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  #441 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2009, 03:48 PM
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Re: Windows 6.5 Titan

Is it just me or did the last 2 versions not have MMS capabilities?
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  #442 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2009, 05:11 PM
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Re: Windows 6.5 Titan

Flash went successfully....

However, I am having an absolutely impossible time replacing any of the splash screens, what gives?

Using Resco Explorer, I've tried deleting and/or renaming welcomehead.96.png every which I can i can think of, but cant seem to be able to insert my own custom image.

And as for the other bootsplashes, tried using gc14's old bootsplash kitchen, but also seem to have trouble updating the images in the ROM.

Anyone have any idea here? I'm not a big fan of these faux Win-7 startup screens.
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  #443 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2009, 05:21 PM
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Re: Windows 6.5 Titan

go back to 6.0 to do that
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  #444 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2009, 05:34 PM
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Re: Windows 6.5 Titan

Originally Posted by bbsandkm View Post
no it doesnt hurt anything.

26 is for high memory
around 20 for low memory

for some reason in the last to builds 212728 and 212806B i see that my battery life has decrease.. i adjust everything that i could to Power Safe but still battery runs pretty fast ...
i don't use my phone alot. as a matter of fact i have my phone charging all day here at work and if i use it is plug to the charger but as soon as i unplugged it . even if not bein used when i push the power button to bring up phone from sleep mode i check the battery and it will still decrease dramatically..

any suggestions or tweaks you guys know about that i can do to make my batter last longer.
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  #445 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2009, 06:47 PM
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Re: Windows 6.5 Titan

Originally Posted by 166486 View Post
for some reason in the last to builds 212728 and 212806B i see that my battery life has decrease.. i adjust everything that i could to Power Safe but still battery runs pretty fast ...
I noticed the same thing and flashed back to 21234. been running awesome since. That build seems to work the best for me so far as memory and battery life. I boot with 26 free and average right around 20-21 after some usage. Battery lasts allllllllll day. The 2 latest builds would kill my battery in about 5-6 hours. I load all the same programs and set my phone up the same with each build. Not sure what causes the excess drain but maybe a newer build will fix it someday. By the way, I love the ROMs! Helps me to cope with my mogul until the TouchPro2 is released
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  #446 (permalink)  
Old 06-11-2009, 12:43 AM
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Re: Windows 6.5 Titan

I'm still having issues with memory. After a restart today around 2pm, I sent 5 text messages, 5 calls, and that's it. I am now at 12.x mb of memory with no programs running, and ~14.x after Oxios is ran.

Is the previously mentioned 21234 build better?
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  #447 (permalink)  
Old 06-11-2009, 08:40 AM
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Re: Windows 6.5 Titan

Running 21806b on Verizon...

Battery : I'm not noticing a battery drain at all. The only time I've had bad battery performance, was when I had my phone checking my home email every 5 minutes. Changing that to every 30 (or more) minutes, greatly increased the battery life. The same would apply to anything that accesses the internet frequently. The weather for example. (I have mine set to every 15 minutes, and am happy with that). If you run GPS, that drains your battery... so if you use a "desktop" GPS program that updates every xx minutes, stop that! Also, I've noticed with the last few builds, that after the first reboot, blue-tooth is turned on. Turning that off will also help greatly.

Memory: Make sure you are running in High Memory mode. Also check that clicking on X ends a program, rather than "minimizing" it. You can also change the home screen to remove items, and you will gain more memory. Running weather, activesync, mnotes client (to sync my phone with Lotus Notes, which work forces me to use), etc, I find I have PLENTY of memory available. As you can see in the screenshot, I remove the "phone, voicemail etc" options, as the cHome option covers them all.

Have a good one.
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  #448 (permalink)  
Old 06-11-2009, 10:16 AM
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Re: Windows 6.5 Titan

Originally Posted by anton_spaz View Post
Running 21806b on Verizon...

Battery : I'm not noticing a battery drain at all. The only time I've had bad battery performance, was when I had my phone checking my home email every 5 minutes. Changing that to every 30 (or more) minutes, greatly increased the battery life. The same would apply to anything that accesses the internet frequently. The weather for example. (I have mine set to every 15 minutes, and am happy with that). If you run GPS, that drains your battery... so if you use a "desktop" GPS program that updates every xx minutes, stop that! Also, I've noticed with the last few builds, that after the first reboot, blue-tooth is turned on. Turning that off will also help greatly.

Memory: Make sure you are running in High Memory mode. Also check that clicking on X ends a program, rather than "minimizing" it. You can also change the home screen to remove items, and you will gain more memory. Running weather, activesync, mnotes client (to sync my phone with Lotus Notes, which work forces me to use), etc, I find I have PLENTY of memory available. As you can see in the screenshot, I remove the "phone, voicemail etc" options, as the cHome option covers them all.

Have a good one.

Battery: i understand if you runs programs alot like internet, GPS and all the other good stuffs your battery will drain fast, but i'm talking while no programs are bein runned , having the phone on sleep mode , the battery will still drain... for example. last night a had about 85% battery by when i went to sleep. .... by 3am the phone was already dead...... that did not happened with previous builts but started happing with the last 2 builds.. did not see it happened with the 21234 and i belive it had the same home features on it that this one 21806.
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  #449 (permalink)  
Old 06-11-2009, 12:17 PM
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Re: Windows 6.5 Titan

My battery life has been just fine with this build. After a full day, my phone still has between 30 and 50% of battery life, depending on my usage throughout the day. I have three email accounts set to check every 30 minutes, too.

I'm guessing you have something that either accesses the internet periodically or uses the CPU or memory even when you're not touching it.

Would you mind putting up a list of CABs or tweaks you install?
Enjoy the show!
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  #450 (permalink)  
Old 06-11-2009, 03:11 PM
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Re: Windows 6.5 Titan

Originally Posted by btonetbone View Post
My battery life has been just fine with this build. After a full day, my phone still has between 30 and 50% of battery life, depending on my usage throughout the day. I have three email accounts set to check every 30 minutes, too.

I'm guessing you have something that either accesses the internet periodically or uses the CPU or memory even when you're not touching it.

Would you mind putting up a list of CABs or tweaks you install?
* MBarvian OpalPhoneCanvas---opal dialer
* Esmertec Jbed 20090217.5.1R2-SD_OM4.
* opera-mini-4.2.14320-advanced-en-us
* SpbTV.v1.0
* SpbPuzzle.arm

*****but all of the cab/programs are install on my SD card, and i run them from my SD Card
now the only ones that show under that Remove Programs are=
* MBarvian OpalPhoneCanvas---opal dialer
* Esmertec Jbed 20090217.5.1R2-SD_OM4
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