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  #111 (permalink)  
Old 03-25-2010, 08:05 PM
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Re: Sprint HTC Evo 4G

Originally Posted by Biker1 View Post
When Sprint gets a new WInMo device w/o a keyboard, that will be the device I will look at. I'm getting tired of Sprint restricting some of us regarding these new devices because we are not on the Right plan regarding data. I pay over $100 frigg'n dollars a month for a plan with UNLIMITED DATA, and Sprint wants me to change plans in order to have the pleasure of using one of their new devices.
I got an IDEA, take off the restrictions for your Premier Customers and that would be a Premier "Perk" I would look forward to. In fact, take the Restriction off of others with plans with unlimited data also.
I WILL be switching Carriers if i could find a Carrier with as good as reception for Data & Voice as Sprint has, and for as good a price as I am paying now. Until then, I will reluctantly continue to be a Sprint Customer, and deal with the Draconian Restriction Sprint has placed on me as well as others.
My Diamond looks better and better as time goes by. Fits right in my pocket, and I forget it's there.
Originally Posted by Biker1 View Post
If a new plan would cost you another $25/mo, that would be $300/year or $600 over a 2 year contract. If the Evo is worth an additional $300.00 per year (and maybe more, depending on what the cost increase is regarding a plan change,) to own, go for it
For me, no device is worth an additional increase of $100's of dollars per year to own.
A one time additional cost, maybe, but not a re-occurring cost.
I have 2 lines, and I pay $107 per month w/TEP. A change of plans would cost me an additional $90/month, or $1080 per year. The answer is obvious regarding a switch.
My Mom only uses 50 minutes a month. Sprint should make an allowance regarding this, if they are going to force me to switch plans.
As I said, my Diamond is pretty good, and I have a spare just in case. Btw, that spare was used the other week, and I received a replacement under TEP.
This sort of uninformed ranting is just that, uninformed. I'll set the record straight because I don't like OTHER people to be caught up in silly misconceptions.

#1- The only times a "change" or "addition" in plan/features/cost has EVER been required to switch between data devices is when there is a difference in the data type(1x/3G/4G), the data is delivered to your device differently, or the new phone requires/comes with additonal services(GPS, Sprint TV, Visual Voicemail, etc).

Example: You have a code on your account that gives you unlimited 1x data for $10 a month. Well surprise, surprise- you have to change you plan/feature code to go to a TP2 so that you can actually GET your EVDO/3G data. Thats crazy huh? To think that that same $10 code somehow would randomly support 4G data is silly. When I bought a car that says "Premium Fuel Only" I didn't write my manufacturer complaining about how much extra a year I'm going to spend on fuel -->IF<-- I bought it. Always remember that no one is forcing you to change with the times and buy new things, thats your call.


#2- Any of the "Simply Everything" or "Everything Data" plans will support the EVO at no additional cost because the DATA is a back-end code that can be changed on all the new plans depending on the type of device thats currently active. SO, if you have an old plan that didn't support 4G data....its not magically going to support 4G data, your going to need to change to something that does. EVERY carrier that I have EVER seen/worked for has operated this way and probably will continue to do so for years to come. Just because someone has an old plan that doesn't support 4G data doesn't necessarily mean that there isn't a good alternative plan to suit their needs. If these are the "Draconian Restrictions" that you speak of, your point of view is so skewed that you need to back away and examine the big picture before you buy ANYTHING in the cellular arena regardless of the carrier.

Sanyo 2700 w/ Everything Data 450 is $69.99/month <--1x data
HTC Touch Pro 2 w/ Everything Data 450 is $69.99/month <--3G data
Blackberry Curve 2 w/ Everything Data 450 is $69.99/month <--3G data + Blackberry Service
HTC EVO 4G w/ Everything Data 450 is $69.99/month <--4G data
----Crazy how much more expensive that 3G and/or Blackberry service is huh? That looks like a whole $0 a year more to me!

3G only USB aircard with the 5GB cap is $59.99/month
3G only Wireless Hotspot with the 5GB cap is $59.99/month
3G/4G USB aircard with 5GB 3G cap and unlimited 4G is $59.99/month
3G/4G Wireless Hotspot with 5GB 3G cap and unlimited 4G is $59.99/month
----Crazy how much more expensive that 4G is huh? That looks like a whole $0 a year more to me!

Also.......let me reiterate............NO ONE is FORCING you to buy a new phone and change your plan.

And lets just for a minute entertain the idea that they would charge extra for 4G data if you wanted to use it and you were in an area that had it, no one is forcing you to get that either. That being said I can tell you for sure that the aforementioned plans will support the EVO and that there isn't any sort of internal plan to charge more for 4G because its cheaper to provide 4G than it is 3G, hence the reason our 3G/4G aircard plans have a 5GB cap for 3G and the 4G is unlimited.
Sprint Lead Technician / Store Manager -- Feel Free to PM me if you need anything!
Oh, and NO I cannot reset your upgrade status. Kthxbye

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Last edited by PhantomApolyon; 03-25-2010 at 08:25 PM.
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  #112 (permalink)  
Old 03-25-2010, 08:18 PM
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Re: Sprint HTC Evo 4G

Originally Posted by PhantomApolyon View Post

#2- Any of the "Simply Everything" or "Everything Data" plans will support the EVO at no additional cost because the DATA is a back-end code that can be changed on all the new plans depending on the type of device thats currently active. SO, if you have an old plan that didn't support 4G data....its not magically going to support 4G data, your going to need to change to something that does. EVERY carrier that I have EVER seen/worked for has operated this way and probably will continue to do so for years to come. Just because someone has an old plan that doesn't support 4G data doesn't necessarily mean that there isn't a good alternative plan to suit their needs. If these are the "Draconian Restrictions" that you speak of, your point of view is so skewed that you need to back away and examine the big picture before you buy ANYTHING in the cellular arena regardless of the carrier.
would the Everything Messaging plan also apply?

seeing your position w/ Sprint....any hints as to when we'll actually see EVO released?

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  #113 (permalink)  
Old 03-25-2010, 08:22 PM
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Re: Sprint HTC Evo 4G

Originally Posted by OMJ View Post
would the Everything Messaging plan also apply?

seeing your position w/ Sprint....any hints as to when we'll actually see EVO released?

With the Everything Messaging plans not having data included I would assume not, you'd need something that supported data.

That being said, you can sign up an AOL email address and then apply for the AOL discount which is 10% a month and knock off some of the cost in changing over to an Everything Data plan.

As far as time frame goes, I WISH I knew so I could mark it on my calendar

Last edited by PhantomApolyon; 03-25-2010 at 08:24 PM.
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  #114 (permalink)  
Old 03-25-2010, 08:29 PM
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Re: Sprint HTC Evo 4G

Originally Posted by PhantomApolyon View Post
With the Everything Messaging plans not having data included I would assume not, you'd need something that supported data.

That being said, you can sign up an AOL email address and then apply for the AOL discount which is 10% a month and knock off some of the cost in changing over to an Everything Data plan.

As far as time frame goes, I WISH I knew so I could mark it on my calendar
I have the everything messaging share plan w/ the Sprint Data BUSINESS PACK included on each line (retentions deal)...the everything data plan will cost me more, but I gain nothing...oh well

thx, but I already get a 14% discount for my company
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  #115 (permalink)  
Old 03-25-2010, 08:32 PM
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Re: Sprint HTC Evo 4G

Originally Posted by OMJ View Post
I have the everything messaging share plan w/ the Sprint Data BUSINESS PACK included on each line (retentions deal)...the everything data plan will cost me more, but I gain nothing...oh well

thx, but I already get a 14% discount for my company
I would assume that data pack will work for AT LEAST the 3G data on the Evo, you might have to do something different to support 4G but if you want to PM me about discounts, when the time comes I bet we can figure out something better.
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  #116 (permalink)  
Old 03-25-2010, 09:49 PM
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Re: Sprint HTC Evo 4G

Will SERO work on the EVO? *ducks* j/k :P
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  #117 (permalink)  
Old 03-25-2010, 09:55 PM
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Re: Sprint HTC Evo 4G

Originally Posted by OMJ View Post
would the Everything Messaging plan also apply?

seeing your position w/ Sprint....any hints as to when we'll actually see EVO released?

Just to add to the rumors, Where I work, we have multiple sites which cell companys lease space from us for towers. Today, I ran into the Sprint electrician and asked him about when my area is getting 4G coverage. He did not have a specific time frame for me but he did say " Yeah I heard we were launching that new 4G phone at the end of May." He was also leaning towards sooner that later for the coverage update, citing the Los Angeles area is next for the upgrade. So take it for what its worth.
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  #118 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2010, 01:09 AM
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Re: Sprint HTC Evo 4G


Add-On: I just read your reply again. DO me a favor. Don't try to twist things around. I am stating facts as I see them regarding Sprint, as they pertain to me. You can defend Sprint all you want, but don't Direct certain Innuendos towards me. I don't do that with anyone here, so I'd appreciate if you didn't do it to me.
And there is No other Plan that would give me what I have now for the price I am paying, or even come close, so you may want to give more consideration regarding your quick answers to issues that I am bringing up. So as not to clutter the thread, I'd be happy to discuss these issues further via pm if you so desire.

I read your reply and let me say this. I am not ranting. I am stating facts as they are. 3G to 4G I can understand requiring a 4G plan if one is on a 3G plan, if there is no work around. But with all of the other 3G devices that came out, I should not have to be required to switch plans if my Diamond works fine on it, the other devices should also. Sugar Coating the reasons that Sprint does things does not change the fact that there are most likely work arounds that Sprint does not choose to incorporate.
I have Unlimited Data with my plan. I have 3g with my plan and device. It appears that anytime Sprint comes out with a New Non WinMo Device, they want me to change my plan in order to purchase the new Non WinMo phone. I won't pay 100's or 1000's of dollars more over a 2 year contract period in order to purchase a New Device.
I am confused by your explanation as I don't know what really pertains to me and what does not. If the new devices are 3G EVDO capable, they should work on the Plan I now pay for.
If Sprint requires certain codes for certain devices, than that is something that most likely can be adjusted unless they just want to get Customers off of certain plans because the other Required plans are more Profitable for them.
Don't confuse Rants with Facts.
I have been a Sprint Customer for over 10 Years and have put 1000's of Dollars into their Kitty.
There is something Fundamentally wrong with requiring Customers to change Plans that would cost 1000's of Dollars more than what they are on now, to get less.
Sprint HTC Diamond
Stock ROM v2.00.651.7
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Last edited by Biker1; 03-26-2010 at 01:27 AM.
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  #119 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2010, 01:34 AM
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Re: Sprint HTC Evo 4G

Originally Posted by Biker1 View Post
I have been a Sprint Customer for over 10 Years and have put 1000's of Dollars into their Kitty.
There is something Fundamentally wrong with requiring Customers to change Plans that would cost 1000's of Dollars more than what they are on now, to get less.
I think a kitty is worth putting thousands of dollars into IMO..

That said sprint is just trying to make most out of its money..to them if they can switch 2 people off SERO thats like 1 extra subscriber.

Of course from a SERO perspective it is a huge money saver...it kinda boils down to this...what do you use your phone for.

If you wanna just make calls and other things on the side SERO is perfect and is too cheap to swap.

If you wana download movies and etc and utilize 4G it is another story..

lets use dial-up as an example it costs $10 a month and is great for nayone who just wants internet here and there..but when more is given you pay mroe for broadband..it boils down to what exactly you need and want.

It boils down to what exactly the carrier gives...as it stands it is not enough to get some people to swap others swap for 4G because it is worth it to them...at one point you will probably give up the SERO but the carrier ahs to give enough incentive in your mind to justify the cost.
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  #120 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2010, 02:40 AM
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Re: Sprint HTC Evo 4G

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
I think a kitty is worth putting thousands of dollars into IMO..

That said sprint is just trying to make most out of its money..to them if they can switch 2 people off SERO thats like 1 extra subscriber.

Of course from a SERO perspective it is a huge money saver...it kinda boils down to this...what do you use your phone for.

If you wanna just make calls and other things on the side SERO is perfect and is too cheap to swap.

If you wana download movies and etc and utilize 4G it is another story..

lets use dial-up as an example it costs $10 a month and is great for nayone who just wants internet here and there..but when more is given you pay mroe for broadband..it boils down to what exactly you need and want.

It boils down to what exactly the carrier gives...as it stands it is not enough to get some people to swap others swap for 4G because it is worth it to them...at one point you will probably give up the SERO but the carrier ahs to give enough incentive in your mind to justify the cost.
To clarify, I don't have SERO. I pay over $100 a month for my plan which is the Free & Clear Family Plan.
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