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  #751 (permalink)  
Old 02-09-2008, 07:30 AM
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once again nice work and thanks. the only problem i'm facing is that i cant get my mail2web account to work. i got it to sync all my contacts without a problem by my email wont be pushed to my phone. i know all the setting are correct for sure. any ideas to fix this or is it a known problem?
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  #752 (permalink)  
Old 02-09-2008, 07:32 AM
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Originally Posted by matt19 View Post
once again nice work and thanks. the only problem i'm facing is that i cant get my mail2web account to work. i got it to sync all my contacts without a problem by my email wont be pushed to my phone. i know all the setting are correct for sure. any ideas to fix this or is it a known problem?
did you update to 5043, ... is your extrom hidden?
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  #753 (permalink)  
Old 02-09-2008, 08:26 AM
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mail2web is working for me.

i just flashed from dcd's 2.01 to yours and wow!
this rom is FAST.

thanks for all the hard work!
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  #754 (permalink)  
Old 02-09-2008, 09:12 AM
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some notes for anyone reading down this thread:

qtv.dll from the kaiser won't work for the titan. it appears that the api for the msm7200 is different from the msm7500.
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  #755 (permalink)  
Old 02-09-2008, 10:06 AM
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Ok... I am on 5042 right now going to upgrade to 5043 here shortly. Here is a new problem I exprerienced yesterday all day...

My sound would just go out both on Bluetooth as well as on the phone itself. Not sure if there was a common action that caused it everytime, but it happened at least 10 times just yesterday. (I use 5000 min/month so I am on the phone a lot).

The phone acts normal, dialing...connected...but no sound randomly. I will end bluetooth and still no sound. Hang up, dial back, no sound.

The only thing that fixes it is a soft reset. Then everything works fine??

I did confirm that the call was going through, as the person or people I called said that they answered, but noone was there.

I will let you know if 5043 does the same thing. ANYONE ELSE HAVE THIS PROBLEM?

No2Chem: Keep up the great work man! This rom is the best out in my opinion!

Last edited by Blitzed26; 02-09-2008 at 10:23 AM.
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  #756 (permalink)  
Old 02-09-2008, 10:15 AM
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Originally Posted by Blitzed26 View Post
Ok... I am on 4042 right now going to upgrade to 4043 here shortly. Here is a new problem I exprerienced yesterday all day...

My sound would just go out both on Bluetooth as well as on the phone itself. Not sure if there was a common action that caused it everytime, but it happened at least 10 times just yesterday. (I use 5000 min/month so I am on the phone a lot).

The phone acts normal, dialing...connected...but no sound randomly. I will end bluetooth and still no sound. Hang up, dial back, no sound.

The only thing that fixes it is a soft reset. Then everything works fine??

I did confirm that the call was going through, as the person or people I called said that they answered, but noone was there.

I will let you know if 4043 does the same thing. ANYONE ELSE HAVE THIS PROBLEM?

No2Chem: Keep up the great work man! This rom is the best out in my opinion!
you do mean 5043 right? 4XXX are WM6.0 3.16 roms... - 5044 is going up at the moment, nothing major except (maybe) fixes that annoying issue where phone randomly doesn't turn on.. please let me know if you experience this problem still.

are you using voice command - I recall having this problem when I used a buggy version of voice command, had to soft reset....

Last edited by no2chem; 02-09-2008 at 10:20 AM.
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  #757 (permalink)  
Old 02-09-2008, 10:19 AM
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Will you be adding the baseKit for 5044?
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  #758 (permalink)  
Old 02-09-2008, 10:21 AM
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Originally Posted by blazingwolf View Post
Will you be adding the baseKit for 5044?
its going up right now.
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  #759 (permalink)  
Old 02-09-2008, 10:22 AM
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Originally Posted by no2chem View Post
you do mean 5043 right? 4XXX are WM6.0 3.16 roms... - 5044 is going up at the moment, nothing major except (maybe) fixes that annoying issue where phone randomly doesn't turn on.. please let me know if you experience this problem still.

are you using voice command - I recall having this problem when I used a buggy version of voice command, had to soft reset....
Sorry.....5 not 4.

Yes I am using Voice Command v. 1.6, that must be the problem. Do you know of a better version or a way to fix the problem I am having?

I will wait until you upgrade 5044 and see if the problem continuous.

Original Post edited to avoid confusion..
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  #760 (permalink)  
Old 02-09-2008, 10:25 AM
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Originally Posted by no2chem View Post
its going up right now.
Thank you.
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