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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 07-11-2009, 05:55 PM
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Re: New ROM for Sprint Mogul

Originally Posted by btonetbone View Post
Some SD cards are just not going to work. There's no real reason to explain it,but they just won't work. My first card was a 1 gig PNY that I couldn' get to work. I finally tried a 2 gig Sandisk, and it worked first try. If you have another small SD card handy, give it a go.
Secondly, make sure you are using the proper file named the proper thing. After you download Matt's file, make sure you Unrar it to extract the file inside. Rename the file inside the necessary thing:
RUU_Signed.nbh - for flashing via USB
TITAIMG.nbh - for flashing via SD
It's usually safe to set your computer to show you file extensions, too, so you don't accidentally name it something like TITAIMG.nbh.nbh and not realize it.
How do I set xp to show extensions? I'm sorry, I'm actually on a mac, running boot camp for all my winmo type things... I definitely was making sure about the renaming too, going as far as copying and pasting from the ppc forums to ensure proper file naming. I'm still not sure why the usb method is acting up. Hopefully, I can try my other sd card. The one I'm using now is the one that came with the Mogul. I bought another bigger one, but have stuff on it so I didn't want to use that one. I'll try again in a little though. In the mean time, is there anything else that can be done? I feel like something should be working, I'm literally reading every step 20 times and trying everything here. Maybe I'm somehow still messing something up?
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 07-11-2009, 06:18 PM
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Re: New ROM for Sprint Mogul

Originally Posted by duffman33 View Post
, and mine still says 2.07 No2Chem. Please help!!!!
If your phone is still saying this in bootloader then it is not unlocked, so trying to flash the rom will not work.

bootloader must say 2.47 or 2.40

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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 07-11-2009, 07:09 PM
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Re: New ROM for Sprint Mogul

OK, I used a different card and successfully unlocked and then flashed my phone. It seems really sluggish right now but hopefully it'll get better. Thanks to all your help!
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 07-13-2009, 10:47 AM
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Re: New ROM for Sprint Mogul

I would recommend doing a hard reset and taking out the battery for a minute, then see how well it works.

If it's still sluggish, I would then flash the newest stock rom (made by Sprint for normal use) then flash the ROM that you wanted. Also make sure you have the newest radio, or the one most compatible with the ROM you are using.

Also keep in mind that some ROMS will need more attention, just like on your pc if you open a bunch of programs, you may have to go in and close them out completely. Alot of the time, exiting a program doesn't close it out and it is probably still running in the background. You would then have to go into a taskmanager and close all programs.

If that's the case, resetting your phone once a day will help it stay running smooth.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 07-13-2009, 02:18 PM
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Re: New ROM for Sprint Mogul

You also might want to try running a barebones build just to see how that works out.
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