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  #191 (permalink)  
Old 06-29-2011, 02:18 PM
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Re: [ROM][AA][EXT4] AnonymousROM i3 [2.3]

On previous GB leaks, pretty much every one I tried, I had horrible battery, ran hot, all sorts of craziness. On this iteration, quite the opposite. Battery has been awesome (been using battery calibration app, no batt widget crap, just Roam Control due to my service at home), voice calls seem to suck a lot more, and theres a runaway system service... or seems so... just reflashed last night, I had no problems on this first flash until I played with the build.prop, idunno what I did, but that seemed to screw the pooch. Anyways, the netflix app I linked to above works great, just no device check, so until I find another app I want that isn't 'allowed' for the epic, ill stick with that... that is unless Marcus feels like making us Nexus S's in the next build. Off to check Xtra Drama Association for the news on the playbook... see if we may be getting official any time soon. Thanks again Marcus, keep up the good work!
  #192 (permalink)  
Old 06-29-2011, 02:38 PM
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Re: [ROM][AA][EXT4] AnonymousROM i3 [2.3]

Hi, good job on this rom Marcus!
Thank you for the work.
Anybody losing icons on the tw launcher after going to landscape? The dock icons and the app icons in the app drawers disappear, but you can still select the empty spot to launch the app. Thanks.
  #193 (permalink)  
Old 06-29-2011, 04:51 PM
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Re: [ROM][AA][EXT4] AnonymousROM i3 [2.3]

Originally Posted by Lynyrd65 View Post
I have had a very different experience. My phone is always cool to the touch and has truly epic battery life. You might try this setup

1. Get into recovery and flash CWM Recovery then reboot recovery
2. Flash EF02 stock or an EC05 rom
3. Odin EF02 Modem (put the modem tar in the PDA section and uncheck everything except autoreboot)
4. Go to Settings -> About Phone -> System Updates
5. Tap update firmware and let phone reboot
6. Wait for a message asking you to update again to appear
7. Hit Cancel
8. Turn Off your Phone
9. Get into recovery
10. Wipe data/cache/dalvik x3
11. Flash Odex EF02 Stock
12. Flash it again
13. Reboot
14. Turn off your phone
15. Get back into recovery
16. Wipe data/cache/dalvik/Battery Stats x3
17. Flash Anonymous Rom i3
18. Wait 5 minutes after it finishes to touch the phone
19. Flash it again
20. Wait 5 minutes after it finishes to touch the phone
21. Reboot
22. Join Google Voice by using your sprint number with Google Voice (option 1)
23. Use the Google Voice app for voicemail and sms
24. Turn Off your phone
25. Get into recovery
26. Wipe cache/dalvik/Battery Stats x3 NOT DATA!!!!!!!!
24. Flash GPS fix
25. Reboot
26. Profit

EF10 modem
GV Voicemail/sms

This gave me great speed (phone not network), accurate GPS, transcribed voice mail, working full screen FFC, working netflix and excellent battery life.
Two things... first, I'm going to do a NANDROID backup before any of this.
2nd, I'm still having an issue trying to connect my phone via USB to my PC. Anyone care to provide explicit directions to use ODIN? I've got Odin3 v1.61 running...

Oooh. 3rd thing. Should I do the normal multi-wipe after step #1? Do I need to reboot and then go into recovery again after each flash or just keep on doing everything?

[figured out how to use ODIN]
Step #6 & 7 never happened....
Confirming... #2 & #11 are using the same file, right?
The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
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Last edited by Trident; 06-29-2011 at 05:28 PM.
  #194 (permalink)  
Old 06-29-2011, 05:12 PM
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Re: [ROM][AA][EXT4] AnonymousROM i3 [2.3]

Originally Posted by Trident View Post
Two things... first, I'm going to do a NANDROID backup before any of this.
2nd, I'm still having an issue trying to connect my phone via USB to my PC. Anyone care to provide explicit directions to use ODIN? I've got Odin3 v1.61 running...

Oooh. 3rd thing. Should I do the normal multi-wipe after step #1? Do I need to reboot and then go into recovery again after each flash or just keep on doing everything?
Try different usb ports. If there is one thing I would really flame Sammy for on this phone it's the crappy drivers.

Remember to clickon those who help! It's right down there.
  #195 (permalink)  
Old 06-29-2011, 05:31 PM
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Re: [ROM][AA][EXT4] AnonymousROM i3 [2.3]

Originally Posted by shane6374 View Post
Try different usb ports. If there is one thing I would really flame Sammy for on this phone it's the crappy drivers.
It still wouldn't work until I got into Download mode by holding the 1 while powering up.
  #196 (permalink)  
Old 06-29-2011, 05:52 PM
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Re: [ROM][AA][EXT4] AnonymousROM i3 [2.3]

Originally Posted by Trident View Post
It still wouldn't work until I got into Download mode by holding the 1 while powering up.
With the USB, NEVER use the stock cable for anything but charging, ALWAYS plug into a USB port in the back ON the motherboard of your PC (or guess and check with laptop), and installing drivers is crazy... what I do is install them, let it go thru a few diff. device installations, I think it hangs on modem usually, after it has hung on one device for like 5 mins, then unplug the USB and replug it FAST, it will usually trip up the driver install and keep going. You can see if your connection is consistent by opening odin, connecting the USB, then let it sit for a while, it should say connected! and disconnected! if it is a bad connection, if its good it should stay connected. Im pretty sure Odin doesn't recognize the Epic unless you're in download mode, and thats the only way you should use it. Sometimes you have to reinstall the drivers a few times, it sux, but once you get a PC set up to work, it should stay that way, given the same USB port and cable, etc... if you have to reinstall the drivers, uninstall, reboot, install, reboot, go into odin... hope that helps... if u need more info, look on xda at the old info about the oneclick roots, from when it was inconsistent, there were tons of threads about getting adb and odin to connect, as it was more consistent to input each command off the script one after the other in adb shell... took a few, but was faster than 30 tries of the old oneclick... now the oneclick is pretty flawless.
  #197 (permalink)  
Old 06-29-2011, 06:07 PM
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Re: [ROM][AA][EXT4] AnonymousROM i3 [2.3]

Originally Posted by Lynyrd65 View Post
22. Join Google Voice by using your sprint number with Google Voice (option 1)
23. Use the Google Voice app for voicemail and sms
24. Turn Off your phone

This gave me great speed (phone not network), accurate GPS, transcribed voice mail, working full screen FFC, working netflix and excellent battery life.
OK. When I get to this section... I've already got Google Voice. I think you're just saying that I login using my gmail account, go on the market and get
the GV app. Right?
  #198 (permalink)  
Old 06-29-2011, 07:14 PM
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Re: [ROM][AA][EXT4] AnonymousROM i3 [2.3]

Everything was going well, when all of a sudden, I lost service. I tried to make a call, and was informed that I was in Airplane mode. When I try to remove the check from the box, it just stalls and will never go away. I can long-press on the power button and toggle Airplane mode there, but it doesn't actually change. Crap.
Only thing I can see that might not have worked correctly was the last steps where I was trying to get to EF10. It said it was doing so, but didn't seem to complete. And when I go into the settings, it says I'm still on EF02.

Used ODIN to put EF02 back on and all seems well again.

Last edited by Trident; 06-29-2011 at 10:46 PM.
  #199 (permalink)  
Old 06-29-2011, 09:14 PM
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Re: [ROM][AA][EXT4] AnonymousROM i3 [2.3]

Yo Marcus, just stopping by to say I'm glad to see you on this side man. What happened to you on XDA wasn't fair at all, but you're in good hands here at PPCGeeks! Now on topic, your ROM rocks, keep up the good work, as you're part of the future in mobile development!
  #200 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2011, 03:58 AM
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Re: [ROM][AA][EXT4] AnonymousROM i3 [2.3]

Originally Posted by Trident View Post
Everything was going well, when all of a sudden, I lost service. I tried to make a call, and was informed that I was in Airplane mode. When I try to remove the check from the box, it just stalls and will never go away. I can long-press on the power button and toggle Airplane mode there, but it doesn't actually change. Crap.
Only thing I can see that might not have worked correctly was the last steps where I was trying to get to EF10. It said it was doing so, but didn't seem to complete. And when I go into the settings, it says I'm still on EF02.

Used ODIN to put EF02 back on and all seems well again.
sounds like the modem issue some are having, what modem you using?
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  PPCGeeks > Android > Android Samsung Devices > Samsung Galaxy Series > CDMA-Specific > Sprint Epic 4G > Sprint Epic 4G Development

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