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  #61 (permalink)  
Old 04-08-2009, 05:10 PM
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Re: CHome/Titanium Modifications

No problem...we'll get you there man!
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  #62 (permalink)  
Old 04-08-2009, 09:27 PM
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Re: CHome/Titanium Modifications

ight man cool jus lemme kno wa i gotta do
  #63 (permalink)  
Old 04-09-2009, 08:04 AM
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Re: CHome/Titanium Modifications

i just started messing around with 6.5 and have a quick question. how do you get rid of the "windows live" at the bottom. i don't really gave a need for it. could i change it into something else? thanks

edit: 200 post. thats a lot for me
  #64 (permalink)  
Old 04-09-2009, 09:18 AM
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Re: CHome/Titanium Modifications

I didn't get around to updating the qvga cpr's last night. I got caught up doing things around the house and ran out of time. I'll work on them today and get them posted. Sorry about that.

Originally Posted by delawaresace View Post
i just started messing around with 6.5 and have a quick question. how do you get rid of the "windows live" at the bottom. i don't really gave a need for it. could i change it into something else? thanks

edit: 200 post. thats a lot for me
I'm not sure if you can use the GUID for that panel on a new one or not. I hadn't tried b/c I use live email and therefore use that panel. You can give it a shot, just try the steps listed in option 2 in the first post. If you just want to remove it from the home screen, all you have to do is edit your registry at HKLM\Software\Microsoft\CHome\CWindowsLive. Change the dword "disabled" from 0 to 1, save the change, and soft reset.
  #65 (permalink)  
Old 04-09-2009, 09:54 AM
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Re: CHome/Titanium Modifications

Ok, quick question. I installed burts icontact, then decided i didnt want it, so i uninstalled it. Now however, the left soft key for every titanium panel is "contacts" (which may be correct) and when I'm on the clock panel, both the right and left softkey say contacts. Where do I go in the registry to fix this?
  #66 (permalink)  
Old 04-09-2009, 10:02 AM
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Re: CHome/Titanium Modifications

Unfortunately, that's just how it is by default. I haven't tried to change it with any of the typical soft key remappers or anything yet. I saw this yesterday, but I've really been busy the last week and haven't had much time to work on this stuff in depth.

edit...I just noticed you said right soft key too. That is not normal, and I'll look around for a solution.
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  #67 (permalink)  
Old 04-09-2009, 12:48 PM
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Re: CHome/Titanium Modifications

I found where it is. HKLM\Microsoft\Software\CHome\CClock SK2Text and SK2URL. Not sure what to change SK2URL to. I'd like to make IE come up when you click that.
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  #68 (permalink)  
Old 04-09-2009, 12:53 PM
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Re: CHome/Titanium Modifications

Thanks for finding that...I swear I must be blind because I looked in there at least twice. lol

You should be able to just put \windows\internetexplorer.ink for the sk2url and it will launch IE. sk2text is the text that shows for the soft key.

Last edited by Hafrust; 04-09-2009 at 01:17 PM.
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  #69 (permalink)  
Old 04-09-2009, 02:38 PM
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Re: CHome/Titanium Modifications

Originally Posted by fishfuzz View Post
Hafrust: Are you able to add your Settings panel (using your details from here http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=63086)? I can disable existing items, but cannot get Settings to show up.
Have you completed all the steps outlined in Option 2 and the paragraph below it? I just want to make sure nothing was missed.
  #70 (permalink)  
Old 04-09-2009, 02:39 PM
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Re: CHome/Titanium Modifications

Having troubles getting the Settings link to appear with the new Mighty/Juicy ROM. I can disable other items. I can create pages in CLinks. I have copied over your .cpr files (replacing the existing), and thus can see the Settings item in the list. So I select show, then exit (saving and rebooting), but when I go back into the CHome Configurator, Settings is disabled again.

Do I still need to do the registry steps?
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