Re: No2Chem nueROM 2.0 (WM6.1) Thread
Hey guys im kinda a noob to the whole flashing thing. I have seen/read quantumforce's instructional guide.
But my question is, can i go straight from what I am running now 2.17 to No2Chem's version of 3.16 without any mediary steps? Can i just start at that point in the "manual" and work from there? Or do i have go through some hoops. ie downgrading to 2.16 then upgrading to 3.16 THEN upgrading to No2Chem? all those steps? thanks in advance. |
Re: No2Chem nueROM 2.0 (WM6.1) Thread
heres what i do and have no issues.I've so far flashed mine and 5 friends moguls.
my phone is locked for 2.17..then I go to 3.16 sprint beta leak..then i unlocked.while in the new unlocked bootloader screen .I then flash no2chems.works for me.
Re: No2Chem nueROM 2.0 (WM6.1) Thread
Anyone else having a prob downloading new rom? Either stops half way or quits at end and get an unexepcted error when opening rar file...
Re: No2Chem nueROM 2.0 (WM6.1) Thread
@ Zekeman, read back a page.theres a rapidlink.. ftp is corrupted. |
Re: No2Chem nueROM 2.0 (WM6.1) Thread
I flashed last night to 5048 and LOVE this. Donation coming for sure!
GPS question - I can get Google Maps to lock with no problem. Visual GPS and mGpsCmd don't work however. Visual GPS never locates any satellites and mGpsCmd says "Can not open COMPORT" when I push "Open GPS" Any ideas? |
Re: No2Chem nueROM 2.0 (WM6.1) Thread
So are all the issues with the encryption/storage card fixed as of these last few builds? I'm still running DCD's beta 2.0.0 ROM, but I wanna check out this latest 5049 build if those issues have been corrected.
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