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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 08-29-2011, 08:40 PM
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WTB: HP Touchpad

I know this is a slip chance lol... But im lookin for either a 16gb of 32gb model of the hp touchpad, and willing to pay either 150 or 200 for it respectively. hit me up, I only buy from people whom i've seen on the site, i've been a member for a while now so yeah

Originally Posted by kenscivic View Post
On a side note, I told my fiance what I was doing and she said I am officially a nerd, so I punched her in the ovaries and screamed out "Ppcgeeks ROCKS!"
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 08-29-2011, 11:05 PM
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Re: WTB: HP Touchpad

Originally Posted by YnYng View Post
I know this is a slip chance lol... But im lookin for either a 16gb of 32gb model of the hp touchpad, and willing to pay either 150 or 200 for it respectively. hit me up, I only buy from people whom i've seen on the site, i've been a member for a while now so yeah
stop that... that pricing is to sane...

honestly tho, 50-80 on top of the $99/$149 people got it for last min is FAIR... but people on my local CList are trying to get $300-400 total still... buncha arseholes... im keeping up my "DONT GET SCAMMED" campaign here

GL, I was looking for one as well looking to pay $40-60 over el cheapo price, but again, everyone wants $100+... eff off eh!
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Old 09-03-2011, 03:17 PM
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Re: WTB: HP Touchpad

Yea, if anyone has one for sale, I'll give market value + tax and shipping, and a extra $20 for your profit.

For example, if you picked a 16gb one in CT, 7% tax, It would cost you $107 out the door from a store, about $10 shipping, so I would give you $137.00 for it.

Let me know, drop me a PM...

I've been looking like crazy for one of these too...
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 09-07-2011, 11:44 PM
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Re: WTB: HP Touchpad

I think the cheapest I've seen a 16gb sell for on craigslist in NYC is $185
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 09-08-2011, 02:55 PM
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Re: WTB: HP Touchpad

I was watching CL, but there's too many greedy f*cks.....HP said they are making more. I signed up for email alert & also been watching the 2 twitter pages...

Despite announcing an end to manufacturing webOS hardware, we have decided to produce one last run of TouchPads to meet unfulfilled demand. We don’t know exactly when these units will be available or how many we’ll get, and we can’t promise we’ll have enough for everyone. We do know that it will be at least a few weeks before you can purchase. See more information in the updated FAQs below.
HP Communities - More TouchPads on the Way - HP Communities


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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 09-08-2011, 03:42 PM
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Re: WTB: HP Touchpad

Originally Posted by OMJ View Post
I was watching CL, but there's too many greedy f*cks.....HP said they are making more. I signed up for email alert & also been watching the 2 twitter pages...

HP Communities - More TouchPads on the Way - HP Communities


I don't know if there will be more...I was one of the lucky people who bought it during the fire sale and here is what they emailed me:

HP Small and Medium Business Customer,

Thank you for your interest in webOS and the HP TouchPad – the response to our price reduction has been overwhelming – both in terms of volume and in the energy and enthusiasm it has generated in our customers.

It has taken us longer than anticipated to work through the high volume of orders that were received. We apologize for any uncertainty this caused, but we are now in a position to understand our ability to fulfill your order.

Your order will be fulfilled at the discounted price. However, we do not have enough stock to satisfy your order at this time. It will take 6-8 weeks to build enough HP TouchPads to meet our current commitments, during which time your order will then ship from this stock with free ground shipping. You will receive a shipping notification with tracking number once your order has shipped. We apologize that these timelines are longer than indicated on the website at time of purchase.

At the significantly reduced price, the HP TouchPad does not qualify for our standard 30 day return policy and is not returnable.

If this delay is not acceptable, please send an email to TouchPadCancel@hp.com with your instructions for cancellation within a week. Be sure to include your HP order number and the name and ship-to address on the order. Also please indicate clearly if this is the only order requiring cancellation or if you wish all orders in your name to be canceled. You will receive an automated cancel notification when your order cancellation request has been processed. Please be aware, however, that cancellations cannot be reversed, and our US SMB store has sold out of HP TouchPad and will not make any further available for sale.

We are pleased that we will be able to fulfill your order and look forward to you joining the exciting community of webOS!

Your HP Small and Medium Business Team
FAQ - HP TouchPad
So according to this they OVERSOLD during the fire sale beyond their inventory...once the new batch comes in, people who bought in the fire sale get first dibs on that inventory...

now above also says they won't make any more available for sale as well...this is possible thats for the business store and they might make some for sale for individuals...but again..it will only be AFTER the people who bought in the fire sale get theirs..so its also possible they will have 0 inventory left for sale even after they make the last batch...
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 09-08-2011, 04:27 PM
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Re: WTB: HP Touchpad

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
I don't know if there will be more...I was one of the lucky people who bought it during the fire sale and here is what they emailed me:

So according to this they OVERSOLD during the fire sale beyond their inventory...once the new batch comes in, people who bought in the fire sale get first dibs on that inventory...

now above also says they won't make any more available for sale as well...this is possible thats for the business store and they might make some for sale for individuals...but again..it will only be AFTER the people who bought in the fire sale get theirs..so its also possible they will have 0 inventory left for sale even after they make the last batch...
there's no tellin what they'll really do, but in the 1st Q&A they make it sound like whatever supply they'l have will be for consumers....but I'm sure that's after they fulfill previous orders.

Q: When is HP getting more HP TouchPads? One week, two weeks, a month?
A limited supply are coming and it will be a few weeks before they are available. As we know more about how, when, and where TouchPads will be available, we will communicate that here and through email to those who requested notification. We can tell you that HP’s Small and Medium Business team has sold out of HP TouchPads and will not have more inventory.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 09-09-2011, 11:56 AM
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Re: WTB: HP Touchpad

here's an alternative....not bad for $80, enTourage Pocket eDGe Dualbook

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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 09-17-2011, 04:38 PM
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Re: WTB: HP Touchpad

16GB for 230 and 32GB for 275. will include a folio custom case ($30).

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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 09-17-2011, 05:48 PM
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Originally Posted by nyczwillz View Post
16GB for 230 and 32GB for 275. will include a folio custom case ($30).
How many do u have?

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