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View Poll Results: Since using midNIGHT ROM, have you become more Autism Aware?
Yes. Keep up the good work. 66 94.29%
No. You need to focus a bit more on that. 4 5.71%
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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 02-23-2011, 12:30 AM
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[ROM] midNIGHT ROM v5.3 EXT4 (Awareness Edition) & BYOR Edition 05/15/2011

Welcome to the midNIGHT ROM Thread (For Official Froyo)

================================================== ====================================

Support Autism Awareness and sport the new banner... It doesn't matter if you use my ROM or not. This is about supporting Autism Awareness and nothing more. I have to GIVE a HUGE THANKS to Johnny Bravo for this. This is mostly his work with a few VERY tiny changes by me.. Thanks JB!!!

See the attached text file for the code.......


UPDATE: Going forward I need to move to making all announcements for midNIGHT ROM via Twitter. This will allow me to streamline everything and make it much less complicated for me. Follow my on Twitter.

If you guys like the midNIGHT ROM you can vote for it here.

I want to THANK everyone for their support and patience while I put this together...

================================================== ================================================== =======================================
While you are waiting for the ROM to download please read and share the following two posts:

You ask why we need Autism Awareness?

My Broken Heart: The "bare handed man": This is EXACTLY why we NEED Autism Awareness.

The Future, Fear and Autism: This is why I fear the future and how YOU can HELP.
================================================== ================================================== =======================================


Current Release:

midNIGHT ROM v5.3 (Awareness Edition and BYOR Awareness Edition)

midNIGHT ROM v5.2 Journaling OFF (BYOR) Base ONLY
Note: This ROM WILL install the EC05 modem regardless of whether your on DI18 or EB13.

midNIGHT ROM Extras v5
Note: You can redownload this if you want but the only zip changed is the zip below. This is intended for new users.
Note: This also contains the midNIGHT ROM v5.1 Standard Upgrade.zip.
Note: You need to EXTRACT the contents to your sdcard

midNIGHT ROM v5.2 Standard Upgrade.zip
Note: This is the ONLY change to the midNIGHT ROM Extras folder since the previous release (midNIGHT ROM v5 (BYOR)
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ___________________________

Change Log: EC05 based
1) New OC Bonsai Kernel v4.0.1 and scripts (Thanks to Mammon88 and Randy_T)
2) Camera Lag has been fixed and security hole patch (Thanks to mkasick and Rodderik for the fix and Bonsai for the kernel integration)
3) Carrier IQ COMPLETELY REMOVED. Battery modded apps. (VERY,VERY big Thanks to k0nane)
4) Themes updated for compatibility and "Reboot Mod" (Thanks to MysteryEmotionz for the "Reboot Mod" and amosher13 for help with compiling the framework)
5)Voice Dialer updated with fix (Thanks Dameon)
6) No Battery Pop Up MOD (Thanks to amosher13)
7) Call Log Mod (Thanks to Mammon88 and Randy_T)
8 ) New default wallpaper (Autism Awareness)
9 ) Updated build prop to reflect the upgrade.
10) Updated midNIGHT ROM Extras (now includes the EC05 modem odin package)
11) Thanks to mkasick for the TWS bug fix.
12) Clock is restored to notification bar (Thanks to Bonsai)
13) Stock theme now 1% battery modded.
14) The Bonsai Team has moved to a new location Bonsai for Android | (registration is FREE and worthwhile)
15) New boot and shutdown animations (Thanks optmsprim2)
16) Stock Framework
17) Removed 1% battery mod (flash a theme if you want it back)
1 Added reboot option to stock framework (Thank to MysteryEmotionz for the Policy.jars)
19) Modem will now upgrade DI18 AND EB13 to EC05 (HUGE THANKS to Bonsai)
20) AppWidgetPicker Updated (Thanks boombuler)
21) Voodoo Sound (Thanks to Bonsai)
22) midNIGHT ROM v5.2 Standard Upgrade.zip updated.
23) Removed the midNIGHT ROM Extras folder from the zip and made it available here as nothing has changed and to save bandwidth.
24) Increased the sdcard cache size to 4MB (mileage on this may very)
Nore: The midNIGHT ROM v5.2 Standard Upgrade.zip has been updated and will be available as a separate download or inside the midNIGHT ROM Extras v5.zip above.


Instructions: READ, READ,READ and READ some more
Note: If you are already rooted and then skip to step 6.
I personally recommended that you wipe EVERYTHING x3 for your first flash and if you are coming from a different ROM or EB13. That will give the most stable results..
If you experience FC's after booting up then wipe everything x3 and reflash. The FC's ARE NOT A BUG. More a side effect of switching ROM without starting clean.
1) Make sure you are Rooted with NEW CW3.0.0.6 OneClick by Dameon (If not already)
2) This WILL flash the EC05 modem over DI18 or EB13. No need to use odin.
3) Copy the midNIGHT ROM v5 (BYOR Edition) to your SD card.
4) Delete the current "midNIGHT ROM Extras" folder from your SD Card
5) Boot into CW3 (Let it covert. This will only happen if your on RFS)
7) The Process WILL TAKE ABOUT 5 MINUTES TO FLASH SO DON'T PANIC. Also you will sit on the Samsung screen for at least a minute.
Using Quickboot, boot back into CW3
9) Navigate to the midNIGHT ROM Extras folder and flash individual zips to build you custom ROM. (If you don't have it already links are above)
10) Navigate to the midNIGHT ROM Extras folder and flash the midNIGHT ROM v5.2 Standard Edition UPGRADE.zip and you will enjoy the "Typical" or "Standard" midNIGHT ROM release..

What do you get when you flash midNIGHT ROM (BYOR Edition)?
I cleaned out the ROM (removing ALL unnecessary apks and files. When you flash the ROM you will have the following Apps pre-installed.
Task Manager/Hotspot (As they can't safely be removed)
Quickboot (to keep things simple) REMOVABLE
Stock Froyo Launcher (REMOVABLE)
Battery modded Camera (VERY,VERY big Thanks to k0nane)
Titanium Backup (Removable)
If you downlaad and flash
midNIGHT ROM v5.2 Standard Upgrade.zip you will get the following:
AOSP modded Browser (VERY,VERY big Thanks to k0nane)
Google Talk
Google Search
App Widget Picker
Memo (support the phone app)
Google Voice (Removable)
Clock Package (Google)
Samsung video editor (Removable)
Voice Mail
Voice Search
Voice Dialer
Stock MMS/
Fascinate Email
Google Apps
Battery modded Video Player (VERY,VERY big Thanks to k0nane)
Battery modded Music Player (VERY,VERY big Thanks to k0nane)
GingerBread Keyboard
Working Swype (Newest Beta)
Live Wallpaper Framework
TW Live Wallpapers
Thunderbolt Calculator
My Files
Voodoo control app to data (removable)
This is pretty much what I include in my "typical" releases... This should make things quiet simple for EVERYONE. If your an advanced user or just want to take the time to flash one at a time or completely customize your phone then go for it. If you want to just have a "Standard Edition" you can just flash the midNIGHT ROM v5.2 Standard UPGRADE.zip" and you will be good to go. I have tested both versions. Both seem very stable and quick. Hopefully battery life is better since I removed a ton of background apps.
Mammon88 and Randy_T: Bonsai everything. Thanks for including me in the testing phase and sharing your knowledge.
mkasick: Camera Lag Fix and Malware patch and the TWS bug fix
k0nane: Carrier IQ removal and battery modded apps and tweaked browser. Thanks for early access to the IQ removal. Thanks for answering my questions and being a good example.
MysteryEmotionz: Thanks for the help with my original theme and answering my questions over Talk and porting the reboot mod.
amosher13: Thanks for helping me figure out the error of my ways. I was finally able to rebuild my theme and include the reboot mod.
Dameon87: Thanks for bring us EXT4 and ClockWork 3. Huge Thanks for getting us started with EB13 and answering my questions.
Rodderik: Thanks for the malware patch.
A very special THANK YOU goes out to my testers:
Science Guy
Johnny Bravo


Also if you have any "Thanks" burning a hole in your pocket please visit k0nane's and bonsaithreads over spend your "Thanks" on them. They truly deserve it.
================================================== ==============

FYI: There is a HOW TO video for installing this ROM along with CW3 on my blog as well. Look on the Android Development page. Please keep in mind that the ROM being flashed in this video is not the v2.7 but the process is the exact same. Also I skipped the wipes prior to flashing to save time.
Attached Files
File Type: txt Autism Awareness Banner.txt (152 Bytes, 3 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by ptfdmedic; 05-15-2011 at 03:23 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 02-23-2011, 12:31 AM
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Re: [ROM] midNIGHT ROM v4.0 (coming soon)

reserved parking
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 02-23-2011, 12:31 AM
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Re: [ROM] midNIGHT ROM v4.0 (coming soon)

mine as well
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 02-23-2011, 12:32 AM
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Re: [ROM] midNIGHT ROM v4.0 (coming soon)

this is the last one. Have at it....
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 02-23-2011, 12:36 AM
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Re: [ROM] midNIGHT ROM v4.0 (coming soon)

this ones mine.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 02-23-2011, 12:57 AM
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Re: [ROM] midNIGHT ROM v4.0 (coming soon)

Rooting with the right now. Wow this takes a loooong time!

Remember to clickon those who help! It's right down there.

Last edited by shane6374; 02-23-2011 at 12:59 AM.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 02-23-2011, 01:08 AM
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Re: [ROM] midNIGHT ROM v4.0 (coming soon)

Originally Posted by shane6374 View Post
Rooting with the right now. Wow this takes a loooong time!
How do you add someone to a group in palringo.... I most of the people from the test group in my contacts but I can't invite or add them to the midNIGHT ROM test group
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 02-23-2011, 01:17 AM
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Re: [ROM] midNIGHT ROM v4.0 (coming soon)

Originally Posted by ptfdmedic View Post
How do you add someone to a group in palringo.... I most of the people from the test group in my contacts but I can't invite or add them to the midNIGHT ROM test group
contacts on pal has a dropdown/add contacts.
  #9 (permalink)  
Old 02-23-2011, 01:28 AM
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Re: [ROM] midNIGHT ROM v4.0 (coming soon)

Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1 View Post
contacts on pal has a dropdown/add contacts.
I got that. But how to add you to the group I created is still a mystery..
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 02-23-2011, 01:31 AM
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Re: [ROM] midNIGHT ROM v4.0 (coming soon)

Originally Posted by ptfdmedic View Post
I got that. But how to add you to the group I created is still a mystery..
LOL, groups (on top) "create a group"
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