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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 04-21-2008, 07:37 PM
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Mogul on Verizon Network

So, I did the new sprint rom upgrade, added the verizon prl, when i dial the #228 it goes to verizon but says unable to setup please call verizon. So I contact verizon, they took down the esn, I told them that they will need to add it to the database. She submitted a form. 6 hours later, she called me back saying they can't add it sense it is a sprint esn. So cool, I have a juke right now that I am using, so I took that esn and did the technique to swap the esn on the mogul. I got through it but didn't understand the last steps, but I figured i could get that from verizon when I tried to activate the phone.

9. MIN / MDN / SID / NID / PRL shoud be loaded using CDMA_Workshop 2.7

Don't know that the min/mdn/sid/nid numbers are, the prl is loaded already. So I save the esn through cdma and quit out. I reset the mogul, it gives me no signal when it reboots. What do I need to do? I almost got it I think, what do I need to do before I contact verizon with the new esn.

FYI: When I change the esn back to the original esn, i get signal on the phone, but I verizon won't add that esn!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 04-21-2008, 11:22 PM
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Re: Mogul on Verizon Network

I wouldnt bet that you'd be able to do this. i did some research about bringing the touch over to verizon, and it didnt seem plausible for that reason alone: verizon will not, under any circumstances, add foreign esn's to their network (unless, of course, youve got a buddy on the inside, but even then i dont know.). but that is subject to change in the coming months. go verizon !
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 04-21-2008, 11:44 PM
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Angry Re: Mogul on Verizon Network

Originally Posted by nick aguas View Post
I wouldnt bet that you'd be able to do this. i did some research about bringing the touch over to verizon, and it didnt seem plausible for that reason alone: verizon will not, under any circumstances, add foreign esn's to their network (unless, of course, youve got a buddy on the inside, but even then i dont know.). but that is subject to change in the coming months. go verizon !
Thats not true, I got Verizon to add my Sprint ESN, it took about 8 days but it finally happened. I had to tell them that the phone was from Alltel. It seems that they don't like Sprint.

I also had to do a lot of programming of the phone including the following links that may help:


Good Luck, after about 10 days of ****ing around, I had it working but was all my time worth the money I saved----NO.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 04-22-2008, 01:43 AM
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Re: Mogul on Verizon Network

I don't know why it won't take this darn ESN. It losed signal the instant i change the esn!
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 04-22-2008, 01:59 AM
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Re: Mogul on Verizon Network

NID is always the same for US. SID can be found here based on your carrier and area..

MDN and MSID is your 10-digit phone #.
MIN1 = 7 digit phone
MIN2 = area code

Also a few other settings you may need to change before you can get on to verizon.
I'm actually doing the opposite tomorrow.. I'm gonna be switching my xv6800 over to sprint.

I'm taking a few screenshots of the important parts of EPST you'll probably want to look at. I'll have them up in a bit and update this post.

Another thing to consider is you probably won't have a verizon AKey coming from sprint so after all this is set up and the ESN is changed you may need to call them for an AKey.

http://ppckitchen.org/misc/VZW_EPST.zip <-Screenshots.

Last edited by tiermann; 04-22-2008 at 02:19 AM.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 04-22-2008, 07:54 PM
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Re: Mogul on Verizon Network

still can't get it. The esn from my juke will not work on the mogul. It does not give a signal. What am i doing wrong
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 04-22-2008, 07:59 PM
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Re: Mogul on Verizon Network

still can't get it. The esn from my juke will not work on the mogul. It does not give a signal. What am i doing wrong
The invalid esn more than likely has put your phone in service required mode.
The juke uses a meid hex which you cannot write to the 6700 which uses an esn. Try the Psuedo esn (Pesn) which emulates the hex esn. Or get an older evdo verizon phone and use the hex esn. The esn hex is 8 digits and the dec esn is 11 digits. Dial #4357 (#help) and tell me what your juke 6700 says in the esn hex slot. Also the juke supports no type of data service not even mobile web and is only a 1x phone. Try and find a busted xv6600 or even an evdo phone such as an old lg vx8100. To get to the programming menu on a juke go to settings and tools menu press # then input 6 zero's assuming its a post pay juke. If this is successful at the very least you will need a new akey. Also please make sure only 1 phone is on at a time (battery out of 2nd phone). Fyi im receiving a bad esn sprint 6800 as a backup to my xv6800. I'll use it for a few days then sell the mogul as a sprint badged vzw phone to a friend. I'll detail my steps as this will be my 2nd mogul to xv6800 convert.

**This post is for information purposes only. Do not actually do this as it is a felony to tamper with the electronic serial number of a wireless device in the usa.**

Last edited by Getitnowmarketing; 04-22-2008 at 09:05 PM.
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