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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 02-04-2008, 08:25 PM
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Cool An Easy Guide to Upgrading

There are 'basically' three parts to the software that runs your phone.
1. There is the SPL / bootloader.
2. There is the Radio ROM.
3. There is the System ROM.
All three must line up correctly.

1. If you are using code prior to 3.35.65 then you need either have the following SPLs:
>a. The ReLocker 1.06 SPL if running official carrier released code
>b. The unLocker (original) 1.20 if running custom built roms
2. If you are using 3.x+ code then you need either:
>a. The reLocker if upgrading to the unofficial carrier released rom
>b. the unLocker (new) 2.40 if running custom built roms

Path to 3.35+ and beyond!!

Special Notes:
*1: Make sure that you have a complete backup and/or sync
before proceeding.

* 2. In some cases a custom dialer will keep you from performing
the following steps. To resolve this, you must do a hard reset.

* 3. To perform a hard reset: press and hold both soft keys and then
press and hold the reset button until a screen comes up asking if you
want to perform a full reset. Press 'R' to reset. Then <spacebar>.

* 4. Once your phone reboots, press the reset prior to the
customizations. This will save you time since there is no need for
the customizations to run since you are about to blow it away.

Retrieve Provisioning Data:

1. Get your ESN, MSID, A-Key, Security, and M.IP info:
>>> a. dial ##778#, that will launch the EPST configuration menu
Note: Some carriers do not need the last #, so just ##778
You will need to click edit and enter your MSL #.
Do not to edit any information at this point.
> b. select view
> c. make note of your ESN (Hex) value
> d. make note of your ESN (Dec) value
> e. make note of your MSID value (looks like a 10 digit tel number)
> f. select <view info> and select A-Key
>>>>Some carriers leave this blank, some need this info
>>>>If there is info here, make note of it now
> g. click view info and Security. Write all these settings down.
> h. click view info and select M.IP, again record these settings.
> i. click <cancel> to exit the configuration menu

2. Get your EPST
> a. download this file here .. this is the getspl file (in zip form)
> b. This program GETSPC.exe is very simple to use.
>>>>run the GetSPC.exe on your phone and in the Input field
>>>>type in your ESN(Hex) in the input field (you wrote this down earlier)
> c. press <go>
> d. the number produced in the output field is your MSLNumber (EPST unlock code)
> e. exit the application

**You should now have noted these 3 (4) items:
MDN: your 10 digit tel number
MSID: another 10 digit tel number (for some carriers it's the same as your MDN)
A-Key: required by certain carriers otherwise blank
MSL: a 6 digit number that you got when you ran the GetSPC.exe
Note: The great thing about using the following procedure is that typically
you won't even have to use the information you just obtained, but better safe than sorry.

Upgrade to 3.35.651.2:

3. If running pre-3.16 code,
>a. run the relocker
(don't worry about getting out of the bootloader - tri-color screen)
*Note: There has been a bit of confusion on this.
If you are running a stock (meaning factory provided) rom and have never installed a custom rom, then just skip this step since you have probably
never unlocked your phone.
* If unsure, then run this - no harm in doing so.

4. Run the Unofficial carrier released rom 3.35.651.2 (this has the radio also)
>Click here for Sprint 3.35.651.2 Release
>This has the correct radio as well --that is why I recommend going this route first
*Note: Do not be concerned if you hear and see your phone reboot
and disconnect from your computer. This may will happen multiple times as it
loads the new rom. This process can take about 10mins or so to complete.

*Further Explanation: The reason for this step is to easily and safely get you
into the new rom(s) with the updated radio installed. Don't be concerned if you are on another provider. You will take care of that when you download a custom rom built specifically for your provider network.

Install a Custom ROM:

5. If wanting to install a custom rom:
>a. run the unLocker for 3.x and above
(don't worry about getting out of the bootloader - tri-color screen)
**Special Note: It has been my experience that after all the preceding
steps are complete, sometimes you will need to do a full reboot of your PC.
You only need to do this if the unLocker can not communicate correctly with
your phone.

6. Download a custom rom of your choosing.
>One that is real popular is DCD's .. click here to give it a try
>Another one that is very basic (no extras) is by No2Chem .. click here (this is what I personally use)
Warning: These 'upgrade' custom ROMs may sometimes be buggy. But it can still be fun.

7. Now you'll need to run a Rom Update Utility (RUU).
Some of the custom roms come as executables, so all you have to do is
run them. Others are just a single file that ends in .nbh.
For those you will need a RUU.
> a. Click here to download an empty RUU
> b. Copy the .nbh file of your custom rom into the RUU folder
> c. Make sure there is only one .nbh file in the folder
> d. Double click RomUpdateUtility.exe to begin the update

Verify Provisioning Data:

8. Dial ##MSL# - this is the 6 digit code you retrieved in step 2 above
> a. first select view (because if your info is correct,
>>> we don't want to accidentallymess it up
> b. verify that the MDN and MSID fields match your info from above
>>> i. if the info matches, select cancel and proceed to step 9
>>> ii. if the info does not match, then redo step 8 and select edit,
>>>>> input the correct MDN and MSID and then select <menu> and <ok>
>>>>> your phone will now reboot

9. If your phone had an A-Key then do this step, otherwise proceed to step 10
> a. dial ##778#
> b. select <edit>
> c. input your MSL (6 digit code retrieved in step 2 above)
>>> **Please note, you can mess up your phone if you change the wrong fields - use with caution**
> d. select <view info> and select A-Key
> e. input the A-Key from info above (if required)
> f. select menu and select <OK>
> g. your phone will reboot

10. Now we will run the IOTA (Internet/Data Over the Air) setup
> a. go to Start/Settings/Phone
> b. verify that your vx mail number is correct (if not then you have missed a step above)
> c. select the services tab
> d. scroll down to Internet and select, then click <Get Settings>
> e. click the <Start> button
>>> this should initiate the IOTA for your phone
*Note: Some of the custom roms do not include the IOTA.
*When you click the <Start> button and you don't get a message back
indicating that your phone is being updated, the you will need to unlock your
extended rom and run the IOTA.cab from there. Click here for instructions on how to unlock the extended cab. Post 4 has the info.
There are other great hacks in this thread too. Check them out and have some customized fun!

11. Verify your services
> a. make an outbound call
> b. receive a call
> c. connect to the Internet

12. Congratulations, you have successfully updated your phone - Have fun!

Warning: No guarantee is ever implied in this article or this thread.

For more resources check here, here and here.
If this helps you then tip the scales to increase my reputation score. Thanks.

Last edited by quantumforce1; 04-27-2008 at 03:58 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 02-04-2008, 08:37 PM
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Great job man. I'm sure this will help plenty out there and save me a bunch of time from updating all of my friend's Moguls.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 02-04-2008, 08:39 PM
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thank you for the newbie guid i really needed i have a suspectfully boring weekend coming up so this is exactly wht i needed.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 02-04-2008, 08:51 PM
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Great writeup. It will probably save a lot of confused posting since now you either get a new thread for each person trying to figure it out or a whole bunch of different people discussing various issues in the big threads and it can get confusing. I've gradually picked all of this up over the past month but it's great to have a quick and concise starting point for those who just got their device or just found the forums.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 02-04-2008, 09:29 PM
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Very, very nice. Good karma to you!
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 02-04-2008, 09:35 PM
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Awesome man! This is just what I needed, the boost of confidence from this guide so I can finally experience all this new stuff that everyone is so happy about.

Thanks alot again!
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 02-04-2008, 11:06 PM
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Just a noob question... what does the update improve on...??
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 02-04-2008, 11:32 PM
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Great post, Quantum!

This thread should be stickied
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 02-04-2008, 11:47 PM
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"Not to worry - just unzip the file and place it in the RUU directory.
If you do not have an RUU directory, then click here to download now."

Just noticed that the word "here" isn't a link as you intended.

Awesome write-up. Thank you.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 02-05-2008, 01:32 PM
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Originally Posted by mbartels View Post
"Not to worry - just unzip the file and place it in the RUU directory.
If you do not have an RUU directory, then click here to download now."

Just noticed that the word "here" isn't a link as you intended.

Awesome write-up. Thank you.
The link has been fixed.
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