Just out of curiosity, does anyone have a 'story' of how they got their Epic (or EVO) discounted more than the basic mail-in rebate?
I have been a Sprint customer for years and have never really done any haggling to get freebies or discounts. I am not in contract with Sprint and have not been for years. I called and asked about other incentives that Sprint could offer to get me back into contract with them. I felt that giving me (a 10 year loyal customer) the same discounts as a new customer was not really showing me any appreciation as a customer. They offered me an additional $70 contract renewal credit and to purchase back my old phone ($35 for a Touch Pro - not going to do that, though, it is worth more on eBay). While the additional $105 discount is great, I wonder if anyone else has had any other discounts added.
My brother swears to me that he was able to get Sprint to give him 2 EVOs for $75. I asked him how he did it and he just told them that he was going to go to another carrier. I tried that and they sent me right to the account cancellation department!