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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 11-03-2009, 09:12 PM
Solange82200's Avatar
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Re: Default Windows dialer with 6.5 ROM?

What do you mean by voice command being disabled? I have it mapped to my main menu key, and sometimes I have to push it a couple of times to get it to start, but to my knowledge it isnt exactly disabled. Let me know what you mean and I will try to help...
Bgill55 CF03 Roms 6.5.1 build 23060 "Neo 2.0 Alpha" v3.2
  #12 (permalink)  
Old 11-04-2009, 06:48 PM
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Re: Default Windows dialer with 6.5 ROM?

Well I am using the 20/20...or Have Eye's ROM...forget exactly. If I got to settings ----> Personal ----> VC, the Enable box is not checked. So I check it to enable it. However, if I were to soft reset the phone (which sometimes happens cus the ROM does freeze occasionally), when I go back to settings and personal and VC, the box is not checked anymore. So I have to manually recheck the box. Not sure why that happens.
  #13 (permalink)  
Old 11-07-2009, 03:26 AM
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Re: Default Windows dialer with 6.5 ROM?

If Im not mistaken, that is just enabling your phone to read out info like the name of incoming calls, etc. Voice Command is an actual program that is seperate from those settings. If you have it set to a hard key (which I think you have to, I dont know of another way of using it since it has no icon), you should see that it will still work whether that setting you mentioned is enabled or not. Someone tell me if Im wrong, that is what I deduced from messing with my phone...
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