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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 03-03-2008, 01:48 PM
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Re: PPCGeeks.com FTP Vandalized. Everyones help needed!

Who would want ALL the Mogul and Vogue files? I mean, it is a possibility and I hope that's what happened.

However, there really are people out there with nothing better to do.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 03-03-2008, 01:51 PM
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Re: PPCGeeks.com FTP Vandalized. Everyones help needed!

Yeap who would need all those files? And not take the folder structure......I mean all the folders are still there but someone took there time and deleted all the files only. Odd? I think so...
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 03-03-2008, 02:17 PM
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Re: PPCGeeks.com FTP Vandalized. Everyones help needed!

I'm not sure about allowing them to delete files they uploaded since everyone uses the same account, but you could probably set permissions on the FTP directory (and all subdirectories and files) to disallow deleting and moving. If something needed to be deleted or moved, you could always have the admin account and do it.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 03-03-2008, 02:25 PM
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Re: PPCGeeks.com FTP Vandalized. Everyones help needed!

What in the world?! hearing about this makes me feel enraged... i really want to hope somehow it was an accident, but from how it was described it's not likely.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 03-03-2008, 04:30 PM
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Re: PPCGeeks.com FTP Vandalized. Everyones help needed!

I'd agree with mindfrost. It would be easiest (once it is all uploaded again) to set everything to read only for the public account. Then make an additional account that has full access. The problem then becomes that no one can add to the FTP without going through the admin account. I think the FTP is still on Dreamhost, right Mike? If so, then anonymous FTP is only $3.95/month or $47.40/year. This would allow for an upload only account, that no one can delete from. An admin could move approved stuff into a second folder which is download only. Again, no one could delete stuff. The admin account would be the only on that could make big changes.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 03-03-2008, 08:35 PM
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Re: PPCGeeks.com FTP Vandalized. Everyones help needed!

i think sprint did it or htc did it.... they are aware of this site...
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 03-04-2008, 02:03 PM
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Re: PPCGeeks.com FTP Vandalized. Everyones help needed!

They didn't actually take the folder structures... everything is gone. If you right click and refresh the ftp they're not there. I think OMJ saw it first as when I saw the FTP his were the only files that had started to be uploaded, I put mine there next, but the all the folders had to be remade, at least on the vogue side.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 03-04-2008, 09:33 PM
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Re: PPCGeeks.com FTP Vandalized. Everyones help needed!

Originally Posted by nautica2450 View Post
What in the world?! hearing about this makes me feel enraged... i really want to hope somehow it was an accident, but from how it was described it's not likely.

I totally agree. Horrible that someone would do something like that...I mean COME ON. WTF

I wish I had some of the files to help.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 03-04-2008, 09:40 PM
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Re: PPCGeeks.com FTP Vandalized. Everyones help needed!

Just a reminder, remember to be careful when downloading off a public FTP. We received a tip of a fake file and it is being taken care of, so far it seems harmless, it was just a waste of space.

However, if someone deleted everything, they could also upload harmful content.

Just be careful since someone seems to have nothing better to do than to screw with a community that provides so much for each other.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 03-04-2008, 09:44 PM
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Re: PPCGeeks.com FTP Vandalized. Everyones help needed!

Originally Posted by Pibe38 View Post
Just a reminder, remember to be careful when downloading off a public FTP. We received a tip of a fake file and it is being taken care of, so far it seems harmless, it was just a waste of space.

However, if someone deleted everything, they could also upload harmful content.

Just be careful since someone seems to have nothing better to do than to screw with a community that provides so much for each other.
Word taken and appreciated. good lookin' out and i've seen a post of a thread you shut down earlier, and the original poster on that thread, i had a funny feeling that this was someone trying to come back and scare us.
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