Originally Posted by PhantomApolyon
#2- Any of the "Simply Everything" or "Everything Data" plans will support the EVO at no additional cost because the DATA is a back-end code that can be changed on all the new plans depending on the type of device thats currently active. SO, if you have an old plan that didn't support 4G data....its not magically going to support 4G data, your going to need to change to something that does. EVERY carrier that I have EVER seen/worked for has operated this way and probably will continue to do so for years to come. Just because someone has an old plan that doesn't support 4G data doesn't necessarily mean that there isn't a good alternative plan to suit their needs. If these are the "Draconian Restrictions" that you speak of, your point of view is so skewed that you need to back away and examine the big picture before you buy ANYTHING in the cellular arena regardless of the carrier.
would the Everything Messaging plan also apply?
seeing your position w/ Sprint....any hints as to when we'll actually see EVO released?