Originally Posted by Lynyrd65
I have had a very different experience. My phone is always cool to the touch and has truly epic battery life. You might try this setup
EF10 modem
GV Voicemail/sms
This gave me great speed (phone not network), accurate GPS, transcribed voice mail, working full screen FFC, working netflix and excellent battery life.
Just so everyone understands, different modems can and will affect your phone differently depending on your location. A lot of what was in this post is good to try, and can help your battery life. The one thing I would change is the points about the modem. I've tried both the EF02 and EF10 modems with no success. Here were my issues with these modems:
1. Terrible 3g speeds
2. Connection issues - voice & data
3. No GPS lock
All of which led to
4. Terrible battery life.