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  #41 (permalink)  
Old 01-29-2009, 12:33 PM
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Re: nueROM3-206 w\ PPCKitchen BuildOS (Updated 1/23/08)

Wow some people are getting stuck while others are getting it to work perfectly.

Please post your selections people!
Disclaimer: The truth is obvious.
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  #42 (permalink)  
Old 01-29-2009, 02:45 PM
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Re: nueROM3-206 w\ PPCKitchen BuildOS (Updated 1/23/08)

Originally Posted by SimpTheChimp View Post
For some reason it has stopped doing this. Seems to be working fine now. I fiddled around with the hardware switch setting (it was already off for WiFi so I turned it on and then back on a few times) and now works fine.

Wierd... Anyway things working OK here, and memory usage is great! (~25Mb free even with WAD2 running!)

I'm new to this, but I am also having trouble with the Wifi constantly switching on and off. I toggled the Wifi on and off as Chimp suggested he had done, but that doesn't seem to stop it... Nevermind, I solved this by unchecking the "enable hardware switch." I was able to resolve the sound issue as per doc's suggestion of switching from the ringer switch to wireless switch, at which point I had left the box checked and the Wifi acted up.

I appreciate all the input in this forum.

Last edited by Marne; 01-29-2009 at 02:57 PM.
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  #43 (permalink)  
Old 01-29-2009, 05:32 PM
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Re: nueROM3-206 w\ PPCKitchen BuildOS (Updated 1/29/08)

Would you mind posting your selections.txt Marne? I would appreciate it for some feedback for those who's ROMs are locking up.
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  #44 (permalink)  
Old 01-29-2009, 07:33 PM
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Re: nueROM3-206 w\ PPCKitchen BuildOS (Updated 1/29/08)

Here are my selections. I was having the same problem yesterday, but I realized after going through this thread that the WiFi switch defaults to the volume and then I figured out that a battery removal and un-checking the "act like a hardware switch" option fixed those problems. I have noticed that there is a periodic lag. Sometimes after a phone call, sometimes after plating Bubblebreaker. One thing that is GREAT is that the screen doesn't lock up during phone calls anymore: if I was on a call, switch the screen to enable the speaker, then try to go back to the keypad (checking voicemail for instance) the call would continue but the buttons and screen would not respond. I would have to soft reset. This ROM seems to work extremely well so far. Hopefully I attached the selections properly. Thanks for showing us this and thanks to no2chem, especially for the stability.

[BaseGroup]=GroupFile=Groups\BuildBases\WM6.1_96DPI_QVGA_NueR OM_0409_BuildBase.txt
[DeviceGroup]=GroupFile=Groups\DeviceBases\Titan_WM6.1_NueROM_D eviceBase.txt
SelectedBootSplashImage=240x320,PPCK_Diamond_Manil a2D_Splash.png
0cfc3dc0-5fbc-4153-9ce9-72df4d8c2922, True, Solitaire and Bubblebreaker
38f43c9f-bc38-430e-81d1-a2e6c650f225, True, .NetCF 2.0
60fa7e75-fb9b-45c0-b99c-16d9182e9f72, True, Transcriber
6327354b-cf17-4539-92f4-c590558d3b46, True, Solitaire and Bubblebreaker
2401a89d-1c1a-448a-b204-051d1866e37f, True, Solitaire and Bubblebreaker
6dea1fb5-657b-41de-b282-d3ee7c6c149c, True, Solitaire and Bubblebreaker
5f9ca691-2a85-4db5-b6a0-ce35ef2618dc, True, Transcriber
f778638a-d209-4ee6-adb1-ad8e122d3685, True, Transcriber
ffffffff-ae01-43b1-bff8-a6ea42b802e0, True, Adjust OOM Settings to allow 512kb memory
ffffffff-e65b-4a91-b615-e5f15973ca7a, True, Adjust OOM VLOW Settings to allow 64kb memory
778e5616-23a1-4a53-901d-0023162fd5b1, True, HTC Ringtones (Basic)
45778ff6-7e1b-4a01-b0a7-fc2ca60dc2b9, True, HTC Ringtones (Musical)
110a1202-f5ca-49bd-90e3-3cf58e40a2b8, True, Sprint 3.35
fffffff1-676d-4530-b7e4-9d895a2e3e52, True, AdobeReaderLE.2_00_288531
e1c00a8c-ffe8-45aa-bcd6-68ab1f8de241, True, Advanced Configuration
ffffffff-2f4d-475f-976e-690884992550, True, Opera Mini
f54af7ca-8dba-4a04-b247-44f67bf8fdf1, True, Manila 2D Style Opal 6 Button-Red
ffffffff-e2a9-4cdc-bd61-32e68a81ee8d, True, Cyberon Voice Commander
ffffffff-905d-43a2-964b-ff239581d96e, True, TouchFLO 2D Dialer
31ddb480-ea5d-11db-8314-0800200c9a66, True, Dopewars
6b2f9ad0-f5a6-11db-8314-0800200c9a66, True, dotFred Task Manager
01f6d872-f5aa-11db-8314-0800200c9a66, True, File as First Last
ffffffff-0d04-41ce-9de7-c6c6f6223060, True, Flash Video Bundle
4e0550c0-eae9-11db-8314-0800200c9a66, True, Freecell
ffffffff-859d-41db-a1d2-bbbdde1be500, True, Google Maps
f5e9565e-226f-47f9-9241-8972df262f8d, True, GSFinder+ (Dutty WM6 Explorer)
26a9f7e6-ea5c-11db-8314-0800200c9a66, True, Microsoft Hearts
ffffffff-9ce5-4b72-8dc9-937d53aa44c8, True, HTC Album
fffffff5-676d-4530-b7e4-9d895a2e3e52, True, HTC Enlarge Start Menu
ffffffff-b10a-4151-9586-ca88d31c7970, True, HTC GPS Tool
ffffffff-f923-46f1-82d1-ce667fb10c88, True, HTC Large Title Bar
ffffffff-d495-4348-b3af-3c0d9096a162, True, Esmertec Jbed Java
ffffffff-5226-4901-9e90-1d8cf3dcef11, True, Manila 2D
ffffffff-ff20-4f01-a1c0-3a7e81e39304, True, Manilla 2D Customizer
ffffffff-820e-41e1-9aee-314d14e127d9, True, Manila Today Theme
f1d746e0-97d9-48a2-b9ca-84886fd5488a, True, BT FTP
ffffffff-00f7-4b38-9325-e37ea8e40510, True, netCF35 Exception Messages
ffffffff-3ac7-40b6-a4b7-3f6d5deb052e, True, nueAudio AudioPara Configuration Tool
ffffffff-d548-4bf2-804c-5b2068b94c99, True, nueExtROM Configuration Tool
ffffffff-23b2-41e3-9c2b-8a9b4f0af6ff, True, nueMMS
ffffffff-5f62-4df0-9497-bbb6cdb809a6, True, nuePerformance
ffffffff-0275-487f-81b4-cb2039e04b5e, True, nuePowerCPL
cf98ac92-e866-4d14-a90c-d8ab926e2d18, True, HTC Titan Camera
5f86088f-7e4b-4f3d-8b34-76b8a6bebe0e, True, Office Excel
c87af325-6bb0-4ecf-a662-47cda75d339b, True, Office Powerpoint
b495431f-6792-4461-a0cc-c9b7f5b47611, True, Office Word
edc647b8-2893-4c9e-a1c1-a50b4580a4bd, True, Opera_v9_5_Build_2392_QVGA_WWE
7919f0c6-231d-49bf-bf52-10f67696c893, True, Oxios Memory
290bddea-dc8c-11db-8314-0800200c9a66, True, FdcSoft PIM Backup
ea295713-2f22-4112-b6ca-b41edc9e9e2b, True, Pocket RAR
ffffffff-1486-4055-8087-bd49d95d4201, True, Skinny Signal Bars
ffffffff-0cea-49bf-b935-d3a558c712db, True, Retro Clock Skins- Manila 2D
79037a77-b342-443e-b397-be9799a1e008, True, Big Charging Battery for S2U2
ffffffff-8326-4910-9ad6-3bc1e6f92a47, True, Slide2Unlock including Slide2View
ffff2d7f-3b1d-4fd1-bba4-b0bba891628d, True, SPB Tensor Calculator Skin
55e5b9be-eafe-11db-8314-0800200c9a66, True, BL OSXBlue Keyboard Skin
84adafa4-dd3d-4e12-9dd8-3d20107e9193, True, TCPMP
ffffffff-9724-4b13-95e4-2312ad2f9c81, True, TouchFlo Cube Suite by XPlode
3a3d5b47-100c-4c3a-a0ce-1b84f6dc8dde, True, TripYzee
fffe5da7-2dab-4273-80ee-e4797682b7fa, True, Clock in Title Bar
59d6a722-2ab7-11dc-8314-0800200c9a66, True, VistaHide Battery Guage
fe36941c-f5a6-11db-8314-0800200c9a66, True, VJCandela - (TITAN ONLY) Flashlight
ffffff9f-676d-4530-b7e4-9d895a2e3e52, True, HTC Voice Recorder
ffffffff-49f3-4991-a3bd-a3fbc1a9d726, True, Diamond Sounds and Ringers
e54c0e41-3f65-4d9f-b104-4245cc434a86, True, Additional Ringtones
9a1d9e85-fe6d-4b49-85ef-3bfc0c797ce1, True, Additional Sounds
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  #45 (permalink)  
Old 01-29-2009, 08:19 PM
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Re: nueROM3-206 w\ PPCKitchen BuildOS (Updated 1/29/08)

Ok I got the attachments uploaded. The .zip file is simply put into the Projects folder of BuildOS and the .rars are into the Kitchens folder. Don't unrar the rars but unzip the zip. Kudos to dan and no2 of course. I'm merely reposting this for the community.
I am not sure what is causing the issues with loading this ROM. I followed your instructions by going to C: -> Program Files -> PPCKitchen.org -> BuildOS (dragging and dropping the Projects .zip in and unzipping it) then putting the two .rar files into the Kitchens folder.

I initially started doing this a week ago by following GaMedics posts. I can post my build this weekend if people are still having trouble. I have been changing my build once a day, mainly because I want to see what different features offer.

Radio version: 3.42.40

Thank you againg MrObvious and crew for putting this together.
Radio version: 3.42.40
PRL version: 51248
PRI version: 2.03_002

Last edited by Marne; 01-29-2009 at 09:07 PM.
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  #46 (permalink)  
Old 01-30-2009, 01:52 AM
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Re: nueROM3-206 w\ PPCKitchen BuildOS (Updated 1/29/08)

Hmm. Post your selections text file.
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  #47 (permalink)  
Old 01-30-2009, 01:51 PM
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Unhappy Re: nueROM3-206 w\ PPCKitchen BuildOS (Updated 1/29/08)

I'm working fine now... BUT... I am finding that this ROM is sucking down my battery! I charge it up to 100%... then use it for 30 minutes or so, and it's all ready used 25% of my battery! Before this ROM, it would be lucky to get to 90% after 30 minutes.

Something here is amiss and is using up battery much faster than normal.

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  #48 (permalink)  
Old 01-30-2009, 02:35 PM
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Re: nueROM3-206 w\ PPCKitchen BuildOS (Updated 1/29/08)

Check the infrared settings. Apparently that's on. Also use Scrap's Advanced Config and tweak the power settings there.
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  #49 (permalink)  
Old 01-31-2009, 04:57 PM
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Question Re: nueROM3-206 w\ PPCKitchen BuildOS (Updated 1/29/08)

Originally Posted by MrObvious View Post
Check the infrared settings. Apparently that's on. Also use Scrap's Advanced Config and tweak the power settings there.
Do you mean the BEAM settings in Connections? It does say that accept beams is not enabled. What other infrared settings do I need to check?

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  #50 (permalink)  
Old 01-31-2009, 08:49 PM
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Re: nueROM3-206 w\ PPCKitchen BuildOS (Updated 1/29/08)

Originally Posted by MrObvious View Post
Would you mind posting your selections.txt Marne? I would appreciate it for some feedback for those who's ROMs are locking up.
My Titan_WM6.1_NueROM_DeviceBase WM6.1_96DPI_QVGA_NueROM_0409_BuildBase.txt

I will probably change this shortly, but I have not had any issues with this build. Chimp, I am curious about your battery drain problem. I had this issue with a prior build, but not with my current.

Last edited by Marne; 01-31-2009 at 09:48 PM.
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