Great ROM - Minor feedback (for what it is worth)
Long time no talk to. From the early days of kitchen hacking (Jan 06) in the Apache world. Glad to see you are still around.
Wonderful ROM for the phone. I absolutely love it. I assume that the latest has the BT fix (although I have not tested it). If you could confirm that, that would be great.
Awesome 10-button comm manager; does the IR work? I have not been able to confirm this one way or another.
A few questions:
Why the GCFinder to replace the File Explorer? Just curious as to the rationale (less resource intensive? something else?). It seems slower than the native File Explorer.
HTC Action Screen ROCKS. Easy finger back scrolling. Why not the dual "WM5NewMenu"? Just curious.
A few minor nits:
1. The "Music" program complains of an unsigned Jeodek; either the java engine is not installed, or there is a problem with the installation.
2. Missing a few of the latest program revs:
a. Advanced Configuration (now 1.1)
b. Audio Manager (latest exists as of 11/19 - version available on PM)
c. Bluetooth Explorer (there is later one through Schap)
d. PocketRAR (v.3.71 is now available for free distribution)
e. S2U2
3. SprintTV does not seem to work on my ROM/unit. Maybe it is because I have grandfathered vision for free. Any different thoughts?
Other than the nits above, a great ROM all around.
Having said that, I am interested in building a ROM that has a few deviations from yours.
My ideal ROM would be yours, minus a few of the installed, and plus a few others.
The programs in your ROM I would remove:
1. acbPowerMeter (unneeded except for occasional tests, me thinks)
2. GSFinder as File Explorer (I am not sold on GSFinder as File Explorer; why did you choose that over native?)
3. HTC Home PlugIn (memory leak sucks, frankly)
4. HTC Audio Manager (memory hog; what does it add that TCPMP and WMP dont provide already?)
5. HTC Action Screen (wm5newmenu (left and right soft buttons) seems like more efficient way to go, though I am open to something different on this)
6. Live Messenger (replace with Mundu - GREAT IM program)
7. Live Search (why isnt this replaced with SearchToday? Just curious)
8. MyExtensions
9. Notepad (replace with shNotepad from xda-developers; much more functionality)
10. ScreenCapture (large program; why not replace with vSnap ( or SmartSS, or something smaller? Just curious)
11. SprintTV (Doesnt work with my phone; prefer to add as cab later)
12. Start TouchFlo (I dont understand this functionality)
13. Streaming Media (isn't there a way to seamlessly integrate this functionality into TCPMP without taking up so much memory?)
14. Video Sites (why?)
15. Voice Recorder (redundant with AWESOME Resco Audio Recorder, which I will be putting into ROM)
16. WindowsLive (memory hog)
17. WkTask (seems redundant with functionality of QuickMenu, which I prefer)
The programs I would add to your ROM:
1. Resco Audio Recorder
2. Resco Internet Radio
3. BT BPP (direct to printer)
4. BT HID (or Stowaway BT Keyboard and Mouse Drivers)
5. AEButtonsPlus
6. HButtons
7. MortButtons
8. LEDKiller 3.1
9. ClearTemp
11. BT DUN
12. Wireless Modem app
13. WMWiFiRouter 0.6
15. WM5torage 1.75 or 1.78b4 (with cardspeed drivers installed)
16. AlarmClock
17. Total Commander
18. Salling Clicker
19. Mortscript 4.11b11
20. UITweaker
21. vxIPConfig (only program I know that gives my Mogul's MAC address so I can register it on a closed WiFi network)
22. PeekPocket
23. wmTorrent
24. PIEPlus
25. Adobe Flash
26. vxFTP
27. MobileVPN
28. Replace calculator with something more functional.
Anyways, that is my wish list. Do you have documentation re your ROM that would make my task easier? If so, I would love to see it (PM would be fine).
Thanks again for a great ROM, and for showing us the potential of this Mogul ROM.
Happy Thanksgiving.