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  #411 (permalink)  
Old 12-29-2010, 02:15 AM
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Re: midNIGHT ROM DK28 (Froyo) v2.2 EXT4 coming soon need testers NEW DIALER 12/28/201

Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1 View Post
that just got me to samsung screen and locked phone there. i get same issue trying to run command prompt "adb reboot recovery"
ODIN back to DI18 and let it boot. Then ODIN DK28 (NOT THE EXTENDED VERSION). Then do the 1click root with clockwork redirect. Then Boot into clockwork and flash the quantum 2.5....Reboot and it will stick at the Samsung screen. Pull battery and boot into clockwork. Go to advanced and select Reboot Recovery. Now you should be in the new recovery. Plug the phone in via USB and run the Install bat from your computer. When it finishes flash the kernel and the reflash quantum 2.5. Then reboot. Once booted download quickboot and then boot into recovery (make sure you are in the new recovery ends in a 2) then wipe data/cache and dalvik x3. Flash midNIGHT v2.2 EXT4 and wipe the caches when down but not data. That should be all you need to do.
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  #412 (permalink)  
Old 12-29-2010, 02:34 AM
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Re: midNIGHT ROM DK28 (Froyo) v2.2 EXT4 coming soon need testers NEW DIALER 12/28/201

ROM is up. I have flashed it at least a dozen times without any problems. Running great and no FC's. Please read the 2nd post carefully. You must install the EXT4 prior to flashing my ROM.

I have had a really long and emotionally draining day. I got this up for you guys tonight while I had some peace and quiet. I am going to go to bed. If you need help and support installing the EXT4 please see the original thread here.

Once you get EXT4 installed the rest is really easy. Good Luck and Please THANK Dameon87 for his OUTSTANDING work. Wth out his hard work this would not be possible.

Thanks Dameon87

Good Night
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  #413 (permalink)  
Old 12-29-2010, 02:45 AM
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Re: midNIGHT ROM DK28 (Froyo) v2.2 EXT4 12/29/2010

Thanks for all your hard work. I think that I am very close to giving this a try. However, I will need to finish tomorrow...need to get some sleep since I've been reading for the past several hours over at xda regarding this whole EXT4 thing (lol). Once flashed, I will report feedback.

Thank you Dameon87 as well!!!
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  #414 (permalink)  
Old 12-29-2010, 03:11 AM
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Re: midNIGHT ROM DK28 (Froyo) v2.2 EXT4 12/29/2010

ok my issue is now resolved, replacing ext4 now but i got rom on sd already and i adb ext4 so i will be fast.

edit: all good now, man no fc's with your rom op. loving it and its fast as hell too, great work. using command prompt/adb is way faster and easy imo compared to your directions but if both work thats what counts.

Last edited by darren.wlsn1; 12-29-2010 at 03:33 AM.
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  #415 (permalink)  
Old 12-29-2010, 06:58 AM
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Re: midNIGHT ROM DK28 (Froyo) v2.2 EXT4 12/29/2010

So I did a little light reading on EXT4 and it seems to this non-Linux speaking user that its a big step towards the ability to manipulate large amount of data. And by large, I mean LARGE.....I had never even heard of an exabyte before today (1 million terabytes!?!?!?! Holy $hit!!!). This in turn makes the manipulation of smaller amounts of data infinitely faster. Anyway, my question is this....is this worth doing now or should I wait? It seems to be a rather complicated process with lots of room for error and a heavy price to pay if you screw it up. How long will it be before we see something that is flashable without all the prerequisite steps? I would like to be able to just flash a ROM that has EXT4 all cooked in so there is no room for user error. What are we looking at....a few days....a few weeks?
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  #416 (permalink)  
Old 12-29-2010, 07:24 AM
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Re: midNIGHT ROM DK28 (Froyo) v2.2 EXT4 12/29/2010

Originally Posted by Johnny.Bravo View Post
So I did a little light reading on EXT4 and it seems to this non-Linux speaking user that its a big step towards the ability to manipulate large amount of data. And by large, I mean LARGE.....I had never even heard of an exabyte before today (1 million terabytes!?!?!?! Holy $hit!!!). This in turn makes the manipulation of smaller amounts of data infinitely faster. Anyway, my question is this....is this worth doing now or should I wait? It seems to be a rather complicated process with lots of room for error and a heavy price to pay if you screw it up. How long will it be before we see something that is flashable without all the prerequisite steps? I would like to be able to just flash a ROM that has EXT4 all cooked in so there is no room for user error. What are we looking at....a few days....a few weeks?
put your big boy pants on and set it up and flash, i screwed up and just odin'd stock dk28 and to resetup all of it took 20min. cant really brick a epic and i will walk you or anybody through hard part. gains are huge with this mod.
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  #417 (permalink)  
Old 12-29-2010, 09:00 AM
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Re: midNIGHT ROM DK28 (Froyo) v2.2 EXT4 12/29/2010

Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1 View Post
put your big boy pants on and set it up and flash, i screwed up and just odin'd stock dk28 and to resetup all of it took 20min. cant really brick a epic and i will walk you or anybody through hard part. gains are huge with this mod.
Did you just say big boy pants?

Hmmm....so much for you mellowing in your old age......

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  #418 (permalink)  
Old 12-29-2010, 09:32 AM
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Re: midNIGHT ROM DK28 (Froyo) v2.2 EXT4 12/29/2010

Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1 View Post
ok my issue is now resolved, replacing ext4 now but i got rom on sd already and i adb ext4 so i will be fast.

edit: all good now, man no fc's with your rom op. loving it and its fast as hell too, great work. using command prompt/adb is way faster and easy imo compared to your directions but if both work thats what counts.
They were actually sniperkill's directions. I couldn't get abd to work. Many others were having the same issues. This is more of a work around. Most noobs would be able to follow his instructions then try and figure out abd. Thats all. Glad you got it working....
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  #419 (permalink)  
Old 12-29-2010, 09:40 AM
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Re: midNIGHT ROM DK28 (Froyo) v2.2 EXT4 12/29/2010

Originally Posted by Johnny.Bravo View Post
Did you just say big boy pants?

Hmmm....so much for you mellowing in your old age......

big boy pants....hahahaha

I don't know that it will get cooked into the rom like that. The EXT4 install process will be streamlined but that's probably it for now. Good thing is that it's a 1 time process...unless or until you odin back. Thanks again for the new banner. I haven't had a chance to edit my sig yet been busy getting this release out...
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  #420 (permalink)  
Old 12-29-2010, 10:42 AM
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Re: midNIGHT ROM DK28 (Froyo) v2.1.1 NEW DIALER 12/28/2010

Originally Posted by ptfdmedic View Post
This post is what made it possible for me...
I have it running on quan. ROM trying to get it running on mine...

Okay guy's, I finally got this to work. these are the steps: 1st, I odin back to STOCK DK28 ( no extended ).. Then I installed oneclick root and recovery w/redirect. then I uninstalled the root and left the clockworkmod. I formatted my sdcard, then put quantom 2.5 on my sdcard, along with the FINAL kernel.zip. Then I booted into cwm, and installed Quantom 2.5. Take note that your phone WILL NOT boot all the way just yet, it will hang at the SAMSUNG screen. This is okay. then download the ext4.zip in the OP to your desktop, then extract it into a NEW folder, and name it "android". ( just open the ext4.zip file up using winzip, and drag and drop ALL files in the .zip into the andriod folder you just made). Okay, since your phone is still gonna be at the samsung screen, pull the batt, and boot back into cwm, but this time, scroll down to "advanced"> then select "reboot recovery", and it should boot into NOW, unplug the usb cable and plug it back in (on my pc, in running WINDOWS 7 with no PROBLEMS "Prophour") Also, when I plug in my usb cable my pc makes a sound to let me know that it see's my phone. It should see your phone, and if your not sure, just go to the next step. Aight, now open the new folder called "android", and go to the "install-ext4.bat" file and double click it. It should do it's thing... Then DO NOT BOOT your phone just yet, once it's done, reflash Quantom 2.5, then flash the FINAL-KERNEL.zip file you put on your sdcard after you formatted it.. That SHOULD put you where you need to be Prophour! Good luck...

Prophour, if you have anymore probs, pm me so not to clutter up Dameon87 thread to much...
OMG. This reminds me of Kevin Kline in "A Fish Called Wanda". "What was the second thing?"

Thanks for all of your work!
Madtown, Wisconsin. 68 square miles surrounded by reality.
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