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  #531 (permalink)  
Old 06-01-2008, 10:37 AM
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Re: Personal OEM not extracting properly..

Originally Posted by madjokeer View Post
So i wanted to put Opera 9.5 build 1126 in the rom, i extracted the cab to OEM by the program "Packages Creator 5.4" by the method listed in the xda-developers wiki: http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index...age%20Tutorial
I put the OEM it created into the USER_OEM folder and when PPCKitchen started building the rom, when it came time to build the registry hives, when it got to the one for Opera, it just said "cannot extract, error building Default hive",etc..

I did make other OEMs the same way and they all worked fine but just Opera and CorePlayer 1.2.3 did not work. any reason why those programs?
Well, more than likely, your OEM creator app is botching one of the registry entries. I am guessing that it is one of the multi-string keys. The newer build will be in the next update by the way. However, it is not that much different from whatever version is in there now.
Kitchen updates at www.ppckitchen.org and you can get BuildOS help Here

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  #532 (permalink)  
Old 06-01-2008, 10:39 AM
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Re: Titan Kitchen CE OS 5.2.19199 (Build 19199.1.0.0)

Originally Posted by WannaBeSedated View Post
Still playing and coming up with more questions or maybe a bug...

So I cook a ROM from a fresh reboot and all goes fine. I check out my ROM and find that I want to tweak it. So, I go back to the kitchen and make my changes. However, when I try to start cooking again, I get the following error message:

The process cannot access the file 'C:\Documents....\PPC-BuildOS\\RUU' because it is being used by another process.

I have tried shutting the application down and restarting, but this has no effect. I have tried to go delete the folder, but get the same error. I am guessing that the application is not cleaning up properly after it's done.

Any thoughts?
It is activesync (specifically wcescomm.exe). You can just OK that popup and it will build fine. This has been addressed in the next update of BuildOS.
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