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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 10-24-2011, 04:33 PM
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Why no Epic 2 yet?

no word on this? You think sprint realized that the one that was purposed was DOA? Maybe they are redesigning it? I hope that they do something so I don't have to get a iPhone 4s/Epic Touch. Can't be without a QWERTY!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 10-24-2011, 06:11 PM
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Re: Why no Epic 2 yet?

Originally Posted by revaaron View Post
no word on this? You think sprint realized that the one that was purposed was DOA? Maybe they are redesigning it? I hope that they do something so I don't have to get a iPhone 4s/Epic Touch. Can't be without a QWERTY!
I am kinda in the same boat, and a dual core kb phone would be awesome. But at same time I kinda want to wait out till we finally get LTE :/
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 10-24-2011, 08:36 PM
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Re: Why no Epic 2 yet?


u'll be waiting forever for LTE knowing sprint. ur better off going to t-mobile in the meantime and enjoy some good ol' HSPA which is faster than EVDO and Wi-Max combined

@revaaron typing on screen is fine now especially on a 4" plus screen where it's bound to be better, on my arrive I rarely use the keyboard as it is.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 10-24-2011, 08:49 PM
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Re: Why no Epic 2 yet?

please type while not looking at your kb.
try typing sublime cadaveric decomposition without looking at the kb. that is just one of the many band names I have to type in while not having it autocorrect me.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 10-24-2011, 10:19 PM
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Re: Why no Epic 2 yet?

Originally Posted by eric12341 View Post

u'll be waiting forever for LTE knowing sprint. ur better off going to t-mobile in the meantime and enjoy some good ol' HSPA which is faster than EVDO and Wi-Max combined
Sprint promised to get LTE mid 2012. At that point my 2 year upgrade comes up, I am still considering adding a t-mobile line but I still plan to keep my sprint lines. The thing boils down to whether or not the place I live has HSPA+ or not cause while I am in NYC I am kinda in a suburb area. And unfortunately their coverage maps don't help much with indication. As far as I can tell there are no cellphone towers in my neighborhood and we get our signals from the neighborhood next to us.

@revaaron typing on screen is fine now especially on a 4" plus screen where it's bound to be better, on my arrive I rarely use the keyboard as it is.
While I myself use the onscreen most of the time, there are other uses. For example: Surfing the internet and remote management are a lot easier with a kb
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 10-24-2011, 10:23 PM
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I love my keyboardless phones because of size and with swype I don't need a pk. But some of your points make sense on why a pk is nice. I wouldn't mind the new nexus and its thin form factor with a pk. I had a pk for a while when I had the tp2 and I loved that phone. I would definitely give the pk a shot.

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Last edited by yankees45us; 10-24-2011 at 10:29 PM.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 10-25-2011, 12:23 AM
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Re: Why no Epic 2 yet?

this may sound like sarcasm but its not. i use 4g sometimes but maybe except for netflix i dont see the need. maybe tethering? and i read about LTE and i think the same. what are you guys doing that you want the extra speed. this is more of a question to help me see what im missing. ive dl'd fro the market and didnt really seee any difference between 3 g and 4 g when i uninstalled and dl'd it again. thanks for the feedback
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 10-25-2011, 01:02 AM
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Re: Why no Epic 2 yet?

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
Sprint promised to get LTE mid 2012. At that point my 2 year upgrade comes up, I am still considering adding a t-mobile line but I still plan to keep my sprint lines. The thing boils down to whether or not the place I live has HSPA+ or not cause while I am in NYC I am kinda in a suburb area. And unfortunately their coverage maps don't help much with indication. As far as I can tell there are no cellphone towers in my neighborhood and we get our signals from the neighborhood next to us.

While I myself use the onscreen most of the time, there are other uses. For example: Surfing the internet and remote management are a lot easier with a kb
@gTen true but they also promised me that the tower serving my city would be fixed twice by now and it isn't. all talk no delivery,and even if u aren't covered by HSPA+ U'll still get regular HSPA which is still faster than anything sprint has. and according to PCmag the NYC region has the second lowest average speed, only the Detroit MI region is lower.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 10-25-2011, 01:16 AM
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Re: Why no Epic 2 yet?

Originally Posted by eric12341 View Post
@gTen true but they also promised me that the tower serving my city would be fixed twice by now and it isn't. all talk no delivery,and even if u aren't covered by HSPA+ U'll still get regular HSPA which is still faster than anything sprint has. and according to PCmag the NYC region has the second lowest average speed, only the Detroit MI region is lower.
Have you tried using a Verizon PRL?

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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 10-25-2011, 03:30 AM
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Re: Why no Epic 2 yet?

Originally Posted by gorelow View Post
this may sound like sarcasm but its not. i use 4g sometimes but maybe except for netflix i dont see the need. maybe tethering? and i read about LTE and i think the same. what are you guys doing that you want the extra speed. this is more of a question to help me see what im missing. ive dl'd fro the market and didnt really seee any difference between 3 g and 4 g when i uninstalled and dl'd it again. thanks for the feedback
Well tethering is the biggest reason I like 4g but there are other advantages to 4g techs like LTE and Wimax. For example:

1) Better efficient so they can handle more users and less likely to clog.

2) If its in a low band like Verizon LTE, you should have better latency.

3) Some apps require you to download extra content that requires wifi but accepts 4g.

4) When you download big files, like 100mb+

5) If you have good signal your sites load faster in web browser (due to allowing of more simultaneous connections)

Originally Posted by eric12341 View Post
@gTen true but they also promised me that the tower serving my city would be fixed twice by now and it isn't. all talk no delivery,and even if u aren't covered by HSPA+ U'll still get regular HSPA which is still faster than anything sprint has. and according to PCmag the NYC region has the second lowest average speed, only the Detroit MI region is lower.
Oh I am not relying on sprint for that. I think most of their LTE is gonna come from Lightsquared :/...also so you know T-mobile has AWS 3G too so its possible to have AWS and not HSPDA/HSPA+. That said I am not worried about coverage in NYC, I'm worried about coverage at my house in specific. As I said I am considering to open an extra line at t-mobile but I will have to see.
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