkeys can be accessed by pressing the bottom left while in fullscreen mode. The softkey panel will appear for 2secs.
Titanium - this will deactivate TF3D and goes to WM6.5 Window Default UI. To get back to TF3D, just go to StartMenu/Settings/Home/Items and select HTC Sense.
Goldfish - my own hobby app which will create an animated fish swimming around your screen. To close the app, just double tap the goldfish.
LTab - when "OFF", this will retain the original tab during landscape. Your other settings must be Hide Tab = OFF and Fullscreen = OFF. This is normally to be used when you want to set back to default settings.
Resolution - select "W" for WVGA and "V" for VGA phones.
Clock - this now replace the big analog clock button and incorporate all clocks into one including a full blank screen. As for the big analog clock, you can move the clock around by press+hold and move. This clock also has 3 functions to it.
- Left - will toggle the inner face of the clock
- Top Right - goes to world clock page
- Top Left - cycles the size of the clock
The text on the setting button is labelled as below :
FA - Flip and Analog Clock
SA - Spring and Analog Clock
D - Digital Clock
AA - Dual Analog Clock
MF - Medium size Flip Clock
LF - Large size Flip Clock
S - Large size Sprint Clock
LA - Large size Analog Clock
AC - Huge size Analog Clock
OFF - Blank Screen ( removed Notification and Shortcuts )
********The text "My HTC" on sprint clock can now be edited from the registry************
\HKCU\Software\HTC\Manila\Max_TextName = text displayed on the sprint clock
\HKCU\Software\HTC\Manila\Max_TextSize = font size
Rotation - to use this, pls ensure that you do not have any external program activating the rotation of the manila or you may encounter conflicts. Below are the 3 functions :
- OFF - deactivate all rotation but maintain the album/music rotation
- R - rotates your screen clockwise when your turn your phone right. In this mode, your album/music turn landscape in the normal direction but can also be rotated when turn the other direction.
- L - rotates your screen anti-clockwise when you turn your phone left. In this mode, album/music rotation will be disabled and replaced wt the landscape mode.
- B (only on v2.9) - rotates both ways. Album/music rotation will be disabled and replaced wt the landscape mode.
When phone is facing up ( screen on top and flag ), it will not activate any rotation event.
3D - this basically toggles the look of your shortcuts between normal and 3D like when you scroll it up.
TBar - this basically toggles the display of fullscreen taskbar indicators. Can only be activated when not in fullscreen mode.
PAnim - cycles through the type of rotation animation for portrait wallpaper. Here's the description of the text.
- OFF - no animation
- SD - slide down
- SU - slide up
- SL - slide left
- SR - slide right
- RA - rotate anticlockwise
- RC - rotate clockwise
- O - increasing opacity
- FU - flip up
- FD - flip down
- ? - random
LAnim - cycles through the type of rotation animation for landscape wallpaper. Here's the description of the text.
- OFF - no animation
- SD - slide down
- SU - slide up
- SL - slide left
- SR - slide right
- RA - rotate anticlockwise
- RC - rotate clockwise
- O - increasing opacity
- FL - flip left
- FR - flip right
- ? - random
Notif - adjust the notification size, position and effects.
- N - normal size (standard position)
- NT - normal size; hidden when no alerts (standard position)
- S - scaled down (lower position)
- ST - scaled down; hidden when no alerts (lower position)