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  #31 (permalink)  
Old 06-09-2008, 05:57 PM
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Re: My Mogul keeps calling people!!

The Touch has the same problem. At home, where the coverge is not good, and the phone switches between EVDO and 1xRTT. When it does, my screen randomly turns on. It burns the battery quickly.
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old 06-09-2008, 06:14 PM
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Re: My Mogul keeps calling people!!

I believe the issue ya'll are having is due to the automatic time sync and/or activsync. fix is here.


Originally Posted by Primenall View Post
Well if you want to keep your timesynced, you can get rid of the Reg Key that keeps starting Activesync on a timesync.

1. Download and install MemMaid
2. Go to "notifications" tab
3. Look in the lower section and there are 3 "repllog" files (activesync)
4. One of them will say "AppRunAfterTimeChange" when highlighted
5. Delete that one (the option at the lower right side will restore it anytime you want)

DONE, Activesync won't autostart with network sync and your network sync is still active.
Originally Posted by shaggylive View Post
just wanted to report that dotFRED's taskmanager will let you disable this just like memmaid.
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old 06-09-2008, 07:16 PM
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Re: My Mogul keeps calling people!!

This is one of many reasons I have a Seidio holster. Used to happen to me with the stock holster when I'd accidentally lean against it. Never happens with the hard-shelled Seidio one. This is a standard problem with Windows Mobile, though. Still confused why you never had this problem on the other phones.

On my wife's Mogul I gave her S2U2 to avoid this.
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2008, 12:56 AM
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Re: My Mogul keeps calling people!!

My phone will wake up and call when it is in the case and in my pocket. I tried locking it which was annoying but worked. The problem was that when someone would call, the phone would answer while in my pocket. I also tried shutting the phone off , but apparently the power button gets hit and the phone turns on and calls away. I used to call voice mail to make sure that it doesn't call anyone. The free leather case wasn't tested and I rate it a 1 of 10 for being stupid.

Then along came the savior named Slide2unlock2 with dpad sliding disabled and slide to answer enabled.
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2008, 05:56 AM
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Re: My Mogul keeps calling people!!

Originally Posted by Scrufdog View Post
mine wakes up at the exact same 2 spots around my place. For about 1/4 miles in both places all I have is 1X, and when it switches back to EVDO it turns on the phone. dont understand why, but maybe it has something to do with that.

I've never dialed anything, but then again maybe its because I dont use the stock case.

This may be the first time I keep a phone for more than a year.
well you hit it here, if there is a loss of signal strength ( even a slight one ) the phone wakes up. so if a tower near your home, or where ever your at gets over run with traffic or has a fluctuation in signal strength the phone will wake itself up. i know it sucks but that is the nature of the beast. it never happens to me at home, but it happens at least 5-6 times a day at work! best answer " BEFORE YOU PUT IT IN YOUR POCKET, LOCK IT! "
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2008, 06:06 AM
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Re: My Mogul keeps calling people!!

"Originally Posted by Primenall
Well if you want to keep your timesynced, you can get rid of the Reg Key that keeps starting Activesync on a timesync.

1. Download and install MemMaid
2. Go to "notifications" tab
3. Look in the lower section and there are 3 "repllog" files (activesync)
4. One of them will say "AppRunAfterTimeChange" when highlighted
5. Delete that one (the option at the lower right side will restore it anytime you want)

DONE, Activesync won't autostart with network sync and your network sync is still active.[QUOTE=shaggylive;309661]I believe the issue ya'll are having is due to the automatic time sync and/or activsync. fix is here."

well thats the long way around but it works, I just go to settings\phone\services\ highlight time synchronation, press get settings, uncheck Time synchronation with mobile network automatically, press update now and do a "soft reset" done and done. this is also a battery saver as your device will not keep trying to sync up with the network every time you blink wrong.

Last edited by boubert; 06-10-2008 at 06:45 AM.
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2008, 07:34 AM
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Re: My Mogul keeps calling people!!

hey, i also have had the mogul for quite a while already! I really have never had the problem with my phone waking up! now i love sprint because it has way better signal and better voice quality than tmobile does and i can tell you that because i used to work for tmobile and trust me the wing is no close to the mogul with it's slowness! now i know for a fact that the mogul wakes up a lot if and only if you have the wifi on -- this happens because since it's looking for a wifi connection on at all times -- you can turn this feature off if you would like -- this will also save you battery life
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2008, 07:39 AM
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Re: My Mogul keeps calling people!!

hey, i also have had the mogul for quite a while already! I really have never had the problem with my phone waking up! now i love sprint because it has way better signal and better voice quality than tmobile does and i can tell you that because i used to work for tmobile and trust me the wing is no close to the mogul with it's slowness! now i know for a fact that the mogul wakes up a lot if and only if you have the wifi on -- this happens because since it's looking for a wifi connection on at all times -- you can turn this feature off if you would like -- this will also save you battery life --
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2008, 07:39 AM
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Re: My Mogul keeps calling people!!

hey, i also have had the mogul for quite a while already! I really have never had the problem with my phone waking up! now i love sprint because it has way better signal and better voice quality than tmobile does and i can tell you that because i used to work for tmobile and trust me the wing is no close to the mogul with it's slowness! now i know for a fact that the mogul wakes up a lot if and only if you have the wifi on -- this happens because since it's looking for a wifi connection on at all times -- you can turn this feature off if you would like -- this will also save you battery life
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  #40 (permalink)  
Old 07-14-2008, 01:55 PM
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Re: My Mogul keeps calling people!!

I have this exact problem. I really question those who claim that it's "never" happened. I believe this HAS TO be a design/programming flaw that affects all Moguls and other WM devices. For those who say this has never happened, maybe the fact is you just haven't noticed it happening, in which case it wouldn't be a problem at all.

For those of us who notice it, the word annoying just doesn't do justice. Unbelievable that this phone won't just stay sleeping.
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