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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 01-25-2011, 11:36 PM
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New ROM, so much going wrong

I upgraded to midNIGHT rom last night, and my phone is acting really awful.

1. Battery dropped 40% in *30 minutes* today while sitting in my pocket. No WiFi, no 4G.

2. Pandora no longer runs. I hit the icon, there's a black screen, and it hangs there. Uninstalling/Reinstalling doesn't help.

3. GPS Navigation (turn by turn) loses GPS signal a LOT. Once every 5 minutes or so. Regular Maps doesn't.

4. GPS Navigation doesn't start up a lot of the time. Gray screen, nothing loads, and hangs.

5. Maps crashes a lot.

All the above also happened with Bonsai4All. Using CW3.0 to erase the phone doesn't change things either.

Using the stock Android 2.1 rom, the phone still was buggy, but not as buggy. Maps still crashed, battery was inconsistent, and GPS often locked up.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-25-2011, 11:53 PM
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Re: New ROM, so much going wrong

when i flash a rom i may flash it through clockwork and see if i like it, but if im going to stick with it, ,i odin flash back to dk28 first then install the rom with clock work, so things from the previous rom arent still present. .
im going to find a link that describes all this in detail. brb.
Originally Posted by wilw
Stupid and angry is no way to go through life, son.

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 01-26-2011, 12:03 AM
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Re: New ROM, so much going wrong

this... http://schizopunk.com/EpicExperience...ions/EE_2.0.xx
this is from epic experience rom, but i follow these steps almost to a t. (which rom your flashing shouldnt matter)
Welcome to Epic Experience; version 2.0.00. This ROM is based off of the Froyo (2.2) leak for the Samsung Epic 4G, version DK17.

*It is recommended that before you follow this guide to back up your current set-up as this process will completely wipe your phone*


Step 01
-Download the Odin package from [Stock Flash][Odin]Dk28 Extended 12/05/2010 inc. Root,GPS hack,Clockwork+Redir. - xda-developers

Step 02
-Extract the .rar file you downloaded from this thread.
-Inside you will see a few files that you will need to flash your phone to 2.2 stock.

Step 03
-Turn your Samsung Epic 4G off completely & unplug your USB cable
-While the phone is off, slide out your QWERTY keyboard and hold down the number "1" key along with pressing the power button.
-You should now be in "Download Mode"

Step 04
-Open up Odin
-Plug your USB data cable back into your Samsung Epic 4G
-You should now see that Odin has recognized your phone
-if this is not the case, please make sure you have the drivers for the phone installed.
-Next, under the "PIT" section find the file labeled with a ".pit" extension
-Under the "PDA" section find the the ".tar" file
-Make sure that the only thing checked on the left is "Auto Reboot" & nothing else
-Now click start... this may take a few minutes.

PART TWO - Flashing Epic Experience Version 2.0.xx

Now that you have stock Froyo (2.2) flashed to your phone, it is now time for the fun part... the Epic Experience.

Step 01
-Download the latest version of Epic Experience & place the ".zip" on your SD Card

Step 02
-Turn your Samsung Epic 4G off completely
-While the phone is off, hold down the vol down + camera button + power button, you should now be in "Recovery Mode/Clockwork Mod"

Step 03
Volume Up - Up
Volume Down - Down
Camera Button - Select Item
Power Button - Go back

-Select "wipe data/factory reset"
-Select "wipe cache partition"
-Do both of these 3 times to insure optimal results

Step 04
-Select "install zip from sdcard"
-Find the ".zip" on your SDcard and flash the ROM
-Reboot your phone... welcome to Epic Experience, Froyo.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 01-26-2011, 12:25 AM
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Re: New ROM, so much going wrong

Originally Posted by fuzzybabybunny View Post
I upgraded to midNIGHT rom last night, and my phone is acting really awful.
Maybe you got a bad download. Slim chance but possible. Sometimes when you do an upgrade from one version to another some weird things like this can happen. When they do you should just odin back to the stock dk28, root with cw3, then 3 finger to recovery and flash the rom. There really haven't been any major issues with the rom mentioned in either thread. If you are also having problems with the stock di18 maybe you have a hardware issue.

Another thing I would suggest is posting these questions in the rom thread itself instead of creating a new thread. You might get more help from the people that are also running that rom. Also, the popular rom threads always stay higher up on the thread list so more people might see you issue, where as threads like this seem to just sink down the list (Trust me, I've learned this the hard way).

Remember to clickon those who help! It's right down there.

Last edited by shane6374; 01-26-2011 at 12:31 AM.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 01-26-2011, 07:58 AM
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Re: New ROM, so much going wrong

If you were having all those issues with your GPS before you flashed midNIGHT its possible that you just need a new phone. There were a lot of Epics that shipped with bad GPS hardware. If you keep having these same problems across different ROMs just Odin back to stock DI18 and take it back to your local Sprint Store. If you explain to them all the problems you are having they should swap it out for a new phone under the manufacturer's 1-year warranty. If you have insurance it should be free. If not, worst case they'll charge you $35.00.

One other thing,
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 01-26-2011, 01:52 PM
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Re: New ROM, so much going wrong

so why are we still flashing the DK28 "modem" or what ever it is when the vibrant is out with froyo and they were working on a current build of EA11 something. Why not a new modem out of that vibrant rom? or is the "modem' still DK28?
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 01-26-2011, 01:57 PM
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Re: New ROM, so much going wrong

looking around, the vibrant comes with modem JL5? and the new one is KA6 modem?
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 01-26-2011, 02:31 PM
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Re: New ROM, so much going wrong

It's like comparing Apples and Oranges. CDMA vs GSM. Sprint vs Tmo. The modem just won't work. Anyway, you only need to flash the dk28 modem if you are on an older one and want to use the newer roms.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 01-26-2011, 09:51 PM
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Re: New ROM, so much going wrong

AFAIK, all the Froyo ROMs out there are using the DK28 modem. If a newer one had been released we would have known about it. And if indeed there is a newer modem out there, its probably still in beta and not ready for us yet.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 01-27-2011, 02:33 AM
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Re: New ROM, so much going wrong

I think I screwed something up. I followed austin420's directions and the phone is kinda messed up.

Did Odin and flashed to stock Froyo. It booted up just fine. I put a re-downloaded version of midNight ROM on the SD card and booted into CWM3.

Erased the Cache and User Settings 3 times each, and installed midNight from the zip file.

This is where it's weird. It took less than 30 seconds to finish the install. In the past it would take 5 minutes or so. After reboot, it just hangs at the black and white SAMSUNG screen.

What just happened?

The same thing happens if I try to install another ROM like Bonsai4All - super fast "install" and hangs at SAMSUNG screen.

Last edited by fuzzybabybunny; 01-27-2011 at 02:37 AM.
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