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  #31 (permalink)  
Old 07-28-2008, 02:55 AM
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Re: Htc Mogul And Touch Driver Updates Coming Soon !!!!

Hrmm post #31 Ok I promise I wont tell anyone!

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  #32 (permalink)  
Old 07-28-2008, 10:51 AM
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Re: Htc Mogul And Touch Driver Updates Coming Soon !!!!

Originally Posted by Limegrntaln View Post
Hrmm post #31 Ok I promise I wont tell anyone!
What are you talking about??
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old 07-28-2008, 07:18 PM
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Re: Htc Mogul And Touch Driver Updates Coming Soon !!!!

While I can see the varying opinions here, take a look at what Microsoft is facing. As a product, Windows Mobile is shifting further from the PDA market and rapidly towards a cell phone market. They are now facing a media rich competitor with the iPhone, and with the googlized phone coming, more competition. So I don't see it so farfetched that Microsoft (with the blessing of HTC) might step in and offer to finish where HTC left off to build a base of better PocketPC phones with great graphics. Then they can start to compete on numbers. Remember that for many people, word of mouth on the phone is powerful (no pun intended). The more people out there with phones that are playing movies, youtube, etc (hulu?) will mean being able to pull some of the steam from the Apple train. If you believe the mobile device will gain in popularity over time, then you can understand why Microsoft might step in to "help" get deveices up to par. I see the Mogul and Touch as being sort of transition devices. They learned a lot from them as finally the hardware and software crossed a cusp where they became uber useful.

So, should HTC have been the pne to handle the updated drivers? Sure. Does it *surprise* me that Microsoft might do it themselves (with cooperation from HTC I'm sure), not at all given the current market. Do I believe they actually are doing it? No idea, but I hope so

And or the posters that assume all the masses will upgrade at the release of the Diamond and Touch Pro, I'd have to say "I doubt it" due to the cost, I know I won't (until my Mogul breaks and insurance helps the upgrade). And besides, then there will be a flod of used Touches and Moguls on the market that are still useful.
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old 07-29-2008, 03:34 PM
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Re: Htc Mogul And Touch Driver Updates Coming Soon !!!!

From the POV of 'is this realistic?' and 'has this sort of update occurred before, especially for free?' I would have to agree with others that it is unlikely this will happen. However, these are changing and demanding times for MS as Apple and Google continue their upward dominance.

If I were MS and I had the ability to make exisiting PDAs in the market place able to compete with the IPhone - I wouldn't hesitate. Waiting for the next generation PDA's to compete is not the best course of action. By that time, Apple would have secured its place that much more, making it that much harder for MS to keeps its place.

These are interesting times ... MS has to start thinking and acting radical. They need to realize that the computing world appreciates aesthetics more than they did in the past. Gray is out - color is in.
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old 07-29-2008, 04:58 PM
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Re: Htc Mogul And Touch Driver Updates Coming Soon !!!!

Give me windows mobile 8 with an HTC phone with Nvidia GPU!
Just pray Nvidia doesn't bork the GPU like they did with the 8600.
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old 07-29-2008, 06:47 PM
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Re: Htc Mogul And Touch Driver Updates Coming Soon !!!!

Now I thought the issue was not as much a technical issue more of a licensing issue.
If Qualcom did not properly license the architecture for their graphics processor then MS nor HTC can build drivers for it.
I assumed this is why HTC said it was not as simple as writing drivers for it, and this would make more sense.

I heard this through the grapevine reading many posts on the topic, so take this with a grain of salt.

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  #37 (permalink)  
Old 07-29-2008, 09:13 PM
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Re: Htc Mogul And Touch Driver Updates Coming Soon !!!!

Originally Posted by PpcGeek6800 View Post
well im happy, but if this is released after the Diamond and Touch Pro then it will be pretty pointless because most of us are going to upgrade from the touch or mogul
Don't confuse some uberfans here with most touch/mogul users. Most of the touch/mogul users are not going to upgrade this quickly to the new phones.
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old 07-29-2008, 09:47 PM
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Re: Htc Mogul And Touch Driver Updates Coming Soon !!!!

Originally Posted by gof View Post
While I can see the varying opinions here, take a look at what Microsoft is facing. As a product, Windows Mobile is shifting further from the PDA market and rapidly towards a cell phone market. They are now facing a media rich competitor with the iPhone, and with the googlized phone coming, more competition. So I don't see it so farfetched that Microsoft (with the blessing of HTC) might step in and offer to finish where HTC left off to build a base of better PocketPC phones with great graphics. Then they can start to compete on numbers. Remember that for many people, word of mouth on the phone is powerful (no pun intended). The more people out there with phones that are playing movies, youtube, etc (hulu?) will mean being able to pull some of the steam from the Apple train. If you believe the mobile device will gain in popularity over time, then you can understand why Microsoft might step in to "help" get deveices up to par. I see the Mogul and Touch as being sort of transition devices. They learned a lot from them as finally the hardware and software crossed a cusp where they became uber useful.

So, should HTC have been the pne to handle the updated drivers? Sure. Does it *surprise* me that Microsoft might do it themselves (with cooperation from HTC I'm sure), not at all given the current market. Do I believe they actually are doing it? No idea, but I hope so

And or the posters that assume all the masses will upgrade at the release of the Diamond and Touch Pro, I'd have to say "I doubt it" due to the cost, I know I won't (until my Mogul breaks and insurance helps the upgrade). And besides, then there will be a flod of used Touches and Moguls on the market that are still useful.
I think you bring up some good points, but I just feel that both HTC and Microsoft want to be more competitive in their next iteration of their respective products. Thus the next Windows Mobile will be much more user interface-friendly (at least try to be) while developing better applications to handle media - including things like flash for pocket ie (although a lot of that is up to adobe). HTC has already shown their next devices, and yes, they do have hardware acceleration enabled.
This strategy makes sense since next to none of the current iPhone buyers will revert back to a device like the mogul just because it now has hardware accelerated graphics enabled. The major marketing for the Mogul is already done with anyways, so there isn't even a good way to know that it has been upgraded. How many commercials have you seen advertising the Mogul's new GPS capabilities? Sprint TV? IMO, GPS is a bigger deal than graphics acceleration - and it still wasn't advertised.
I just don't think anybody is willing to put money into developing for a device that will so soon be outdated, and the hype surrounding it has already died. No offense to the optomists, but I think that HTC and Microsoft have moved past the current generation and are focused on bigger and better things. It's too bad, but that's the way tech works.
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old 07-30-2008, 10:19 AM
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Re: Htc Mogul And Touch Driver Updates Coming Soon !!!!

I used to work at Sprint developing next-gen business mobility and security apps for eneterprises and interacted very often with "the phone guy" (wont mention his name) who decided all the next generation phones including the Mogul (at that time). I can tell you with a high degree of certainty that I wouldnt expect a Microsoft driver solution for the Mogul.

At Sprint, "the phone guy" spends his days (and nights) working with more vendors than we have fingers and toes. He doesnt have time to think backwards, and ultimately it is his decision to put pressure on his vendors for a solution, but only if his boss, and their boss, and their boss demand it. Otherwise, it distracts from the forward -looking momentum that all telecommunications companies must have to stay in business.

The product managers at Sprint care about the phone, because a phone, or line of phones are their babies. They tend to whine about these problems we complain about for us, but it does little good. Sprint is run by decisions from the top down. And the people at the top have no clue what is happening beneath them. (yes, my former angst) But as a rule, Sprint only cares about windows mobile from an enterprise/business user perspective. They make the bulk of the revenue on the WinMo phones from corporations/businesses ordering hundreds or thousands of phones.

That is starting to change, as with the popularity of the consumer focused Centro as a smart device, but it is a terrible strategy to develop backwards, and I highly doubt the phone guy would ask a software vendor to develop a driver for an outdated semiconductor chip, especially when they dont even have the designs/patents for them. I would love to be proved wrong. It may restore my faith in Sprint if they were able to pull this kind of muscle with a vendor whether it be Qualcomm or Microsoft.
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  #40 (permalink)  
Old 07-31-2008, 02:48 PM
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Re: Htc Mogul And Touch Driver Updates Coming Soon !!!!

I don't see what Microsoft has to do with video drivers for HTC ...Did the tech support from HTC doesn't exist anymore and they using the Microsoft team ? Also if I have to depend on Microsoft to realize something to be fixed, maybe my children in next life they gone be happy to use it.
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