Mogul on Verizon Network
So, I did the new sprint rom upgrade, added the verizon prl, when i dial the #228 it goes to verizon but says unable to setup please call verizon. So I contact verizon, they took down the esn, I told them that they will need to add it to the database. She submitted a form. 6 hours later, she called me back saying they can't add it sense it is a sprint esn. So cool, I have a juke right now that I am using, so I took that esn and did the technique to swap the esn on the mogul. I got through it but didn't understand the last steps, but I figured i could get that from verizon when I tried to activate the phone.
9. MIN / MDN / SID / NID / PRL shoud be loaded using CDMA_Workshop 2.7
Don't know that the min/mdn/sid/nid numbers are, the prl is loaded already. So I save the esn through cdma and quit out. I reset the mogul, it gives me no signal when it reboots. What do I need to do? I almost got it I think, what do I need to do before I contact verizon with the new esn.
FYI: When I change the esn back to the original esn, i get signal on the phone, but I verizon won't add that esn!