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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 07-11-2008, 01:26 AM
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XV6800 for Verizon

I really have tried to read through this forum, but information is soooo scattered and duplicated, I would have to read and search for an hour or so just to find the answer to my question, so Im asking instead.

1. I am buying a XV6800 from verizon tomm, I was told by the verizon sales agent that it only has EVDO Rev 0 built in, will the rom upgrade change this to rev a?

2. I see sprints upgrade rom, but wheres verizons most up to date rom upgrade if there is one.

Please please help. Thanks
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 07-11-2008, 02:01 AM
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Re: XV6800 for Verizon

As usuall VZW draggs their feet and does not have an update. But you can use the Sprint Rom WITHOUT letting the custimazation run. Yes it will move you to REV A and make GPS available. After you upgrade you can cook your own ROM from the kitchen. Have fun cooking
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 07-11-2008, 03:43 AM
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Smile Re: XV6800 for Verizon

You will love the phone with a cooked ROM been using no2chem's now for a while and what they add is just awsome seems like the device is more responsive too. The whole process is fairly easy too not with out risk but I had no problem.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 07-11-2008, 08:11 AM
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Re: XV6800 for Verizon

There has been no release from Verizon yet except for a keyboard fix. I check the following site every week or two in the hope one will show up.

http://handsets.utstar.com/phone_downloads.aspx?bid=89&cid=1&mid=287&carrier= Verizon%20Wireless

As the others stated you can use one of the custom Roms here and at xda-developers to update your phone. It is an easy process, but do your research before you just start flashing. Most people need to call Verizon after the first upgrade to authenticate the phone.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 07-11-2008, 10:39 AM
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Re: XV6800 for Verizon

As far as the upgrade, I just did my initial pass and have NexVisions ROM up and running. You can follow my trials and tribulations in this thread starting on page 4 :

GL & happy ROMing
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 07-11-2008, 02:35 PM
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Re: XV6800 for Verizon

Thanks guys, I thought i would get a bunch of "use search, its your friend" responses, but im still a little bit confused

I read the entire post of the verizon way of doing things, where you gotta reset before the sprint customization starts, the only question i have now is...

There are sooo many roms out there, how do I know which rom to get and which is the best for me? I have no time to "cook" my own, I really dont want to try them all out, I just want one that fixes the rev a problem and GPS problem, which one should I get, and besides the rom, let me get this straight i will also need a sprint radio download and a unlocker?

Hopefully you guys will help me out while i take a trip to verizon and buy this amazing phone and reep the benefits you all have.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 07-11-2008, 03:29 PM
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Re: XV6800 for Verizon

I would recommend that you go to look over my trials and tribulations (link above)
I didn't reset before the customization - I just stopped at the 'tap screen....' while the startup process is paused. Activesync will still work in the background - so you can continue. Once you get the first rom in - I'd recommend spl2.47 so you can easily put other roms in to try them out - it goes fairly quickly. Read the disclaimors to make sure these paths are for you. & GL
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 07-11-2008, 03:33 PM
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Re: XV6800 for Verizon

As far as which rom, my experience so far tells me you'll just have to read threads then try them out to really see if you like them. Use a PIM backup utility if you decide to put any personal info in. Or setup vzw wireless sync. You'll probably have to add that in if your going to use it - none of the roms I've tried so far have it in. The link to the download page is in the thread I gave you.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 07-11-2008, 03:41 PM
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Re: XV6800 for Verizon

I would recommend following these steps:

1) install nueSPL (unlock the phone) http://www.lifesnotsogood.com/dcd118...ueSPL-2.47.rar
- extract .exe from RAR and copy to your phone... have an SD card ready... the installer will detect that it is formatted properly or give you the option to format it. this is a good first step because you can use that card for step #2 once you're done.
2) install the newest radio (3.42.30)
- extract the NBH from the RAR and copy it to the ROOT of your SD card
- rename the RUU_signed.nbh to TITAIMG.nbh
- reboot the phone into "flash mode" (hold camera + power + pinhole reset with stylus)
- it should detect the ROM at this point, just follow the instructions.
3) flash a custom ROM (dcd has the most recent stable release)
- if you use dcd make sure you install the carrier cab after your first boot: http://www.lifesnotsogood.com/dcd118...2020080706.cab
- only other "stable" and current rom for the titan right now is NexVision's that I know of.. it's really up to you which ROM you flash... dcd is known for his "clean" roms so you start with a nice BASE and you install whatever apps you want... no2chem's current releases are still in testing so it's up to you if you want to sort through the misc bugs as he releases new versions.

Oh, you might also want to install MMS as well if you go with any of these... Verizon luckily you can still use Arcsoft so you can use the cab found in this thread to add MMS after you're booted up:

Other resources:

Good beginner Wiki:

dcd's titan ROM & kitchen 3.2.0 thread:

Other notes... you can obviously use the Sprint ROM to get your radio but then you risk messing some things if up you forget to not allow customizations (can be confusing for 1st timer)... I recommend getting the SD flashing down because it's the easiest way to do things... all radios that come out have been from sprint and usually dcd or someone else rips em out of the sprint release into its own image, but you have to flash with SD card... so might as well get used to it
XV6800 > XV6850 > Fuze > PPC 6850 (R.I.P.) > XV6850 (again) -> iPhone (sorry to say this, but it simply does everything better than wm -- EVEN EXCHANGE EMAIL!)

Last edited by Zenoran; 07-12-2008 at 12:14 PM.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 07-11-2008, 03:53 PM
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Re: XV6800 for Verizon

One thing to remember. Have everything ready before you begin, especially when flashing from SD. Ether way you should really have your radio,SPL, and ROM picked and ready before you start.

Do a search for xv6800 in this forum, there are a couple of great guides to what you need to do. While some are a bit older the steps remain mostly the same, including copying down information from your phone before you begin.
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