Pretty accurate but a couple issues that I noted that are not all 100% correct. If you dont mind let me explain...
0. You should clarify in step one that you mean flash back to the "official NON GPS ROM." Maybe even include a link to the thread on how to do that. I would but I am work right now and all my favorites are at home. Cant get the VPN working on my phone for the life of me but that is another thread all together.
It is clear. Stock = official stock non gps rom.
1. You dont have to flash the Sprint ROM for any reason after unlocking it again with SPL 2.40 (assuming you completed the steps to flash back to a non stock ROM). What I did was put the radio and ROM of my choice on memory card and flashed radio first, took card out, moved correct NBH to root then flashed OS ROM. Everything worked 100% You can use the Sprint ROM but why do that if you are going to just flash a new radio and ROM as soon as you finish that? Secondly you keep your VZW boot screens if you do it my way ;c) Thats a plus for me. You can also do this via USB for the Radio and OS ROM as well. Yo dont have to use mem card but damn it is so much faster!
You must have been lucky as I tried the exact same steps you took THREE times, and all three times the PRI came back. It was only when using the Sprint ROM as an intermediary that the PRI held.
2. The part about the DMU being corrupt is also not 100% accurate. This MAY happen but did not happen each time I did this last night. Only did it once (going from stockl non GPS to Stock GPS at that!!!!!). I have flashed from "stock NON GPS" to "GPS" and back to "Stock GPS" then to "Stock NON GPS" (and so on and so on) many times in the past 48 hours and only had the issue one single time.
If it MAY happen, then it should be posted shouldn't it? It's not that it's "not correct".
3. The part about Authentication is only part true. If you followed your own steps in the post you could not have authentication errors because you will get a new AKey as soon as you actiavate by using *228 after swapping your phone back on the VZW site. So in theory you wont have this problem. But your resolution is a good one.
Only true part?
there is a better and safer way to restore the old PRI 1.35..
uhhhh.. Just run the Radio Refurbish from this post..
Radio Refurbish does not work. It was the first thing I tried.