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  #941 (permalink)  
Old 09-21-2009, 10:34 PM
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Re: Windows 6.5 XV6800/Titan 23053

Originally Posted by jskoland View Post
Are you wanting to cook your own ROM or just use this one. This is a great ROM. ( My personal opinion )
I guess use this one. To show what little I do know about this. I assume you can use this ROM and still pick and choose what you want to add to the install. Maybe that is where I am getting confused.

Can this ROM be added to by choosing the applications or is it an as is? It sounds like there are several replies indicating this is the best in a while so if that is the case I'll take the extras.
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  #942 (permalink)  
Old 09-22-2009, 01:08 AM
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Re: Windows 6.5 XV6800/Titan 23053

Has anyone found a solution for the MP3 trimmer? Why isn't it working on this ROM?
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  #943 (permalink)  
Old 09-22-2009, 06:32 AM
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Re: Windows 6.5 XV6800/Titan 23053

Originally Posted by ScottHarris View Post
I am kind of new to this "cooking my own phone" thing. I have downloaded and ran the BuildOS application and built a phone but I got everything from the updater. If I download this where do I need to put it so that it is included in the BuildOS will pick up the new stuff.
put it right next to the romupdateutility then, run the update utility application
Originally Posted by luisds87 View Post
Has anyone found a solution for the MP3 trimmer? Why isn't it working on this ROM?
can you post your version of the mp3 player i use to have it but cant find it. i want to see if its the rom or that application its only for win 6.1

and thanx to all of you for testing, i dont think there are any extra applications cooked into this build
oxyos memory
nothing added to titanium
5 small games so it wouldnt be empty
that's why its only 59mb
BBS 1.0 FRG22D smoke glass

Last edited by bbsandkm; 09-22-2009 at 06:35 AM.
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  #944 (permalink)  
Old 09-22-2009, 11:00 AM
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Re: Windows 6.5 XV6800/Titan 23053

ScottHarris, in my humble opinion this is the best ROM I have seen for the Titan in a long time. To try and explain some things for you. This ROM already has the apps included in it, Can you add your own apps? yes you can. after you have updated your phone with this ROM and there is a particular dialer or browser you like to use, you can install the cab just like normal.

Can you pick and choose which apps get installed while updating the ROM? NO. You will flash your phone with this ROM, the apps have already been cooked into the ROM.

Hope this helps. You do know that the phone needs to be unlocked first.
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  #945 (permalink)  
Old 09-22-2009, 11:05 AM
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Re: Windows 6.5 XV6800/Titan 23053

Originally Posted by jskoland View Post
ScottHarris, in my humble opinion this is the best ROM I have seen for the Titan in a long time.
i second that.

To try and explain some things for you. This ROM already has the apps included in it, Can you add your own apps? yes you can. after you have updated your phone with this ROM and there is a particular dialer or browser you like to use, you can install the cab just like normal.

Can you pick and choose which apps get installed while updating the ROM? NO. You will flash your phone with this ROM, the apps have already been cooked into the ROM.
the nice thing about this rom is that it is pretty clean. there are just a few basic apps on there that pretty much everyone wants. after that, you can set it up how you want it. you can use sashimi or some other auto-cab loader to set up all of your other stuff if you want.
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  #946 (permalink)  
Old 09-22-2009, 12:48 PM
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Re: Windows 6.5 XV6800/Titan 23053

i am having some of the same keyboard problems as before. when i enter a password in opera mini it just disappears. anyone else having this problem?

edit...well it only happens to me in opera mini 4.X and not 5 beta, so i guess i will just use 5b.

Last edited by dmb60614; 09-22-2009 at 03:34 PM.
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  #947 (permalink)  
Old 09-22-2009, 01:30 PM
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Re: Windows 6.5 XV6800/Titan 23053

Loving the 23053 ROM...like most have stated, it is the best rom to be released for the Titan in quite some time.

Just out of curiousity, what is the difference between 23053 and 23412? Are they from the same build line or two different animals altogether?

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  #948 (permalink)  
Old 09-22-2009, 03:16 PM
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Smile Re: Windows 6.5 XV6800/Titan 23053

Originally Posted by dmb60614 View Post
i second that.

the nice thing about this rom is that it is pretty clean. there are just a few basic apps on there that pretty much everyone wants. after that, you can set it up how you want it. you can use sashimi or some other auto-cab loader to set up all of your other stuff if you want.
Thanks, the more I play wth it hte more I like it. They only thing I would like to change is to remove some of the baked in things like the games. For me (ADD guy that I am) having those kinds of games on my phone is nothing but a mind field of shiney objects to distract me from what I should be doing (i.e. reading email or sending important txt )
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  #949 (permalink)  
Old 09-22-2009, 03:31 PM
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Re: Windows 6.5 XV6800/Titan 23053

Originally Posted by busterman View Post
Loving the 23053 ROM...like most have stated, it is the best rom to be released for the Titan in quite some time.

Just out of curiousity, what is the difference between 23053 and 23412? Are they from the same build line or two different animals altogether?

two diffrent animals 23053 is from the com4 branch so it has the newer os code but 23412 is a com3 but it has a new contacts applications but not all of the ui changes evententrally the contacts application will make it way to com4 so you should just stick with the com4 branch 23053+
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  #950 (permalink)  
Old 09-22-2009, 04:54 PM
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Re: Windows 6.5 XV6800/Titan 23053

Originally Posted by aaronpoweruser View Post
two diffrent animals 23053 is from the com4 branch so it has the newer os code but 23412 is a com3 but it has a new contacts applications but not all of the ui changes evententrally the contacts application will make it way to com4 so you should just stick with the com4 branch 23053+

JFYI: the 230xx is the com 3 brach and the 234xx is com 4.
the com3 UI will be ported to the com4. Presently not all the changes that are in the com3 have been ported yet. Some will and some may not be.
Yes the best right now is the 230xx builds, which is the com 3, eventually they will be ported to the 234xx com 4 builds.

just the opposite.

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