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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 05-20-2008, 02:44 PM
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Re: Qwest will never release a ROM upgrade for Mogul PPC6800

Originally Posted by MobileMsSeana View Post
I spoke to two Qwest people, one on the online chat and another at a Qwest kiosk. The summary of all of it is:
Qwest is moving all of their wireless signals to Verizon's towers. The Qwest phones we now own won't work with Verizon, so we'll be offered a Verizon compatible replacement at no charge, because it wasn't our fault they signed a new contract, and they can't leave us without service.

. We don't have to give up our current phone plans.

So, we get new phones with verizon compatible software, and they have to be equivalent.
I'm kinda glad, seeing as how I own a Mogul, the top of the line, and I'm not downgrading. I want Verizon's XV6800 and I'm not settling for anything less.

Of course, this could all change, but this information I got straight from two different people who work for Qwest, so so far, it sounds like a phone swap, nothing more.

I could be wrong, but doesn't sound so bad.
Hate to tell you but the qwest phone will work on vzw they are cdma like vzw, vzw is opening up their network to anyphone. Also Sprint/Qwest have some of the same phone, Mogul/xv6800 touch, etc.
I also think VZW will buy sprint in a bidding war with t-mobile. I could see vzw paying 123 trillion dollars for sprint.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2008, 02:15 PM
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Re: Qwest will never release a ROM upgrade for Mogul PPC6800

I had a hard drive fail on me so it took me a little longer to get around to installing this ROM but it seems to be working well after using it for 4 days. The install was painless and I am happy that I can now use my bluetooth without my phone locking up and needing a hard reset.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2008, 11:04 PM
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Re: Qwest will never release a ROM upgrade for Mogul PPC6800

I have the update now too, and I'm pretty happy with it. Not to mention I got all the pretty makeup to make my Mogul look like the Diamond. hehe. Even the awesome keypad.

So we'll wait and see on Verizon. I can make do with my Mogul if I have to, it's my hubby that will probably end up with it eventually because we have a kick a$$ data deal that's cheaper than anything around.

We'll see. In the meantime, ooooh, pretty Mogul.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 06-13-2008, 08:42 AM
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Re: Qwest will never release a ROM upgrade for Mogul PPC6800

Originally Posted by robeerski View Post
[snip]This is yet again another example of horrible customer service on Qwest's part. Qwest knows all of us are having these problems and they just don't care.[/snip]
Well then, if they're hooking up with VZW, then this is a match made in heaven!

I've taken an oath to NEVER give Verizon another dime of my money, even if someday that means I start having to use homing pigeons. Can't name one single good experience I ever had with that $h!t company...
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 09-17-2008, 08:10 PM
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Re: Qwest will never release a ROM upgrade for Mogul PPC6800

I downloaded the 'qwest mogul' update from the HTC site. It bricked my phone. Not once, but twice! I had to order two seperate replacement phones from Qwest. It seemed to be updating fine, but would crash halfway through. At the same spot both times - roughly 40%. Once it crashed, nothing could bring it back. Not even a master-reset would work. I finally just gave up on the update.

Anyone else have problems with it?
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