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  #181 (permalink)  
Old 06-28-2011, 10:52 PM
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Re: [ROM][AA][EXT4] AnonymousROM i3 [2.3]

I see I'm not alone in this. I love the way this ROM looks and works, but I'm getting horrendous battery life. And tonight, I got some behavior that I can only call a "soft" reboot- the screen just seemed to refresh. I didn't get the whole boot sequence/animations, but I did see my battery stats go to zero then back to about 30%. I think that the card got scanned as well. I know I lost all radio connections.
Another thing I noticed is that the phone is getting warm --> hot when used a lot or when charging. Didn't see this with other ROMs or stock.
I'm not sure if I should try to use a different modem or what's causing this. I don't have time to do the whole battery calibration thing.
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  #182 (permalink)  
Old 06-28-2011, 11:23 PM
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Re: [ROM][AA][EXT4] AnonymousROM i3 [2.3]

Originally Posted by Trident View Post
I see I'm not alone in this. I love the way this ROM looks and works, but I'm getting horrendous battery life. And tonight, I got some behavior that I can only call a "soft" reboot- the screen just seemed to refresh. I didn't get the whole boot sequence/animations, but I did see my battery stats go to zero then back to about 30%. I think that the card got scanned as well. I know I lost all radio connections.
Another thing I noticed is that the phone is getting warm --> hot when used a lot or when charging. Didn't see this with other ROMs or stock.
I'm not sure if I should try to use a different modem or what's causing this. I don't have time to do the whole battery calibration thing.
I have had a very different experience. My phone is always cool to the touch and has truly epic battery life. You might try this setup

1. Get into recovery and flash CWM Recovery then reboot recovery
2. Flash EF02 stock or an EC05 rom
3. Odin EF02 Modem (put the modem tar in the PDA section and uncheck everything except autoreboot)
4. Go to Settings -> About Phone -> System Updates
5. Tap update firmware and let phone reboot
6. Wait for a message asking you to update again to appear
7. Hit Cancel
8. Turn Off your Phone
9. Get into recovery
10. Wipe data/cache/dalvik x3
11. Flash Odex EF02 Stock
12. Flash it again
13. Reboot
14. Turn off your phone
15. Get back into recovery
16. Wipe data/cache/dalvik/Battery Stats x3
17. Flash Anonymous Rom i3
18. Wait 5 minutes after it finishes to touch the phone
19. Flash it again
20. Wait 5 minutes after it finishes to touch the phone
21. Reboot
22. Join Google Voice by using your sprint number with Google Voice (option 1)
23. Use the Google Voice app for voicemail and sms
24. Turn Off your phone
25. Get into recovery
26. Wipe cache/dalvik/Battery Stats x3 NOT DATA!!!!!!!!
24. Flash GPS fix
25. Reboot
26. Profit

EF10 modem
GV Voicemail/sms

This gave me great speed (phone not network), accurate GPS, transcribed voice mail, working full screen FFC, working netflix and excellent battery life.

Last edited by Lynyrd65; 06-29-2011 at 10:07 AM.
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  #183 (permalink)  
Old 06-28-2011, 11:46 PM
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Re: [ROM][AA][EXT4] AnonymousROM i3 [2.3]

Originally Posted by brack21 View Post
How do you recal your batter?
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  #184 (permalink)  
Old 06-29-2011, 12:38 AM
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Re: [ROM][AA][EXT4] AnonymousROM i3 [2.3]

Originally Posted by Lynyrd65 View Post
I have had a very different experience. My phone is always cool to the touch and has truly epic battery life. You might try this setup

EF10 modem
GV Voicemail/sms

This gave me great speed (phone not network), accurate GPS, transcribed voice mail, working full screen FFC, working netflix and excellent battery life.
Just so everyone understands, different modems can and will affect your phone differently depending on your location. A lot of what was in this post is good to try, and can help your battery life. The one thing I would change is the points about the modem. I've tried both the EF02 and EF10 modems with no success. Here were my issues with these modems:
1. Terrible 3g speeds
2. Connection issues - voice & data
3. No GPS lock
All of which led to
4. Terrible battery life.

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  #185 (permalink)  
Old 06-29-2011, 02:47 AM
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Re: [ROM][AA][EXT4] AnonymousROM i3 [2.3]

The .apk on this page is working great for me... no device check! had to reflash though (not necessary to my knowledge for netflix, did it for other errors), got ram dump or reset button error.... FC's.... probly me messing with the build.prop.... idunno...
  #186 (permalink)  
Old 06-29-2011, 03:26 AM
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Re: [ROM][AA][EXT4] AnonymousROM i3 [2.3]

well i odin'ed back to ee03 lets see how it goes
  #187 (permalink)  
Old 06-29-2011, 05:52 AM
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Re: [ROM][AA][EXT4] AnonymousROM i3 [2.3]

I'm trying to install the lockscreen but its not flashing. What am I doing wrong. I'm on the right modem
  #188 (permalink)  
Old 06-29-2011, 06:07 AM
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Re: [ROM][AA][EXT4] AnonymousROM i3 [2.3]

Originally Posted by Shakim24 View Post
I'm trying to install the lockscreen but its not flashing. What am I doing wrong. I'm on the right modem
not sure what modem has to do with it but i would dl zip again, might be bad dl,
  #189 (permalink)  
Old 06-29-2011, 10:39 AM
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Re: [ROM][AA][EXT4] AnonymousROM i3 [2.3]

been runnin i3 from before thread was closed on xda and its been fantastic. no hot phone, no reboots or SOD. everything has been flawless except for the rotation lag(thats just the EF02 tho) and yes battery life isnt that great(again the workins in EF02) once source or official GB comes out things will get way better in those areas tho. no prob with GPS here. thanks for all your work MArcusant. cant wait for i4 =D
  #190 (permalink)  
Old 06-29-2011, 12:26 PM
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Re: [ROM][AA][EXT4] AnonymousROM i3 [2.3]

Originally Posted by scuckinghunter View Post
been runnin i3 from before thread was closed on xda and its been fantastic. no hot phone, no reboots or SOD. everything has been flawless except for the rotation lag(thats just the EF02 tho) and yes battery life isnt that great(again the workins in EF02) once source or official GB comes out things will get way better in those areas tho. no prob with GPS here. thanks for all your work MArcusant. cant wait for i4 =D
try this it improved my rotation lag ..........

[FIX][CWM]Rotation lag fix for EF02 - Page 6 - xda-developers
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