I checked out that theme you linked to and it's nice, however I was browsing the site and I think this one looks a little more 'modern': http://forumthemes.com/forums/?styleid=22 Just my 2 cents, but what do I know?
Sorry for my english, I'm from public schooling in America.
My Website PocketEmu.com Current Projects HTC Home Customizer OpMon If you're overwhelmed by the awesomeness of my software and would like to contribute to it's development, drop a little something here. |
When are you updating to vB?
Projects: (SlideSound) (Personal OEMizer (1.4.0 )) (TDial Designer (v1.1.1 )) (TierAutoinstall (1.9)) and more...
HTC Sliding Sound Control Panel replacement. | SprintTV on Mogul? Donations appreciated |
vB is soo awesome--nice Mike! I love all the featuers (especially for moderating--I can give infractions! lol).
hope this helps
Hey Mike love the update vB sure is nice less problems i hope
only thing is the theme we have right now is harsh, so i looked through a couple sites to find some better skins, and if you need us too i'm sure we will all pitch in a couple bucks here and there to buy one. so here are some suggestions Easy Action! get it here fixed demo fluid demo Aerohead get it here fixed demo fluid demo Kirsch get it here fixed demo fluid demo this is the only one that i think isn't free Sleek Passion get it here $30 fixed demo fluid demo and i'm sure the colors can be changed to match the original blue and maybe we can even have a poll to see which one everybody likes
Hey I'm willing to donate time and effort to tweaking themes if you guys decide to change it up....or want to have multiple themes. (I'm kinda partial to multiple themes myself...)
Sprint Affiliate Sr. Technology Specialist
Current Devices: Sprint HTC Hero (Advocate Phone), Sprint Touch Pro 2 (Personal) Previous Devices: Sprint Touch Pro, Verizon VX6800, Sprint PPC-6800, Sprint BlackBerry 8330, Sprint Centro, Sprint PPC-6700, Alltel PPC-6700, XDA Orbit, Sprint Treo 700p |