Originally Posted by SimpTheChimp
For some reason it has stopped doing this. Seems to be working fine now. I fiddled around with the hardware switch setting (it was already off for WiFi so I turned it on and then back on a few times) and now works fine.
Wierd... Anyway things working OK here, and memory usage is great! (~25Mb free even with WAD2 running!)
I'm new to this, but I am also having trouble with the Wifi constantly switching on and off. I toggled the Wifi on and off as Chimp suggested he had done, but that doesn't seem to stop it... Nevermind, I solved this by unchecking the "enable hardware switch." I was able to resolve the sound issue as per doc's suggestion of switching from the ringer switch to wireless switch, at which point I had left the box checked and the Wifi acted up.
I appreciate all the input in this forum.