Re: Windows 6.5 XV6800/Titan 23071
are roms for xv6800 titan not cdma gsm specific
or better said why are they on other units? thanks for keeping our xv6800 alive!
Verizon Moto DX<TP2<TP<xv6800<xv6700 Best Exchange & great price! Push & Aliases Click: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=346153 Last edited by cyberhern; 10-16-2009 at 08:29 PM. |
Re: Windows 6.5 XV6800/Titan 23071
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Re: Windows 6.5 XV6800/Titan 23071
My Results/walk-through for Bbsandkm 23071 rom loaded from storage card....
(How to Unlock you device http://www.ppckitchen.org/forums/sho...65&postcount=1 ) (How to flash from storage card http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showpost.p...59&postcount=3 ) Steps Taken: 1) Loaded ROM from storage card then removed battery, re-inserted battery (no itnital setup to hassle with) 2) Changed Page Pool to 4 and set to high mem mode - camera disabled(Start, settings, system, kernel, pagepool tab) and soft reset... 3) Hard Re-set Mogul, installed Sprint Carrier Cab (To Device),installed SPB screenshot (To Storage Card) soft-reset. Memory Results for Device: (Running in High Memory, Camera Disabled & pagepool of 4) Storage Total: 162.30 MB In Use: 5.94 MB Free: 156.36 MB Program Total: 55.30 MB In Use: 26.96 MB Free: 28.34 MB 3) Verified now able to access the web , soft reset, opened spb screen shot and took attached screenshots of memory (Screen01) and about screen(Screen02). [27.54MB AVAIL Program Memory] **Rom Includes: new contacts app (Screen03)... Honeycomb start menu - 4 wide (Screen04)... Today screen screen shot with a BEAUTIFUL theme <Also note battery indicatory in top left show percentage rather than bars...nice>(Screen05) So far no issues (PIE would be faster with larger pagepool but I am RAM hungy, lol) Will post again with results after install of my favorite Titanium plugins..... Hope This Helps someone to decide to try this Beautiful Rom!!!! |
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Re: Windows 6.5 XV6800/Titan 23071
Results After Installing My favorite Titanium Plugins (heavy customization): 24.83 AVAIL Program Memory after soft reset with all of the following customizations.... Very impressive in my opinion, Great Job Bbsandkm!!!!!
1) Using Titanium Customizer (pre installed w/ rom, also nice not to have to install right off the bat) <remeber to turn off titanium /start, settings, home, items and uncheck windows default and tap ok> I disabled: CMyPhotos, CMusic, CWelcomeCenter, CPhone, CVoicemail, CText, CEmail, CHomeFavs, & CwindowsLive. <remeber to turn titanium back on /start, settings, home, items and uncheck windows default and tap ok> 2) Installed: (all installed to device) all the plugins and more can be found here... http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=511052 *Analog Clock by rpereira (remeber to go into clock settings under start-programs-utilities folder, system button and choose it as the defualt and check out all the other cool features avail in settings!) *Titanium Notifications download newest version, p4 http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...&postcount=192 / or else it will case lockups on device on bouild 23042+) *Titanium Quick Launcher by gullum & Quick Launcher Editor by gullum and twolf (must have flash player 7 installed for the editor to work http://www.adobe.com/products/flashplayer_pocketpc/ ) *Titanium System Panel by dgaud007 *Favorite People Plugin by AppStar *Titanium Plugin: Taskanium <soft reset when done so all these new toys can be seen in the titanium customizer> 3) Using Titanium customer arraged plugins in the following order:<using UP and Down buttons to the right> <remeber to turn off titanium /start, settings, home, items and uncheck windows default and tap ok> 1)CAnalogClock = Analog Clock by rpereira 2)CHome = Titanium Notifications 3)system = Titanium System Panel by dgaud007 4)ATFavePeople = Favorite People Plugin by AppStar 5)GPrograms = Titanium Quick Launcher by gullum 6)CAppointments = default plug in 7)Taskanium = Titanium Plugin: Taskanium (duhh if this on is not self explanitory u need help!!) Then press save <remeber to turn titanium back on /start, settings, home, items and uncheck windows default and tap ok> 4) Removed top memory bar since I use the System pannel.. (notice in screenshot it is missing now) go into file explorer, my device- windows- startup- tap and hold on qwertyMemory, tap cut... then past somewhere like my documents <tap ok on the error that pops up>, you can delete it after you have done a soft reset... 5) Making those barn sliding sounds work... I had no luck using registry editor or the like to get them back however I had this old cab laying around HTCSliding Sound (attached below, I'm sorry I can't remember where I got it but I did not make it myself so whomever did thank you and I did not purposely try to steal your thunder) that being said when istalled to device it puts the necessary registy keys in place and makes the origional sliding sounds work (If you want to custom sliding sounds do a search for it there is a dozen threads here telling you how) soft reset after install. 6) Last but certinly not least is to make the X buttom actuall close programs again using Showcase Suite 1.1.0 (Found Here http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...03&postcount=3 ) Which I install to the device. e-Natives Showcase Suite is Free Finger Friendly and Resource Friendly Task Manager With Professional Skinning and Easy to Use for New Build(s) of Windows Mobile 6.5.x (BUILD 23045+). FYI. It is supposed to close by tapping X by default but for me it only minimzed, I had to go into the registry <Hkey_current_user, Software, e-Natives Technology, Showcase and change SUITE_CloseOnTap value data from 0 to 1> However all of the registry keys needed to costomize are outline in the above mentioned link just remeber to look in hkey_current_user, not hkey_local_machine. PLEASE KEEP IN MIND I DID NOT CREATE ANY OF THIS AND TAKE ABSOLUTELY NO CREDIT BEYOND PUTTING IT ALL IN ONE PLACE FOR YOU TO ENJOY AND TO SEE HOW THIS ROM STOOD TO ALL OF THIS INSTALLED, I HAVE TRIED TO PROVIDE LINKS TO EVERYTHING RATHER THAN POSTING AS MY OWN WORK AND I PERSONALLY THANK EVERYONE WHO HAS DEVOTED TIME TO THE CREATION OF ALL THE LITTLE PIECES THAT MAKE THE PERSONLIZATION OF MY MOPGUL POSSIBLE!!!! Obviously I have many other apps that I install but I can't give away all of my secrets, however the memory specs listed below are with all of the above mentioned installs and customizations completed and nothing else installed... Memory Results for Device: (Running in High Memory, Camera Disabled & pagepool of 4) Storage Total: 162.30 MB In Use: 12.73 MB Free: 149.57 MB Program Total: 55.30 MB In Use: 30.47 MB Free: 24.83 MB Screen06 = screen shot of memory results after soft reset Screen07 = screen shot of e-Natives Showcase Suite Screen08 = My Today Screen I have also attached a copy of these results as a notepad doc so yo can download and use as a walk-thorugh if you like |
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Re: Windows 6.5 XV6800/Titan 23071
For a lighter customization do not install: <27.61 AVAIL Program Memory after soft reset, not much of a difference but does respond faster.>
*Analog Clock by rpereira *Favorite People Plugin by AppStar *Titanium Plugin: Taskanium (if you have already insalled everything and want to go this way just turn off titanium and uninstall the items below, soft reset, then turn titanium back on) Memory Results for Device: (Running in High Memory, Camera Disabled & pagepool of 4) Storage Total: 162.30 MB In Use: 9.24 MB Free: 153.06 MB Program Total: 55.30 MB In Use: 27.69 MB Free: 27.61 MB Screen09 = screen shot of momory results after soft reset screen10 = Today screen Have fun with it, good and stable ROM!!! Sorry for hi-jacking the thread but with PPCG down in the ealry AM hours I was able to put all this together and hope some of you find it helpful. Who knows maybe I'll breakdown and make my own ROM once I am happy enough with the performance of my customizations in a 6.5.1 build Last edited by seeneed4speed; 10-17-2009 at 06:14 PM. |
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Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows CE; IEMobile 8.12; MSIEMobile 6.0))
hey buddy yesterday i started using this rom, its awesome, im lovin it but today i found out that the zoombar in internet explorer is missing. i tried a hardreset without any luck. is there any way to fix that? thanx |
Re: Windows 6.5 XV6800/Titan 23071
As revisions proceed things are added and removed, the zoom bar was one of those things removed in this build, not really a problem with the ROM. You will also notice older builds in PIE under views only had desktop as an option and now it has desktop, mobile, or automatic. I think microsoft is trying to make it so the browser can determine weither to show in desktop or mobile mode for best viewing on its own.
As fars as how to revert back you could always re-cook with the older PIE, or maybe someone has it in cab form... sorry I could not help more. |
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