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  #61 (permalink)  
Old 03-07-2008, 01:26 AM
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Re: Mogul Update - ROM "Speculation" Thread Part II

Man I hope it's available before 5pm Monday or else sleep is not going to be the highlight of the night.
  #62 (permalink)  
Old 03-07-2008, 01:31 AM
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Re: Mogul Update - ROM "Speculation" Thread Part II

Originally Posted by nutymez View Post
Am I the only one who still wishes Sprint gives us OZ Messenger in a Rom update.... but this update seems credible, I look forward to Monday
Alot of us wish alot of things from Sprint.
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  #63 (permalink)  
Old 03-07-2008, 01:36 AM
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Re: Mogul Update - ROM "Speculation" Thread Part II

thats the only thing I want from sprint is OZ. Its not hard for them to do, the mogul and touch has the exact same chipsets, that use the same exact network, and runs the same damn operating systems. i just dont get it sprint

  #64 (permalink)  
Old 03-07-2008, 01:57 AM
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Re: Mogul Update - ROM "Speculation" Thread Part II

Originally Posted by Success100 View Post
thats the only thing I want from sprint is OZ. Its not hard for them to do, the mogul and touch has the exact same chipsets, that use the same exact network, and runs the same damn operating systems. i just dont get it sprint
I see this brought up a lot so it must be good.

Can it be taken from the Touch/Other HTC or does it throw a unauthorized "blah blah blah" like statement?
  #65 (permalink)  
Old 03-07-2008, 02:01 AM
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Re: Mogul Update - ROM "Speculation" Thread Part II

if this comes out monday then I am going to have a very looong day at work and a long night tweaking this thing again.. new rom.. new setup!

just a quick question.. what's OZ?
  #66 (permalink)  
Old 03-07-2008, 02:31 AM
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Re: Mogul Update - ROM "Speculation" Thread Part II

Oh well I'm going to be working in Hobbs, Nm start my new job In HalliBurton, ! but I will have my Laptop hope theres Evdo up there so i can tether
No more Oil field work, yay me!

Trying to get a job as Technical Consultant, Service and Repair at a Sprint store in El Paso, Tx Wish me luck
  #67 (permalink)  
Old 03-07-2008, 04:58 AM
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Exclamation Re: Mogul Update - ROM "Speculation" Thread Part II

I have been awaiting this since early September. I have the $25 data plan which includes GPS, SprintTV, etc. All the stuff that I pay for, but can't use. Stuff that Sprint has the capabilities of including in this very expensive phone, but chooses not to (for whatever reason). If they can monitor all of the updates that are out there to tweak the PPC & make SprintTV work on our Moguls, just so that they can throw out a counter update that blocks the access, why not put some of that energy and money into providing us with what's needed to bring this thing up to par? If they keep on the roll, they may just spend close to what it would cost them to get SMS, TV, GPS, etc in order. Just ranting. I look forward to Monday's update.

Sprint, GIVE US OUR TV, SMS, GPS that many of us are already paying for anyhow, or let us develop something that would give us that access, and leave us be.
  #68 (permalink)  
Old 03-07-2008, 08:19 AM
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Re: Mogul Update - ROM "Speculation" Thread Part II

I'm using the beta version of 3.16 and OZ works and can be found here: http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/attachment...3&d=1201854534

Oh an I must say having the built in GPS is nice I do a lot of driving for work so it comes in handy and means I don't have to use my BlueTooth GPS unit causing more power drain.
  #69 (permalink)  
Old 03-07-2008, 08:29 AM
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Re: Mogul Update - ROM "Speculation" Thread Part II

OK, I have to put this out there, please forgive me.

I don't think Sprint is being cheap right now. I think Sprint is in some serious money trouble.

Did anyone here see the reports that Sprint lost 6 billion more than they are worth in the last quarter of 2007?

We should be grateful anyone gets anything right now. I work in the commercial finance world and most companies that loose 6 billion more than they are worth start pushing up daisies.

Just one mans opinion.
  #70 (permalink)  
Old 03-07-2008, 09:05 AM
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Re: Mogul Update - ROM "Speculation" Thread Part II

Originally Posted by Mizono View Post
Ok I know how many threads have come and gone about this. I do work for sprint I am Tier 2 support. We just recieved literally a minute ago stating that 3.35.651.2 with a ROM date of 2/22/08 will be released 03/10. I have coppied as much as I can from the email regarding this. Please dont flame im not trying to stir anything up.

A maintenance release for the Mogul (PPC 6800) will be available on 3/10/08 from HTCs site. The new ROM version is 3.35.651.2 with a ROM date of 2/22/08.
It provides several key updates:
Added GPS Support
Added Sprint Navigation Application
Added Qualcomm EVDO RevA upgrade
Added Task Manager to Today Screen
It is recommended that all users update their ROM to take advantage of these enhancements. Users must back-up any data added to their device before updating the software. Instructions and the software download are posted at http://www.america.htc.com/mogulupdate
Customers must download the software upgrade application (RUU) to a PC, and then install it to their Mogul by connecting the Mogul to their PC using the USB cable provided in the box. The application will not run on MAC machines, and cannot be downloaded over the air.
Before running the ROM Upgrade Utility (RUU), customers must make sure they do the following first::
Tip: If you are having challenges connecting with ActiveSync, please try: Start > Settings > Connection Tab > USB to PC > Deselect Enable advanced network functionality.
The standby and hibernation modes are disabled on the computer.
All running applications on the computer have been closed.
Ensure that you device has a battery level of at least 50% (Start > Settings > System Tab > Power > Battery Tab). If the battery "dies" during the upgrade process, there is a chance that it will not recover and will need to be sent for repairs.
The update can take up to 25 minutes so set aside time when you will not be interrupted.
All data will be deleted from the device during the upgrade (music, pictures, 3rd party applications, etc); be sure to back up all of your data using ActiveSync prior to upgrading.
Do not interrupt the upgrade process or press any buttons until the process has been completed (the device will reset itself when the update is done).
General Procedure on Installing the ROM Update
Back up your personal data from the Mobile Device to your computer using ActiveSync if you want to ensure you don't lose any of your data. For more information on how to back up and restore your data,
click here.
On your computer, run the ROM Update Utility (RUU) to install the ROM update to your Mobile Device. (The next section provides a detailed procedure on how to install the ROM Update).
Restore your personal data back to your Mobile Device using ActiveSync. (Optional)
WARNING: During the upgrade process, do not attempt to make/receive calls, press any buttons on your device or disconnect the device from the USB cable as this will stop the update and your device will be rendered inoperable!!!
The upgrade process takes up to 25 minutes. It is recommended that you close all programs on your PC prior to starting the update program and do not open any applications or files while the update is in process. All personal data stored on the device will be lost. Make sure you save all pictures, videos, and important files to your PC prior to performing the update process.
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