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View Poll Results: Case, Holster, Both, or Naked?
Hard Shell Case 0 0%
Belt Clip type Holster 0 0%
Both of the above 1 33.33%
None, Nada, Zip, Pure Epic. 2 66.67%
Voters: 3. You may not vote on this poll

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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 05-11-2011, 09:56 AM
TexasAggie97's Avatar
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Pocket PC: 2032/6700/6800/Arrive/Samsung Epic 4G
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Re: Case, Holster, Both, or Naked?

I purchased the Seidio Active X case and holster. the case is nice, thick, but not as thick as the otterbox. I had been waiting for a discount before I bought it, and over the weekend a friend accidentally knocked the phone out of my hand, it hit the metal patio chair, then the brick ground and put a scratch at the top face. I purchased the case on Sunday night! The case covers up the scratch. Had I the case previously, my Epic would still be scratch free.

I like the holster that comes with the Active-X case. I work out at the gym and like to have my headphones plugged into my Epic. In order to do this, I like to have the phone at my side, not in my pockets so the holster is great.

The case makes the phone thicker, but I can still put it in my front shirt pocket or in my front dress pant pockets.

The only negative I see from the case, is the rubber back seems "loose" around the camera, power, and volume buttons. Basically where the pastic snap on back does not cover. I would have made the rubber a bit stronger, not so flexible.

Also, the front cover does minimize the distance from the edge of the face to the number keys on the keyboard. I can still type clearly with my thumbs, but my thumbs definitely hit the case.
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  PPCGeeks > Android > Android Samsung Devices > Samsung Galaxy Series > CDMA-Specific > Sprint Epic 4G > Sprint Epic 4G Accessories

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